Is this thing a pre pubescent boy with abnormal growth spurts or just some sort of mutant
It is not normal to want to look like this
This is a mental disease
What manner of creature is this ?
Andre the Jewess. She has 46 teeth.
Possibly the ugliest human to have ever lived
Second after Lena Dunham.
What about Jewish Supremacy, the real evil?
These people are the best advertising we have.
What the fuck is wrong with her proportions?
>Thing I don't like IS TERRORISM
People are so fucking retarded
Its the "berry my dick" kid all grown up
Body positivity movement
>this is your body on 3000 years of kike inbreeding
That t-shirt is a bit like saying 'Islam is terrorism'. It's simplistic and paints too broad a brush to be taken at all seriously. Sure, people might commit terrorist acts for the cause of white supremacy, but to infer that an entire ideology is simply based on terrorizing others is stupid.
Terrorism is such a vague descriptor (I have a bad neighbour who terrorizes everyone in the street...does that make him a terrorist?) that it's lost all meaning now.
Looks like an intersex.
kohn and her tribe should be kicked out of the country
She's a stereotypical tomboy dyke that works for CNN.
Are lesbians even real?
I wonder