What is your honest thoughts on this

was it staged
>i personally think it was not staged

Other urls found in this thread:


Might not have been staged, but the media definitely went overboard with it. Probably fabricated some "facts" afterwards to further their agenda.

Sandy Hook was probably the most poorly done false flag event of our generation. It's hard to find good information on the conspiracy, but once you do it's really obvious that something's really not right.

there are facts that adam existed..posts by him, his ip in servers

Watch the sofia smallstorm video on it. It's fake as fuck

.....i randomly put on a doc about the possible hoax 10 minutes ago and then this thread pops up

Totally believable that a 90 lb kid brought 300 lbs of guns and ammo into a school that had no security or monitoring, killed 30 people with the aim and efficiency that surpasses navy SEALS, deposited his AR into the trunk of the car from a upper NY inmate's car after blowing off his own head.
Totally believable

My question is why wouldn't they do it?

Same thing happens if you make a 9/11 thread. 10m later a thread (that get's bumped to page 1 immediately) comes up >WERE THE PLANES REAL??

If you think for a second that they're not watching their target audience, you're insane

have you seen pics, he shot through
>he was 112
>and he did not bring 300 pounds of stuff
>he practiced with guns his whole life
>he killed 20 5-6 year olds, not hard
>and then killed 5 teachers

No I do not think it was staged. did they ever figure out the Christmas trees at the firehouse?

Yea didn't he allegedly headshot like 20 people in five minutes or something?

I think (and hope for the sake of the kids) it was staged, however I can't say either way. I just know that there are some weird things around it that didn't add up to put my trust in the official story.

>maybe it's MKULTRA
>Maybe it's Maybelline


SEAL Team members and Delta Force operators are on record saying they couldn't do the same in the same amount of time. :^) Really gets the ol almonds growin

He killed a bunch of little kids. Not fucking difficult.

he attacked 2 first grade classroom..in America if you run it could take around 5 seconds to get to the next classroom

australias sandy hook (port arthur) was probably staged, and it hold a lot of similarities with sandy hook.

>happened at the exact time when gun laws discussion was peaking
>set in a semi rural area to delay media and emergency response time
>blamed on a harmless looking autistic loner
>children killed for maximum impact

Its on record he only ever once shot firearms before at the range with his mother, cuck. try again.

did they mean killing 20 isis members or 6 year ods you fucking mong
>the guy in spain killed 4 isis guys in 15 seconds

>what is practicing in your basement

Nah I don't think it was staged. Honestly it wasn't an impressive feat. He had like 4 minutes was it? To hit 28 (I think it was) targets. I'm not pro school shooting or anything but honestly that's weak sauce.

It doesn't matter if he existed or not, he didn't kill those kids and there was no shooting at the school that day

The speed and efficiency you fucking retard, they said it would take more time to get 26 confirmed even on unarmed targets in different rooms and different positions (running small children are fast and are smaller targets you fucking retard)

There would be evidence of that

I think they used this and that kid as a cover to kidnap the children

is that moot?

so how did other people do similar, vtech, lubys, san ysidro, winniden

Yeah. Totally believable that there was literally only one injury, a turned ankle.
Yeah, shootings are always 100% lethal. Just watch the movies, they'll prove it! Seriously, it's laughable.
How do you discount the lack of evidence? The posts about Soto the day before the shooting? The demolition of the school without research into the event? The 'check in' signs at the staging area prior to the event? The laughing parents?

Brother, I pity you trying to defend this crap

Look at the time they had and they also trained a lot more than cuck boy asperger poster child did.

Small first graders running and yet not a single one that was wounded survived, huh pretty funny huh.

Interesting, and I'm going to test for this in future.

Procedural semi-automated fact correction can't really be done any other way on Sup Forums because of the need for generalization. i.e. suddenly debating about conspiracies in an otherwise non-relevant thread would be a red flag.

What a fucking pussy. Piss on his grace sick fuck. No it wasn't fake, people are fucked up

show me a single picture of a gun shot wound related to this event.

I lost a friend there, it happened. Have respect for the families, please.

pics or didnt happen

This is probably the least thought out comment I've read all day. Congrats.

>Always a reserved man, he had turned into a recluse in the three months before his spree. The World War II veteran was unemployed and lived with his mother. During the war, he was reportedly a brave tank soldier who served in the Battle of the Bulge and kept meticulous notes of every German killed, down to details of the corpse. He was honorably discharged in 1945, and returned home with a collection of medals and firearms. He decorated his bedroom with military items, and set up a target range in his basement. His mother supported him by working at a factory while Howard hung around the house and attended daily church services. He briefly attended a pharmacy course at Temple University in Philadelphia but dropped out after three months.[7]



I've been a paramedic in a major metropolitan area for 9 years, some high profile national news events. Personally, I can't say I've ever seen any actual pictures of wounds on the mainstream media from an event I was involved in.

Hell, even the Boston bombing's worst one was the dude with the bilat amputations.


>Hey mom, ignore the 140db explosions, ridiculous amounts of lead dust, and massive holes in the walls in the basement, I'm just shooting your guns in the basement

Every fucking thread about this subject gets flooded with shills and people who claim either to have lived in Sandy Hook or that they lost a friend like

it's a meme at this point relax lmao

>everybody is a shill

forget injuries, we don't even have any images/video of people being loaded into ambulances.

Boston bombing was also a nigger tier false flag you tard

I'm not saying there isn't a lot of other suspect stuff but rarely are there news crews on scene before we've dipped out. Every time I've been on the local news, it's just all of us standing about because the scene hasn't been released yet or whatever.

Florida was mossad as well

stop being subversive. YOu're a faggot and should kil lyourself ALL OF THESE EVENTS ARE FALSE FLAGS

>EMTs burst into the school
>dozens of kids shot to pieces
>yeah every single one is fucked, lets just leave them here and head home

Yes. My favorite was the faggot who said he pulled a 2 inch bullet from his leg. Then he forgot which leg was shot, two days after lol.

They also did a nightline interview with the worst crisis actor niggerfaggot I've ever seen.


Sandy Hook niggers are seriously just as bad as pitbull moms. They can't accept the fact that maybe a disturbed autist would just shoot up a school because he's a disturbed autist.

But rather than saying:
- Statistically speaking this event was incredibly rare.
- We need to take the subject's mental health into account.
- He stole the gun from his mother.
- The benefits of an armed society outweigh these occasional tragic setbacks.

They say:

- It was fake. Everybody involved was a paid actor and all the "dead" children also performed at the Super Bowl halftime show for some reason.

Definitely makes gun owners look good.

This is a cool channel. Thanks.

Then why didn't his neighbors know who he was?

Dude. You know the megyn kelly interview of alex jones?

The actor said he held his child in his arms with bullet wounds in their body.

The parents were never allowed to see the children. kys.

i am starting to realize that there are bots here, the captcha is to lend credibility

Yes, a 90 lb autistic faggot can totally clear a room by himself by head shotting 12 people in just as many seconds with a level of precision that exceeds even that of Tier 1 military operators. Makes total sense.

Port arthur was 100% done by someone else, bryant didn't kill those people was probably an SAS vietnam vet or ASIS guy who did the shooting who then died from terminal cancer or some shit

Jew detected.


this was in the 40s so i dont fucking know
>maybe neighbors were not faggots back then

Kids are smaller so harder targets

Sandy hook was absolutely staged I could green text like 6 pages of like probabl 30 different things. There are so many inconsistancies and government fuck ups that it was obvious; some being: electric traffic sign saying "everyone must check in", same children being escorted out several times as well as the entire community being replaced and given free houses, charities of the shooting starting before the shooting ever happened.. The list is endless.

Obama was even laughing with U.N. shortly before this saying that he would convince the United States to sign the small arms threaty banning all fire arms so that we'd end up looking like Cuck France on 2015 where 2 sand niggers killed 198 people with illegal AKs.

State patrol officers tried to investigate if it was a hoax and went missing. On top of that I remember cameras rolling too early right before a tearful father interview. He was all laughing and joking say in "so you want me to just read from the card?" Right before he started talking about the deaths while crying like a faggot. I could literally go all fucking day.


>this was in the 40s
The fuck are you talking about?

execution style..some of the kids were hiding in the bathroom at one point..he just sprayed some tiny room and took down like 10

he was literally declared dead the day before the shooting
theres 100000000 other things that prove its fake and a false flag but that first one right there is indisputable and makes arguing about this pointless.


>Sandy hook was absolutely staged I could green text like 6 pages of like probabl 30 different things.
i have time

Oh look a jew arguing with emotion and nothing else

PIzzagate was literally debunked. We can't let Lanza play dominoes on pizza with Skippy

'Practicing' with guns your entire life = shooting at stationary targets that don't move around while you sit on a bench.

Doesn't really prepare you for the real thing dude, even if they were 5 year olds.

Got any channels you like?

Lookup illuminati matrix YouTube channel to it's weird.

I tried to redpill my normie roommate, I simply asked why didn't they preform triage on the kids or teachers , and why didn't we ever see the bodies. His response was legally they aren't allowed to operate on little kids without their parents so they didn't even try, then threatened to stop talking to me if I brought it up again .

u havin a giggle m8


nice paint faggot

No I always forget to save the cool channels I visit. im tarted like that.


wow, makes sense

what a creepy kike

Had pizza protein eyes like Madeline who was taken by molesta podesta. Gets abused as kid. Gets to go to Harvard and suck deep states dick


Can we get some pic's and infograph dumps in this bread

That image.
My sides have achieved orbit

Lol I've come across quite a few that have been lost as well, or sometimes deleted.

I can tell you everything if you want. I called bullshit within the first 3 minutes and have been collecting evidence since. And it's fucking hillarious.

Even in the police interviews, they were saying how it was good practice for if it were to ever happen in real life. There was even an interview with a glass company owner who said the school was abandoned and he was storing his glass there. The YouTube video has since been deleted but it's obvious also when they demolish the entire school be for an investigation. Oh and a state trooper who tried to investigate it went missing.

My roommate was literally sick that day and didn't get shot and his mom won the lottery 33 days later
>guess that's why he can afford out of state tuition

>this was in the 40s so i dont fucking know
Sandy hoax happened in 2012 retard. There are interviews of the lanzas neighbors who don't have a clue who he is. Horrible shilling by (You)

Did you notice how they scrubbed that video of the guy who says something like "hope we get away with this" it was a coroner actor or police. you know what I'm thinking of?


"We were told to prepare for something like this..."

"Hope this all doesn't come crashing down on your heads hurhur."

The short time frame of a scrawny bean pole running through a school with expert aim that would make navy seals shit their pants while completely going ghost right after is actually pretty fucking hard to accomplish. That's like Ryan reynolds level shit right there I'm not even kidding.


i wasnt talking about sandy hook there

No it wouldnt.

yeah you could, my elementary school classrooms were right next to each other

It WAS staged; nobody died. I'm not even trollimg you.

>makes a Sandy hook thread
kill yourself, kike.