What's causing the feminization of American men?
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k-kill it fire??
Soy-based products
Xenoestrogens from plastic food containers
Microbrewed beer (loaded with estrogenics)
Vegetarianism / Veganism
WHY?! Why the fucking raised eyebrow, white eyed spaz face?!?
Why do they all do this shit?
Acting like a duckfaced instagramwhore is the new hunting and gathering.
And by hunting and gathering you mean kneeling and sucking, right?
> Too much confort (Materialism, consumerism)
> Lack of men values (Struggle, heroic approach to life, virtue and so on)
> Soy and Xenoestrogens
> Ginocentric society
> Porn
> Reddit
the food the water the milk the porn the media the plastics the
Makes me want to join the armed forces but I remember I'd probably mentally die in OCS and hope I can help society as a civilian.
seeing bitches attention whore for female attention then they try to do it too.. sad faggots
The chemicals in the water and foods. There are estrogen mimickers and estrogen promoters that are making NuMales faggier.
Add in a dash of muh group mentality that is common today with communism being pushed and you get Generation Cuck.
t. InfoWars, so you know it's true.
Soy lattes
the mainstream culture is trending towards feminization.
Samantha Bee and Buzzfeed Youtbe videos
chemicals in the water turning our males nu
Alex Jones called it years ago, xenoestrogen in plastics leeching into the water and making it through 99% of civic water systems and purification systems.
Slide threads.
Having nurturing instincts isn't an inherently feminine trait. Babies wouldn't have worked as well as they did if men didn't find them cute enough to overcome their crying.
I mean come on, look at how cute this baby is :3
Best part is that at the time he was mocked by everyone for that "turning the frogs gay", including Colbert and Liebowitz, but is now completely vindicated.
I can't even grow a badass beard and these nu males are getting all the ladies despite the fact I am more of a man than they will ever be. I wish the beard=sexy trend will just fuck off. Give me a chance, beards are for losers and lazy people who can't be fucked shaving.
The real Alex Jones is dead.
>tfw blessed by ancestors and genetics and have a big blonde beard
Yeah, but Ausfag, they make a mockery of the beard.
Facial hair used to mean something. Now you see someone with facial hair well-kept of any sort and theres a 50/50 chance they're a massive fucking faggot.
What's a good starting place to find info on Xenoestrogens?
This insensitive racist bigoted cunt! How dare he appropriate black slave culture! Does he think black people really enjoy eating brown rice?? Fucking nazi turkey dick eating bitch
Right, and we're all supposed to buy his water filters so we don't turn into gay frog men.
He seems like he might be a good dad though. Better than many.
Any official looking references at the bottom of this page.
I'm sure they don't work either, never said he wasn't a salesman.
And it's not just a memepost. All mass-media is in their control, in the control of just a few companies and they happen to have Jews in charge of them. The media has been pushing particular stereotypes of men and setting up new standards of a weakened masculinity by setting up these types as heroes to be looked up to. Add to that video game culture, marxist rhetoric, egalitarian feminist nonsense, and the constant framing of masculinity and violence as "toxic" -- etc-- and you have a perfect concoction for a society of non-threatening nu-males.
Look up the Kalergi plan. They've wanted to "breed the war strains" out of Europeans. They've succeeded.
sucking their wife's boyfriends dick.
It's xenoestrogens, but it's also how they were raised and conditioned in school and by TV. Four years ago i attended an American school on exchange, and it got very surprised on how they acted. It was like it wasn't allowed to be a boy, you got shunned if you thought something different than what the TV told you.
This guy explains it good from a Swedish perspective:
Yeah, all those white people in media are playing along because they're forced to! And they can't tell you, under penalty of death!
For every evil jew in power there are literally hundreds of complicit whites.
>muh master race
I think he meant Spider-Man uncle Ben you know the guy that died.
Just sigh.
Not refuting you, man. But I just wish the Jews would leave us the fuck alone. Most folks just want to live their own fucking lives, not control others for muh shekels.
>Soy-based products
>Xenoestrogens from plastic food containers
>Microbrewed beer (loaded with estrogenics)
>Vegetarianism / Veganism
>not 50+ years of nonstop jewish propaganda
Good goy.
But I'd like to add that the fact that no one points and laughs at them is a big factor as well. I'm an asshole so I tend to be pretty brutal to these faggots, They are invariably stunned and act as if this has never happened to them before. Anons, make it a weekly ritual to point and laugh, i mean what are these faggots going to do? Challenge you to a slap fight through their tears?
soy and women only giving out pussy to nigs.
I blame it on women saying feminine men are cute. Pic related is a guy I work with hes such a girl.
>Microbrewed beer
is it really worse than regular, these faggots love ioa as i understand which is like 89% of hops
hops being the phytoestrogen source
if i want to have a beeer or two every once in a while what would be the safest?
estrogen in the milk. it's making your dicks smaller too
he should
I've worn a beard since bush was in office and I wish it would go back too. There is nothing worse than having a fag compliment me on my 'sweet . Tattoos as well, I long for the days when they were for criminals and scumbags.
Hm. Yeah. I approve of this edit.
idk but my typical response to them is
"Were you molested as a kid?"
(((Social media))) has allowed omegas to pretend that they are worth something without trying too hard. The day there are no leftist women that give these fags a social media like is the day this shit goes away.
Don't forget zero tolerance policies in schools, some faggots need a few ass kickings to become tolerable members of society.
>Yeah, all those white people in media are playing along because they're forced to!
Nobody said that. You're strawmanning out of denial.
Also, a good number of them are "forced" in a way. If they don't go along with the top-down establishment agenda, their livelihoods are on the line. Think about the incredible social pressure in places like Silicon Valley and Hollywood. The James Damore stuff is relevant here.
>For every evil jew in power there are literally hundreds of complicit whites.
Yes. The difference is that the Jew is the one signing their paychecks.
Imagine being this guy holy shit he's so ugly
The inherent disposability of males is exaggerated in a society where women outsource provider duties to the state instead of finding a mate. This makes even more men's life aimless and void of meaning (they were always worthless btw, it's just that until recently there was an illusion of purpose for all men). Therefore then have to effectively become women in a social context to fit into the group.
The irony is that each individual woman is dependent on more males than any point in history, by orders of magnitude. It's just that the responsibility is diffused among billions of men instead of one father or husband,
Just get some tribulus terrestris if you are worried about exogenous estrogens.
Chemicals in the water, heavy metals in vaccines, estrogen in milk, xenoeestrogens in soy, plastic, some beer, chemicals in food , feminized society.
That and the feminization of our systems to "help women." Cause I guess women are so fucking useless without being handed everything and shown they can do it they wont do shit.
t. our education system being overhauled for girls
fun fact: It didn't even help girls that much, it just hindered boys A LOT.
Wrong. One life is worth more than a dead ass nigga.
I'm thinking on getting a water filter. The water is pretty clean here, but i read that most of our water contains bits of microplastic. How does such a filter work, does it filter chemicals and "sterilize" the water? What kind of filter system should i be looking at?
This shit isn't news or new.
Donkey gets it
They think using chick tactics to get likes on social media = getting pussy.
Just buy a watermaker like they use on boats.
its just a fad.
My parents had a reverse osmosis system installed when i was a kid, i believe that filters chems, but do some research instead of taking my word.
Absolutely pig disgusting mystery meat. Sometimes I fear I will trapped alone unless I am willing to date this sort of lower man.
feminism, political correctness, removal of Christian doctrine from society and poor parenting
chinese cartoons and porn
That will at least cost 1-2k$ here.
Looks good, i'll have a look.
i use a distiller
>You're strawmanning out of denial.
No, I'm using hyperbole to emphasize the idiocy of your ramblings.
>The difference is that the Jew is the one signing their paychecks.
Oh, cool, it's only gay for the bottom, right? I don't have to explain this one to you, do I?
At the very fucking least you have to admit that the white race is just as responsible for its demise as the jews you implicate so surely.
> their livelihoods are on the line
OH NO! You mean they won't be able to live off of a six-seven figure income for a few years if they grow a fucking backbone? I saved up for two years and quit on less. If they're keeping quiet for a paycheck, they're sellouts.
Face it. By your own logic, your master race is a race of ignorant cucks.
In truth, it's not a fucking conspiracy, it's morons on the left who really believe that they're doing good for someone. Including most of the jews you implicate.
yeah but he pretty tho.
you clearly are an ugly triggered NEET
Rofl he is the opposite of pretty.
Women as women are what causes men to be more feminine and more like women as they have removed the men from the home and from the child's life with feminism.
If you take women's rights away then all of a sudden men will be less feminized as men are the ones influencing the sons not women.
Also alot of actual men are fucking locked behind behind bars while numales roam free. The truth is alot of prisoners are far more alpha (or what i call asshole) then numales are today.
I honestly dont even know what race he is.
You are! You stupid bitch!!!
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
kek you lot are bitter, no surprise really.
Getting tired of this bullshit argument.
Men have never been more badass than they are today.
Our soldiers are better.
Our athletes are breaking records every year.
Our pornstars are fit, handsome, and make women squirt on demand.
Face it, your grandpa's generation were a bunch of malnourished fags in comparison. So what if most of us would suck a feminine penis; traps aren't gay.
but terminal redux is a masterpiece and everything else posted is shit
even oldschool thrashers with warvests like vektor
fucking Sup Forums man
Pic very related
Why would I be bitter about some guy I don't even know? He has poor features, I will appreciate a good looking man any day (no homo), but he is not one of them.
yeah right name one then.
It's a fucking meme.
These guys didn't magically turn from manly men into cucks when they started drinking craft beers when they turned 21 (underage drinkers don't drink expensive craft beers they drink cheap shit beers because they're broke kids), they were faggy kids, who grew into faggy teenagers, who grew into faggy adults.
it was merely suggested, the only mention of it in official docs is 1 line from a memo
>It's your own fault for listening to me goy!
Jew detected.
> Men have never been more badass than they are today.
> So what if most of us would suck a feminine penis; traps aren't gay.
>using hyperbole to emphasize the idiocy of your ramblings
In other words, strawmanning, you ignorant twat.
>At the very fucking least you have to admit that the white race is just as responsible
Of course it is. The white race has been trained to attack itself for most of history, since it never had any actual fears of any other races. Now it's come to bite them in the ass in the form of birth rates, global population demographics, and manufactured "white guilt." Throw in Christianity, which makes suffering a virtue, and you have a recipe for going extinct.
>master race is a race of ignorant cucks.
Pretty much. Until the baizuo learn the hard way that nobody else will fight for them if they won't, they will lead to the death of the white race.
It's pretty much set in stone, unless something crazy happens.
Seriously. Fuck off with the craft beer hating. Not every craft beer is a fucking IPA faggots. No way in hell I am drinking shit like bud. Andygators all the way.
haha you think what makes a man is determined by becoming and not being?
UH OH FAG ALERT! yea you go suck a fem penis you sick fucking queer homo and shove a base ball bat up your ass while your at it
Jews jews where are you
Go to camp you filthy jew
They run the banks
Run them over with our tanks
Jewish bodies fill the mass
Take them out with the gas
All the kikes are wretched trash
While all they do is steal our cash
In the media youll find jews
Lying always on the news
Filling heads with depravid thoughts
Oh how i pray for holocaust