asking for a friend
Can i say "faggot" on here?
OP is a Faggot.
Yep looks like you can
>asking for a friend
But you have no friends.
>hey mom can I say fuck???
Of course you can you faggot fucking nigger kike slut.
no, you fag
say it eternally against yourself because Sup Forums is a christian board and in terms of God you are always wrong
you can say whatever you want here friendo
it's what makes Sup Forums such a magical place
No, you may not!
I'm going to report you!
Do it! I am behind like 0 proxies
Hitler did nothing wrong.
No faggot you need to get your card first.
I hate black people.
Don't listen to these faggots, poof... you need to buy a Gold Pass
Faggots will hang on DOTR
There you go you can say it, faggot
Not anymore. You could only get the Gold Pass for pre-ordering Sup Forums back in 2001.
>saying the f word
As long as you don't dab or enjoy BLACKED
This is a CHRISTIAN server
no Swearing!
No only you're not allowed to say faggot, faggot. Enjoy your lifetime ban faggot.
"Kasich" or "Rubio" would be the more politically-correct terms, but whatever floats your boat.