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She deserves the death penalty. At least. I would even recommend torture.

>Yet another Hillary conspiracy theory
The guy shot himself three times, he was obviously depressed because he was a fucking failure.

she deserves confinement on public display.

How could anyone shoot themselves three times?


This is old news faggot.


oh wow what a surprise


> conspiracy

Not 1 ounce of proof from you retarded Alex Jones sheep. Show me one tiny little bit of proof of all this shit you idiots always accuse hillary of. Oh wait, you can't. It's all horseshit. You simply hate her because shes a woman. Just fucking admit it already, you worthless inbred idiots.

>investigating Hilldawg
>commits suicide
>by shooting self multiple times

Checks out.

Depression doesn't make you pull the trigger two more times after aiming a gun at your head, or any vital part of your body for that matter.

Fake and gay.

Somehow, Hillary is both the most menacing character in the history of man, capable of getting away with literal assassinations and murder, and yet at the same time, she is the most incompetent person on the planet, not capable of running the country. Choose one, just one, it can't be both.

Pistol with burst setting

Pulitzer pride winning writer, works at Wall st Journal, dies in July 2017
>not one iota of info on autopsy or cause of death
>we’re in September when they take max 6 weeks to do an autopsy

Remember Sup Forums - we saved the human race by keeping her out of the White House. Who would have thought a bunch of goys on a mongolian throat singing BBS could change history.


What if competent people don't need to constantly murder people to cover for their crimes?


Can someone post the picture of all the "Sucides" tat have happened to peopel who investigate or know something about her

Must have been an AR15 rifle. Time to ban those.

Newfag. I bet you don't even know why they call it the Xbox 360.

She's just the puppet.

Woefully outdated.

Checked and kekd

How is her assassin, and how do I contact him?


Anotha one bites the dust...

i guarantee trump had people whacked when he was doing casino stuff in atlantic city

Who knew that when watching Prison Break that the bad guys whom they called "the company" were actually the Clintons and the Democrats.


Some information beyond a claim on an anonymous forum may persuade me.

You know, like the news story that started this thread?

Wtf this has to stop

I guarantee that you are a Faggot.
>Makes a statement like that without bodies


fuck off upsidedownland, your politics aren't even real

>No proof.

Ov vey, not again.


Maybe just maybe, but if he is, at least he is good at it.

Aww did I hurt the Burgers feelings :(


burst-fire glock rush b cyka blyat


>MFW wall street niggers genocide themselves



What the fuck.

Did you know the entire DNC dress up as furries and have sex with farm animals? I garauntee it's true.

jesus h fucking christ, SHE CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT


yes I can

>literal UN investigator dead
>no one gives a shit

Some WSJ nobody isn't going to have anyone bat an eye

That depends.

The only good journalist is a dead journalist

Because the deep state kills all the good ones.

>The Clintons bow to the Rothschilds


As I recall, she used the word "penance". Nothing to see here


Hahaha..haha...ha wew lad

alright retards listen up, heres a verrit api I wrote for posting comments. shit up the site with this story. github.com/anon672395723985/Verrit/tree/master

Nice yung jake

He REALLY hated himself.





Pure coincidence, high profile reporters drop dead like fly's every day.

Wait, isn't this guy on Fox every weekend? Damn, shit's getting crazy.

Story broke in July and no signs of trauma. Fucking schizo.


Haha stop being paranoid it's too bad /ourgirl/ didn't win these accusations are baseless.

What's the death toll now? I'm not keeping up cuz I thought she would be in jail anyway.



who did this lol

One of them no longer can.

look barbie shrimp, stick to porn bans and supporting the great cheeto from afar

Here's a partial listing of the "convenient" deaths that the Clintons benefitted by. It needs updating; it is missing a few deaths.

One last jakebump

Owner showing off one of her favorite trick ponies. You can tell who's in charge because she is pointing at the camera.

>Depression doesn't make you pull the trigger two more times after aiming a gun at your head

sure it can. you want to make sure you finish the job instead of ending up as a vegetable

Even if you're a wikishill, at some point you gotta say, fuck it.

the ones we know about - in the 50's I think

Total number related to just the clintons? Probably hundreds.

Total number murdered in the US by extra-judicial, non-government NKVD-style "police"? Probably in the low thousands over the last 60 years.

streamfags are still fags

She literally keeps getting away with it.

>recently won the Pulizer Prize, and is described as full of life

go back to retarddit, faggot.
your posts and others like you are ruining this board.

trump is protecting her still to this day
remember "lock her up"? -- well, any day now faggot

Dude, so close to that get

clinton knows she can do whatever she wants, she has more money than trump at this point

Where's the proof he was investigating Hillary? I want that bitch dead but I won't believe something just because I wish it were true.

She's going to die of natural causes before we get to see her executed for her crimes.

thank you user

Refernce to Gary Webb who the gvt says commited suicide by shootting himself twice in the head

He exposed CIA niggers in Iran Contra weapons/drugs dealing under Regan, paying Iran to relase the hostages


youre fucking dumb. do they use sarcasm on retarddit? or is it a completely new concept to you?

>what if I was a baller
>what if I was a little bit taller
>what if I had a rabbit in a hat
>what if I had a girl that looked good
>I would call her


Seth Rich bump

Has she done her penance yet?