Hey Ruskies, how does it feel to live under a dictator?
Hey Ruskies, how does it feel to live under a dictator?
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Just like tumptards, they like daddy's cock in their asses.
eet feels as eef my warm und welkoming rektum ees wait for hees throbbing palsating ckk make me harny.
As a Russian proverb says, "it's either you who's fucking, or it's you who's being fucked"
And again, "the first time doesn't count".
Better than the only time they didn't live under one, in the 90s.
Just like libshits, with their xirlfriends rubber cock in theirs
>immediately post-communism transition time is how Russian would be tody without dictatorship
because every other ex-Eastern Block country is still like the 90's, right?
kys, fucking retard
Sure beats living in a (((Yroppor Democracee))))
(Although us being a dictatorship is a purely meme of western propaganda to villify us and justify thr "le enemy" narrative)
One look after the (((((western democratic leaders)))) an I cringe to hear death
Phisically repulsive feeble cowards
As someone said
The good thing about out country is that we don't feel shame for our leader
There are only three leadersin the world that embody the patriarch king archetype
Trump, Duterte and Putin
Hello fellow citizen, how does it feel to live under an oligarchy with the bells and whistles of a democracy?
>google new america foundation anti monopoly fiasco, etc. etc.
Have you seen how many ethnicities and neighbours that russia has specially in asian part. Do you think that there are real democracies in some of those stan countries?
you're basically talking about rule of law
it could be enforced everywhere if there was political will, right now the ex-KGB elite ruling Russia only cares about control and enriching themselves
people like that should never be in charge, at least they should be directed and restrained by a political class like it was even during USSR
Jew puppet
China puppet
Jew puppet
[Baseless assertion]: The post
No one restrained Stalin and probably kept some bastards in check including in death. Those people that they conquered are now joke compared to some native americans. They literally made hell on Russia, they will continue to do it again accelerated by the revenue from Petro-Islam countries. It's a gunpowder barrel ready to blow up.
>The people russians conquered...colonised are no joke
I dont know
stalin was not a secret service dog without a leash, he actually had an ideology and lead his country somewhere even if extremely brutally
if you think stalin is relevant then Germany should never elect a right-wing leader and invite more refugees to avoid another catastrophe killing 70 million people
Feels bretty good. I am 29 and have my own business. I don't have to work every day and be a wage slave. All I do is travel, play vidya and lift weights. Comfiest life ever
>does all in his power to benefit israel
>“With that, in this venue, your honors, in this venue, I announce my separation from the UnitedStates,” Duterte said to applause. “I have separated from them. So I will be dependent on you [China] for all time. But do not worry. We will also help as you help us.”
Controlled by jews and corrupt oligarchs.
>Stalin had a leash on him
I suppose that there is an American geopolitical flag behind that post I suppose
Trump is very clearly a puppet to the American oligarchy, just like Obama was.
They both have _some_ ideas of their own - opposite of one another - but only in the areas where their Jew masters allow them.
I don't know about Duterte or Philipine/China relations.
Putin is subservient to the Russian oligarchs with some ideas of his own. I don't know if Russia is a Jew nation like the US though.
Climate in Moscow sucks, I must add. Next year I am going to move to Philippines an live there for some time. It was like three weeks of hot summer weather here and now it is cold again. That's just depressing.
>t. Retarded nu-liberal
Russia needs an autocrat. It's how their society has always worked best for them.
As a Desert fag I wish I lived in weather like Moscow
stalin was not NKVD, retard
stalin is also as relevant to russia today like Hitler is to germany, retard
So.. pretty relevant?
>best for them.
you don't know anything, uneducated fat moron
>be Putin
>become President of Russia
>restore nationwide trust in the government
>begin massive economic recovery
>restore Russian military
>preside over massive boom in Russian quality of life
>reverse population shrinking
>grow Russian GDP by over 300% (up to 500%? i can't remember the exact numbers)
>make Russia a global power once again
>maintain Russian cultural and religious traditions amid the worldwide onslaught of godless communists trying to tear down traditional institutions
>but muh dictator
please fucking eat shit and promptly kill yourself
Putin is a FANTASTIC leader
why do you post when you're so fucking dumb? fuck off from here, subhuman trash
Putin is a more legitimate leader than Trump, Obama or slick Will, at least he knows how to actually win a war on terror
>t. Retard who doesn't know Russian history
I wouldn't know, the guy we have now can't dictate even a chechen gangster
>be Putin
>oil price goes up
>russia a bit less bad, but still a stagnating shithole
I get a week of "cold" weather in Houston Texas and the rest of the time its humid and hot
Fucking sucks. Commies never died after the collapse of USSR, in fact they multiplied in numbers and made people hate "free market" even more than before. What's worse is that our fucking (((KGB))) is turning USA into a shithole similar to Russia, so now if we want to flee our country for a better future, we have way less options.
Fucking commies. We need a genocide here in Russia, to clean our nation from commies. What's also needed is to clean it from 666 types of shitskins that are entitled to a bunch of shit and who commit as much crime as niggers do in the US.
Leveling Chechnya to ashes and building monuments to Budanov (tank commander who killed chechen scum) would be a great step towards restoration of white identity in Russia. Pic related is him.
it's not a bug, it's a feature
Kadyrov does all the dirty work intimidating and killing while Putin can deny involvement
Im getting fat on local farm food. Anyone who said "le russians are starving" is a retard.
>brags about not starving
things are sure going well
I would so sleep with him. Seriously.
Why? You don't have to buy winter clothes. Don't have to change tires on your car. Living in hot climate is much more convenient I think.
The guy organized pro-islamic brothers rally protesting against russia vote and supporting actions to myammar country. It is the proof There is no nation or nationalism under islam.
Not if your genes actively resist any temperatures above 15 Celsius.
t. desertfag