Terrorism doesn't work

So why is there still terrorism, if it doesn't actually accomplish anything for the terrorists?

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Same reason why there is modern feminism while not accomplishing anything, for attention.

why don't the Muslim terrorists attack any Jews?

There are Jewish synagogues, Hebrew-language schools, private Jewish schools, Jewish community centers, Jewish politicians who back Israel, and so on.

Yet the terrorists choose to attack people at random, or little girls at a music concert. This doesn't achieve anything other than convincing the European public that Muslims are awful and have no place in Europe.

Meanwhile, Israel wants to destroy all its Muslim neighbors and to do so it needs the support of America and its European allies. It needs to be morally justified to do what it is doing. And, if it wants to get rid of Iran eventually, it needs to frame Iran as the world's greatest exporter of terrorism.

But who let in the muslim hordes to begin with? Would America, or Europe, even HAVE a muslim terror problem, if it didn't have a JEWISH problem?

Really activates those almonds, doesn't it?

Same reason niggers scream for reparations. It takes their minds off the problems they've inflicted on themselves.

because they LITERALLY think that allah is their god and momo is his messenger.
most terrorists see themselves as sinners in the eyes of allah to begin with. christcucks have jebus to save them from an eternity in hell. dirka dirkas have no such person, they can only stay out of hell due to low sins, good works, and belief in allah, but they have no gauge on how much sin is acceptable to allah. jihad/suicide bombing/terrorism according to the quran, hadith, etc.overrides all sins they committed before they committed their terrorist act. thats why they do it, as a last resort.

Before the age of dirka dirkas there were commies terrorists like RAF. THere have been terrorists since anarchist bombers in the early 1900s. Why do people do terror if it never actually gets them what they want?

Look up the average IQ of the country terrorists tend to come from. You have to be at least that retarded to ride.

Same reason niggers commit crime. They literally don't know what else to do.

It does work.

It creates a distrust of muslims isolating them from support networks and integration.

Terror isn't about converting you, it about making them the other. And it works.

Because sandniggers are too stupid to think up new tactics.

sweetie look at how terrorism has worked to divide countrymen

Lol but it does, your governments tighten the noose around your necks with each attack, while they kiss our feet and feed our children.

islam did a good job of weaponizing their personal frustrations.
if that's true why are muslim terrorists better educated than general american population?

Why is there still Sup Forums, if it doesn't accomplish anything for the NEETs?

I'm talking about terrorist motivations. Why would anyone be motivated to do it since it doesn't get them what they want?

if you kill them, they die

>So why is there still terrorism, if it doesn't actually accomplish anything for the terrorists?
People who believe in utopian fantasies have no concern about their actions, if they believe those actions are in service of utopia. Basically Pacal's Wager.

>muslim terrorists better educated than general american population
just the 9/11 ones were. Most don't even have elementary education.

>Terrorism doesn't work
>Islamists terrorize
>The west slowly capitulates to their interests because they're terrified
It's almost like terrorism actually does work or something. Really gets my noggin joggin'.

>The west slowly capitulates to their interests
You mean like how we abandoned Israel and built them a Caliphate because we were sick of airplanes flying into buildings?

Because stupid people destroy everything around them even if it doesn't benefit them in any sorts of way.

Here's one without the fake CGI blood.

Crisis Actors should be hanged outside their Mason lodges.

violent people want to do violent things. terrorism is not the result of people trying to get something - it's the justification of people who want to do something.

you will notice that terror attacks are not usually political, insofar as terrorists who hate 'the west' don't try and kill western leaders, preferring to attack the public, generally in their home town.

>CGI blood
The only place this image exists is on Sup Forums. Every other image anywhere on the internet has the blood. Makes you think. What kind of psyop are the terrorism denialists working for?
>terrorism never happens its all crisis actors
What kind of psyop does that message serve?

one word: hate. plain and simple.

wow sexist much? i'm a girl, this is messed up to say.

>im a girl
Shut the fuck up, your opinion doesn't matter.

>fake CGI blood
Fucking schizo tinfags stay on youtu.be/TJcCectCGLY

sorry, sweetie- anonymous words don't mean anything to me.

*sips tea*

>doesn't work
But it does?
You don't think the kind of society we have today wasn't caused without terrorism and our government responding to it
People are not only afraid to criticize Islam but they support Islam and cover for its groups attacks
Netherlands, UK and Sweden have literal Islamic parties with seats in government
Swedens party got in trouble again for its member refusing to shake a Swede female ministers hand
Violence works
IRA has gotten everything it wanted in Northern Ireland

probaly bait but modern feminism doesnt accomplish anything it doesnt realy help woman they got to vote long time ago but we have gotten to a point that feminists dont have anything actualy important to do so things like antifa are created and since there made of women and men brainwashed by women there to dumb to realize how futile it is

>People are not only afraid to criticize Islam but they support Islam and cover for its groups attacks
But you think that's a result of terrorism, not leftist brainwash? How come Israel or China haven't givern muslims terrorists more of what they want? It only happens in the west.

wow it's almost like we're liberal societies and Israel is fascist and China is communist or something


You're just repeating what I said without answering the question: maybe there's something intrinsic to our society the makes us act that way, and terrorism isn't the cause, ie, leftist brainwashing.

I thought you were implying terrorism "works".

No, I'm saying the opposite. The user I replied to said it works because we cuck to it, but I think we cuck to it because leftists were already brainwashing people to self-hate, oikophobia, white guilt, and third worldism to believe that everything the third world does to us we deserve because we oppressed them. We had that cancer before Islamic terrorism though, way back even in Vietnam.

They do, you retard.

the regular treads on this board and the fact that trump got elected uis proof that terrorism works. You cucks are terrified.

My apologies.

woman detected

compare the civil liberties you had in the UK pre 9/11 and now and tell me again that terrorism doesn't work

allahu akbar
allahu akbar

Thus, terrorism is best used as an excuse to limit personal freedom rather than promoting whatever ideology it was meant to promote?

>Terrorism doesn't work

Who told you that garbage? The war on terror is over. Terror won.

In a muslim's mind, if he is killing infidels he is achieving something.

You(we) are the enemy culture to the real muslims(the salafi terrorists-all others are imposters or useful idiots)

How would the enemy not rejoice in the erosion of the personal freedoms enjoyed by members of Western Civilization???Indeed, this is their goal. The Muslims fight the long war, while we fight the short one. Their ideology is more strong than ours, and they will overcome, if not in my generation; than in your son's, and they will enslave your grandson

>So why is there still terrorism, if it doesn't actually accomplish anything for the terrorists?
Who says it doesn't work.
a) muslims attack someone b) the "moderate" muslims ask for further installment of sharia law, less critique of muslims and further censorship of anyone who disagrees with them. Seems that it's working just fine for the muslims. If you're surprised they do it on purpose like that it's becauase you haven't read the islamic texts where among other things muhammad says that he has become triumphant through terror. Bukhari 4:52:220
Also did you know that muhammad actually started out as a "refugee" cause he was kicked out for being a prick and then ended up killing the ones who let him in.

>Their ideology is more strong than ours, and they will overcome, if not in my generation; than in your son's, and they will enslave your grandson
Classic leaf, you make trudeau proud.

Maybe you should start asking yourselves that question. Most of this board wants to kill liberals and minorities. You worship Anders Breivik, and when that car ran over people in Chancellorsville there were tons of "vroom vroom" posts.

Ther'es not "strenght" in the muslim world, the only thing they're really good at is being unnecessarily brutal to people and try to scare and intimidate. They are lazy and don't know their ass from their elbow when it comes to running a society, and are even horribly incompetent as warriors eventhough that's all they seem to want to do. Don't take it from me. Qaradawi which is a pro jihadi calls them lazy idiots essentially, which he is frustrated with. youtube.com/watch?v=i0K7A_V7XHQ
Muslims aren't strong, the moment the west stop making concessions to muslim immigrants is the moment terror starts increasing because it's related to that. It's a two component attack. The real war is being waged by the "moderate muslims" to undermine western principles in western nations and replace them with muslim principles. But if we shut down 10 mosques and deport 10.000 muslims for every terror attack, and keep doubling it up till the attacks either stop or that there are no more muslims in the west, then soon we will have our peaceful societies back, and they can do whatever it is the fuck they want to do in theirs.

Nice bait, CIA.

>Charlottesville didn't accomplish it's goal of exposing and shutting down antifa

>Maybe you should start asking yourselves that question. Most of this board wants to kill liberals and minorities. You worship Anders Breivik, and when that car ran over people in Chancellorsville there were tons of "vroom vroom" posts.
This board is very cruel like that and filled with edgelords, yet you can find one case where this was enacted. In islam jihaad is organized and done on purpose, for 1400 years muslims constantly laid siege against and enslaved eastern europe and also spain. They attacked the christians, buddhist, hindu, zoroastrians and many others unprovoked, they even managed to declare war against the US eventhough it had a massive sea between them and it, called the barbary pirate wars. When they enquired the ambassador of tripoli why they declared war against a nation who had done nothing bad to them, they responded very honestly that it was the will of allah that they should fight the infidel till they either are conquered or are converted to islam. This is why in the US marine corp hymn it says "From the Halls of Montezuma, to the Shores of Tripoli"

Since 2001 there has been 31.711 muslim terror attacks globally in 30+ nations in the globe. Oh btw. september 11th is an important date in the islamic calendar, the last unprovoked siege against christian europe during the caliphates happened on 1683 september 10-11th called the battle of vienna which is in austria, that's how far muslims invaded into europe continously and unprovoked.
Vid related is what the muslims did to lebanese christians who let muslims in as refugees. youtube.com/watch?v=4gc-z52ysRk

James Fields did nothing wrong.
She wasn't hit by the car.


Riddle me this: Why would there be Jews during a Christmas market?

It makes people join them and creates great propaganda for factions.

Tits or gtfo

Why do leftists love protesting in the streets, while completely ignorant of why and what it will accomplish?

Why do Blacks in America, UK, Europe and lately the St Martin island, smash up their local stores and buildings during chimp outs?

It's the bell curve.

Muslim terrorists want to kill people. They are succeeding.

Part and motherfucking parcel.

>Part and motherfucking parcel.
What happened to christian lebanon is what's on the trajectory to happen in europe. Even down to how the lebanese let the muslims in as "refugees" who then coldbloodedly declared a civil war against the lebanese christians when they had become a minority in their own country. And laughed at the leftists who said "you can't kill us, we are on your side". And said they were infidels just like the others, when they came to kill them.
youtube.com/watch?v=-54P02dUd_E Really a must watch video.