Do they even try with this fake shit?

It's pathetic that the media tries to slide these occurrences to the masses like it's totally believable. In this case, it is literally about trying to bait people into hating a group of blacks, because they "went to far". Problem is, it's is completely fake. The precious white girls were all in on it too as well as the blacks.

Why are they so stupid.

Other urls found in this thread:


what the fuck am i even looking at? what's the story, what are you arguing, etc.


Some nigga forced teen cheerleaders into the splits and the girls tore muscles and ligaments from it.

this is old news. you are trying to create a slide. shage.

>dumb ass coach peer pressures cheer leader into doing splits. desroys her groin muscles and tendons. fellow brain dead bimbos help.

It's a Jew shill thread. They call threads like this "brain shock" or equally stupid names. They're designed to completely disrupt conversation on the board by making people here appear utterly insane.

what if pyramids were used for safety during a worldwide flood?

all here
it appears she is being "cyber bullied" because of it. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that's not how you win HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

you can see it on her face, it's bs insincere
looks like she is having sooo much fun
is this a new challenge or something?

Post proof next time, spear chucker. Sage.

it's fake. ever heard of acting. you have probably heard of crisis acting, this is no different. How the fuck can't she atleast break away from that?

im suppose to also believe she can't break out of that too then huh? lol kys

There's 4 wild animals sitting on top of her and she's like 13 of course she can't break out retard. Still saging.

>muh slides n shit

If you like anime you literally must end your life immediately like holy fuck

why would you risk your career, by filming this? oh wait...

found the newfag kys

>sees an EU flag next to name
>not surprised he makes this out to be racism

Virgin degenerate detected. Why don't you get out of the basement and meet 3D women.

These slides will not stop us.

you prefer manga or somethin? u sound angry

lol @ this unironic autism. bump :^)
>inb4 i was only pretending xDDD

You're fake dude this was literally at my high school (don't go there anymore obviously)
The negroid coach was fired and I hope mendelsBERG the principal gets fired too.

Why do you want to believe this was fake? If it was white girls doing it to a black girl they would be charged with a federal hate crime and already be in juvie.


nothing wrong with good anime like GITS and Cowboy bebop etc, there are some really good ones

It's pathetic that you would attempt to downplay how niggers behave and act like the media is pushing anti-nigger stiff when in reality the media hides the fact that niggers are savages