Syria General /sg/ - Retreating Where? Edition



>Newest Interviews with Assad

>Live MAPS

>Fan maps

>DeZ Sep9
>Central Syria Sep 5
>Aqribat Sep 3
>Raqqa Aug 31
>Dara'a Aug 20
>E Ghouta Aug 11

Developments Sep9
SAA lifts 9 month siege on DeZ airport
SDF seize 4 villages from IS,in race to DeZ
SAA liberates Al-Malha town on Sukhnah-DeZ Highway
SAA wants to cross Euphrates to end US expansion
>Golan Heights:SAA reverse HTS gains near al-Hader
>Hama/Homs pocket:SAA liberates Mashirfah Janoubyah, Rasm al-Sabaa & Mazare al-Saiyad
>E Ghouta:SAA & JAI agree to new prisoner swap, 15 fighters freed from both sides
>E Ghouta:Failaq Al-Rahman detonats large tunnel bomb beneath SAA positions
>Raqqa:SDF controls 65%
>US-backed militants to surrender all of south Syria except for Tanf base
>Saudi tank crew burns to death after direct hit by Houthi missile
>Houthi forces raided the Saudi military’s border positions on Monday night, seizing a large cache of weapons and killing a number of soldiers
>/sg Army 2017 album

Other urls found in this thread:


To mount Turdah

be ashamed

apparently I forgot to recopy it out of notepad. fml.

>failing to link the previous thread in the OP
Pathetic. There was no need to rush and make a new thread. Never bake again, you autistic faggot.

I might just remake

Bother not, for it's fine as it is

>Thinks he has opinions people care about


>based kurds take everything east of the euphrates

Kurd genocide when

>youth militia
Literally child killers!

>the whole western mainstream press cries bloody tears about MAH ALEPPO months ago

>4 days since the de-blocking of Deir-Z
>Not a single humanitarian proposal to the freed z traumatized ,weakened residents of DEIrZ from a single western gov
>Not a single media reaction, not a single article in a msm outlet

This is what happens when the "Wrong" side, namely Assad and Russians, liberate the opressed and push evil back

It makes my blood boil-this absolute hipocrisy


I prefer t*rks genocide, kurds are R1a masterrace

Vote Die Linke

Holy shit, you're even more autistic than I thought. Never post again.


there where some in "der stern online" and another springer verlag medias. but you have to look for it since it isn't on the frontpage and i thing spiegel deleted or hide it very good i don't find it anymore.
also our tax sponsered state media has until now 0 mention of DeZ at all!

it's okay, msm and deep state cucks are losing. People are going to start seeing past their shit. All will be well in the middle east one day.

>memeflag still calling anyone autist

no (You) for you.

how about a big fucking no

>be german MSM
>Major happening with the broken siege of DeZ
>must make the right headlines for the german goy

It reads "The peace is back in Aleppo but also the dictatorship"

Srsly every major outlet has a major loss of costumers but still there are many left. I mean today how much of theire income is now from paying costumers, here when you go to the doctor they have almost always the newest newspaper and the actual weekly magazines, and how much is from paying advertisers?

Fucking invasion of Iraq really messed the region up. Thanks for the 'enourmous, positive reverberations', Bibi.
Could become a nice city again once the jihadi refuse has been given the green bus to the grave.

the Germans should be happy as all those "Syrian" refugees they've taken can return home now

There's literally nothing wrong with the article or the alt-right you dickcheese munchers.

RT had a nice bit on it.
The American media is more focused on the bit of rain and wind they're getting three times.

To answer your question last thread, Brisbane, not people's republic of Melbourne

>There's literally nothing wrong with the alt-right

>getting this butthurt over being a failure
>needing to respond even after claiming memeflag opinions are irrelevant
Stay mad, Leaf.

> there is nothing wrong with the alt right

>There's literally nothing wrong with the alt-right

>rejecting any nationalist political progress and rather sticks with the centrist meek paradigm
>here's a smug pic to show how "little" i care

>joining and/or supporting a COINTELPRO group

Always remember, having memeflaggers agree with you is an easy way of telling you're wrong.

Snus doesn't get out of these threads much. I don't blame him for not knowing much about the Alt-Right.

>muh Spencer is FBI
>better lambaste everything the alt-right says to show my superior intellect

> an obvious honeypot
> nationalist political progress
user, I'm a nationalist too, but the whole alt right thing is a cesspool where good men go to be shamed for wrongthink for the mere association with them.

Reminder Richard Spencer is still on twitter but daily stormer is not even on the Internet anymore

i think its due to him not being american
he dosent know the stasi tier power the FBI actually has

in not having this arguement again
just have a look at some of these pages mate

I agree

We're not Americans either

Heh i guess
but the FBIs power is well known regardless

I'm almost certain he's just shitposting because the thread is dead.

......oh wait it is being bombed by the FORCES OF GOODtm........
Lets just push this off to the side

On one side, Spencer is FBI because he cooperates with Anglin, on the other, he's FBI because he's still on twitter whereas Anglin is banned from the internet.
You skeptics and centrist nationalists are just as easily swayed as the libshits.
Enjoy the euphoric cultural grave you dug.

> skepticism towards edgy tards and fbi plants is bad

>goes on jewish tv and gets the global jews kvetching by equating zionism with white nationalism
Nah, he's totally a plant, i agree.

Anglin seems ok honestly now he might be edgy but seeing how hard he is being pursued gives him a bump for me
Spencer sucks just give it up m8

This kill the ASSadist

>Spencer sucks just give it up m8
kek, top tier argument

They won't ban spencer because he can afford lawyers and win in court which anglin can't. Twitter tried though in 2016, but probably got an ultimatum

whats so fucking hard to understand

They didn't kvetch. They probably laughed because when Kevin MacDonald did it years ago it got countered with the whole "we take black, brown Jews, we not about race, you should just take black, brown Christians if you compare it to Zionism". This dude shills for Zionism and Israel.

I'm no alt right fanboy, but I think a lot of non american posters enjoy scapegoating Trump and outer Sup Forums because they're easy targets. Spencer a psyop? He's clownish and no leader, I guess any famous personality could be a black project. Where does it end? You must think Trump's election was itself a deep state operation. I haven't seen enough to reach that conclusion, and I was much nearer to the election and alt-right movement than yourself.

Anybody know or can help identify the song at 5:00 in the recent ISIS video???

why wont isis snibetti snab them? its a road in the fucking desert

isnt a bit alarming that spencer just popped up on the face of the earth and suddenly became well known mate? thats almost a sure sign of a FBI op

forgott to link it

>main source is splc article
>also literally nuffin wrong there
discarded in the bin

Reminder Bashar will win

Hello lads, how are you all?

>debunking "muh 20 0000000"

Is this from the Hama pocket?
Ok now explain me how the fuck they manage to publish it

The "They smuggle USBs" will not work this time because there's a literal siege

Because of reasons, user

Don't hide your own ignorance with accusations.

Sup Forums happened and literally millions of people on both sides of the debate were looking for an alt-right mascot. The inferiority of right wing E-celebs comes from the fact that they are people off the street representing tiny flashes of talent in the small, noncommittal, yet influential movement. The nu-right is just a larvae with no real appeal to normies and no social capital, therefore "leaders" like Spencer rise to the top.

Sorry, jihad machine vs zionist proxies broke.

morning, pingu.

>pol being solely responsible for something
I know we're supposed to be autistic but just no.

>not posting sieg heil pingu


>Spencer General

Good morning faggots

It wasn't sudden. If you weren't so new you'd know that he's been hosting conferences and publishing articles for years. The Trump campaign bought the right into the spotlight and so he was propelled to national prominence. I know that the alt right luminaries aren't perfect but that doesn't mean that they are all Jewish plants.

Hello mate, any updates fro m last night?
Kek, its still me aussie bro

You speak arabic right?
Wanna help me out?

Hello pingu

Finally finished a bunch of essays I had this weekend

How are you?

Nothing since the cemetery got taken really. A few points here and there.

Can someone give someone who hasn't really been following this the quick rundown? Is Assad still on track to win if international involvement doesn't change? Who does the US Govt "want" to win? Who does this thread want to win?

>Is Israel challenging Russia in Syria? The US offered victory in Syria to Russia, Iran and Hezbollah on a plate
>The Syrian victory over terrorists in Deir ez-Zor is horrifying Israel
>Here Is the Syria Report Withdrawn by the U.S. Holocaust Museum
>Billions of Dollars’ Worth of Arms Against Syria

>Who does this thread want to win?

What if we archive it

>nymag com/daily/intelligencer/2017/09/here-is-the-holocaust-museum-syria-report.html

read OP?
Assad is winning but slowly and Kurds being annoying
Kurds (SDF) since moderates failed

Im fine aswell my friend. If dont mind me asking what were these essays about?
Any new prediction, snus?

I'm about to have a fucking aneurysm
>"Anti-ISIS" push in DEZ by K*rd filth coincidentally just as SAA is winning of course no connection
>Get teamkilled by some little faggot in Warthunder because I "stole his kill"
Unlike most /sg/ers I believe/know this war is far from over
At any moment international involvement can change
They may seem like they have accepted Assad but they are merely trying to get Assad out through political/diplomatic means rather than a Qaddafi style knife up the anus method

>Surveillance aircraft that were monitoring an ISIS convoy stuck in the desert in eastern Syria have left the area at the request of Russian officials, the U.S.-led coalition said Friday
wtf, Russia supports Assad now

First part was meant for

Reminder that according to Jared Taylor, the Jews are white and based and can live in our white ethnostate

I've been telling you this all along, but you didn't listen

Why does Spencer shill for Assad and Russia if he's a CIA plant? Doesn't his wife translate for Dugin or something?

>Is Assad still on track to win if international involvement doesn't change?

> Who does the US Govt "want" to win?
Since their official pulling of support for the jihadists, it really comes down to protecting the Kurds from everyone so they can maintain a presence in the country. This is basically their "Peace with Honour" scenario. Turkey is in a similar boat with TFSA and Arhar al-Sham

>Who does this thread want to win?
Assad ofc

Sup Forums Represents the existence of a young right wing in the US, their methods and values. Those people are partly responsible for dramatic changes in the US political discourse, via their contribution to Trump's election. That voter base includes some thousands of Sup Forums regulars and unknown numbers of faceberg and redditor reposters of Sup Forums. That's why the MSM and liberal social media have taken notice. Even if the alt-right statistical impact on the election is overblown, they ARE responsible for a change in American political culture. I think the fact that Sup Forums influenced any movement is more interesting than the alt-right itself. Spencer is nothing but an expression of right wing culture and has no real political significance, mirroring the "paper tiger" alt-right that could fade as quickly as Occupy.

I don't know why conspiracybro gives them attention.

Everyone grab your popcorn. We about to find out what happens when the US have to deal with SAA at DeZ. I mean the kurds clearly got to DeZ first since they, like the US are the good guys.

Glory to Rojava

Victory over ISIS, the ASSadists, and the Turksmels

One was a scholarship application essay (18, please no b&). Had to pick an influential person from recent times who inspires us and write about how we believe they've impacted society and how they influence our personal ideals. I picked Mossadegh.

Other two were English essays about two separate poems and how they convey meaning through specific literary devices/diction.

Each about six paragraphs.

Sorry but no, you got the wrong Pole. I only shitpost

Are you the weapons questioner Pole then?

Unless Suheil pulls off some magic, the k*rdshits will 100% grab all the yellow coloured territory.
What remains to be seen is if ISIS will defend the eastern bank of the Khabur River or not.
I have a feeling Am*rica will send their FSA jihadis there to go to Bukamal though. Virtually unopposed.
hurr durr

Are we ever going to see sg-tan having lewd scenes with female spetznatz?

He's not a conspiracy bro he's just a paranoid tard that should see a doctor asap for magical thinking

>female spetznatz

tak. I'll keep on waiting. then.
Thx tho.