Hey Sup Forums , what's the difference between Jesus Christ and Bernie Sanders? I'm asking for a friend
Hey Sup Forums , what's the difference between Jesus Christ and Bernie Sanders? I'm asking for a friend
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What's the difference between a thief and someone collecting for charity?
Wait wut?
I mean, yes Bernie's supporters basically thought he was Jesus, but did they have to literally compare the two? Where did this Messiah politics come from anyway?
Strawmanning hard...
Honestly there are many small diffrences between the two od them, for example Jesus Christ did not take donations and actually improved the world around him
Jesus was not Jewish you fucking retard
>He who does not work should not eat
no nigger
What's the difference between Robin Hood and a Boy Scout you ask? One has the balls to pick wall street's pockets for the greater good
Charity =/= Socialism
Jesus wasn't a socialist. Jesus said you should give your resources to the needy. The socialist says I will take your resources for the 'needy' whoever I say that is. See the difference normie?
uhh communists in east germany built the berlin wall to keep their slaves, err I mean citizens in.
>"I'll raise taxes on the middle class and push jobs overseas! That'll show those banking bastards!"
Jesus went to his death without fear while Bernstein couldn't even hold up to his principles by endorsing Clinton. Happy now?
Are you fucking retarded? Jesus had a Rabbi
When did the meme of Jesus being socialist start?
You mean raise taxes on the 1 percent buddy
Libshits assume anything charity = socialism
former carpenter
Bernie Sanders
Former carpenter
I find it hard to believe that bernie sanders, or any jew for that manner, has worked as a carpenter.
when jesus was going to be crucified, he didn't say "Sorry apostles, I was wrong, please follow the Pharisees."
>Comparing Bernie Sanders to Jesus Christ Son of God.
>Try and be a legitimate news site when something serious needs to be conveyed
Its like Liberals want people to be made at them
Jesus believed in himself therefore making him Christian.
Mad as fuck OP...Jesus actually made the world a better place. Bernie just tried to make everything a socialist hellscape
Jesus TRULY ceased to be a jew when the JEWS turned him over to the ROMANS(the devil)
The religion of christianity was born some 200 years later after his crucifix
The government exists to give welfare to poor people with low intelegence who just came to this country, and it also exists to increase taxes and give out free stuff made out of those taxes, remember, if you let the government take care of everything all the problems will go away... Paul was confused by this and replied with: Jesus, I thought being on drugs is sinful and dumb?
Tutarealnit 14:88
Jesus wasnt attempting to use the authority of the state to reach his end goals.
Rabbi means teacher and Jesus only dished out the teachings
>Bernie Sanders
kek everyone knows jews don't do physical labor
are you retarded, hitler was dead before that wall came up you autist
Was Bernie a pedo?
>Barney Sandals
>former carpenter
Kek, he couldn't even finish his apprenticeship because MANUAL LAYBAH IS GABIDALISD OPPRESHUN
Jesus Christ didn't celebrate atheism, sodomy and infanticide. I'm just getting started.
Jesus was not a socialist, and he did not want to solve poverty. If he wanted to solve poverty, he could have, because he's fucking Jesus.
Jesus didn't tell you to help the poor for the poor; he told you to help the poor for YOU, dumbass. He was trying to save your soul, not their lives. Everyone is going to die in a few minutes from God's perspective.
The next socialist who tries to solve problems with his own money to move his soul beyond physical greed will be the first.
Bernie died for your sins
>Jesus wasnt attempting to use the authority of the state to reach his end goals.
Wouldn't it be awesome if Jesus actually did this? We would all be saved
Bernie Sanders exists.
If he did it, he would not be remembered as the Lord and Saviour, but as the man who ruined the Roman Empire 300 years earlier.
Jesus cared little about politics and wasn't a sellout. Bernie Sanders on the other hand likes politics and now follows the establishment. You have no political evidence Jesus was a socialist and socialism is a failed system (It failed against in Germany with National Socialism in WW2 and it failed in Russia during the cold war) not to mention China and Vietnam (both "communist" countries) have both abandoned socialism so fuck Bernie Snders
This. I have a hard time believing in a selfless jew
People didn't follow Jesus for the fact that he was a Carpenter, was Jewish, or was a socialist. Dunno why anybody would think there is any correlation between liking the two
Reminder that Bernie the kike will never be president.
Blasphemous post
Jesus didn't want to take any of my money. Bernie wants to take all of my money.
Literally half of my yearly income goes to some form of taxes. Bernie wants even more than that.
In conclusion: Bernie wants me to be a slave.
Matthew 7:6
Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.
Jesus had a brain when it came to handing out charity, unlike Bernie's redistributed goods being handed to the scum of the community.
I really hate it when godless heathens try to preach their false version of Jesus to justify their politics.
>Jesus TRULY ceased to be a jew when the JEWS turned him over to the ROMANS(the devil)
>The religion of christianity was born some 200 years later after his crucifix
The jews called for Jesus's blood. Pontius Pilate said he commit NO crime against Rome. After which jews demanded his blood anyway.
Pilate offered to pardon him, but the jews asked for a pardon for Barberus (an actual criminal) instead and AGAIN called for Jesus's blood. Pilate considered this an interal matter for the jews and washed his hands of it.
THe jews killed jesus. Not the romans.
>Repeatedly spoke of tax collectors as sinners
OP is a faggot
>Oh look, my candidate has 3 things in common with some historical/religious figure that x group I hate likes
>Lets attempt to meme how shitty they are with shitty image macros and "LOL GOTCHA!" captions! That will show them they are wrong!
Seriously, why can't the left effectively meme? Are they full on retarded or something?
He still ordered it in the name of the Jews. He can wash his hands all he wants, but it doesn't exclude the fact that he was still involved in his execution.
Jesus was a good carpenter and not a shitty one and he wasn't a socialist because he never told the Romans to rob Peter to pay Paul.
Wanna not sexualize Christchan you degenerate?
Real Christianity is the 10,000 warlords program.
What do you mean?
>"And the Lord said, 'Do not give to the poor and hungry, but give unto the Romans for they are wise and shall help those in need.'"
Jesus was a Rebbe.
Jesus Christ wasn't a jew because according to jewish law to be a jew you had to be born by he seed a man who was from the 12 tribes of Israel, Jesus Christ was God in the flesh. No he wasn't a socialist because he was sinless, socialism is evil and you can't provide any evidence of him preaching socialism
Jesus was killed by big government...........
source please
Ever heard of a kibbutz? Ever seen the irrigation projects in Israel?
>It is easier to fit a donkey through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter heaven
Jesus wanted to teach a man to fish and feed them a life time
Bernie wanted to give a man a fish and feed them for a lifetime for a small fee so he can afford his 4th house and no returns
sauce on original or more edits?
Because Christ wasn't a liar.
btw thanks for posting
Jesus is the son of God, you fucking mong. That's the difference.
I like your digits.
>9 and 6 being opposites
I feel like calling Jesus Jewish is only accurate in terms of racial origin, not in terms of belief system.
It seems pretty obvious that he was Christian.
Rabi meant teacher you fuking jew galilee was an aryan populated city
John 8:37 when jesus says the jews are the devil... Your a fucking jew go burn or hang yourself or something
One was nailed to a cross at 33.
The other should have been.
Christianity and Judaism are intertwined.
The thing is though that Jews like Bernie and the elitist Jews are secular or follow some kind of new-age mystery religion (modern satanism).
Ponitious pilot td jesus he believed he was lord and said he was sorry. He basically handed jesus over to the kikes in fear of revolt
Jesus was for good
Commi's are for evil
Ask all the victims
Yes Liberals are full on retarded. They got raped in their ass to their brains as children
Mary was aryan galille was aryan populated
These "occupy democrats" people really are the lowest form of human life.
Where is Jesus, and who is that white guy on the left?
How wasn't he socialist?
Jesus was for good
Socialism is for evil
each time it's tried
jesus wasnt socialist. he wasnt for an all powerful, atheist government forcibly taking money then deciding what to do with it for you.
charity loses its kindness and meaning when its stolen from you and given to people who you dont think deserve it.
He didn't say anything about the government controlling production, nor anything about the government taking money from the rich to give to the poor.
That's all socialism means to you? The worst parts of governments of that label, nothing else?
One followed his convictions to the very end in a revolutionary act, and the other is just some cowardly sheepdog for the Democratic establishment, a man who's all talk but no action.
I'm not even a fucking Christfag, and I can see how dumb this comparison is.
He considered tax collectors to be sinners for starters.
Luke 19:1-10
19 Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through. 2 A man was there by the name of Zacchaeus; he was a chief tax collector and was wealthy. 3 He wanted to see who Jesus was, but because he was short he could not see over the crowd. 4 So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore-fig tree to see him, since Jesus was coming that way.
5 When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.” 6 So he came down at once and welcomed him gladly.
7 All the people saw this and began to mutter, “He has gone to be the guest of a sinner.”
8 But Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, “Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount.”
9 Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham. 10 For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”
If Jesus were Bernie, three-quarters of the New Testament would be Jesus telling his followers to support the Pharisees because, in the end, they're not all that bad.
gay post
Christ wasn't a socialist, neither were the first Christians. The First Christians were Christian. Lol
Atheistic socialism borrowed from Christianity, replaced God with man, and the various horrors and flavors are what follows. Sharing with you because I agree to and think you really need/deserve it is one thing. Forced redistribution via government coercion is another
Christ was technically a Jew but he wasn't Jewish (the religion), he in fact denounces the Jews a ton in the Bible, rather aggressively most of the time. Sanders is a Jews by race and religion
Former carpenter, this is really a grey area that the lawyers tell me it's best not to go digging into
Bernie did absolutely nothing that was bold and brave. Everything he does is easy. It's easy to give Hillary a free pass on corruption. It's easy to mouth off about Trump.
Trump, on the other hand, wasn't shy about taking on both political establishments. And look how he roasted the Bush family during a freakin' REPUBLICAN debate.
Jesus was a christian not jewish. Bernie is an atheist
>Jesus didn't ask for donations for something he didn't even plan on doing.
>Jesus gave freely to those who asked for it.
>Jesus didn't have to steal other people money to heal them.
>Jesus didn't care about worldly government.
Bernie is the exact opposite of Jesus.
And in fact Christian charity actually has very little to do with giving money or anything physical to someone
The word Charity has basically come to mean what Christians used to call alms: that is, giving to the poor. And in fact you have money to the church and then the church gave that money to the poor in the form of food, clothes, and other services to get them back on their feet in the name of God
Christian charity actually has very little sentimentality attatches to it in the way alms does,m. Charity is giving something to someone in spite of how you feel about the person and in spite of how you feel about the job that must be done. It is driven by will power, strength, obiedience, and discipline. very similar to Christian love. If you love someone you would not let them destroy themselves with reckless habits and vices.
So once again this word has been construed by (((them))) to confuse people. Charity is mentioned a LOT in the Bible but it NEVER means give money to the poor. Not even once.
Are you reading an "alternative bible" wherein Jesus is a "community organizer" who runs for city council, demands a $15.00 living wage for fast food workers, 80% income tax on the wealthy, free healthcare and childcare provided by the state (forcibly taken from taxpayers).
Lol the religion began immediately after his death
Jesus defeated Satan.