what is Sup Forums's opinion about of regiment azov?
What is Sup Forums's opinion about of regiment azov?
Nuke Israel
what the fuck did i write
they seem cool
good english m8
nice grammar you dumb slav. azov are good goyim.
>inb4 putin shill
nah i dont like anyone there.
They're retards and too stupid to know they're Zionist Neocon stooges
Slava donbass
Slava ukraine
Good guys defending their country against mongol hordes.
President is also a jew
They're fucking nigger subhuman scum!
Suck it, nigger!
These. They're part of the Jewkrainian circus show.
>openly Jewish
Literally not radical enough and they fail to see traitors in Kiev
Still whiter than Russia
They got brought into the Ukrainian army
What the fuck. What's next? Binary?
>pro: Nazi
>con: Globalist mercenaries
You fucking dumb nigger! What sort of "globalism" is it to defend your home from shithead invader scum?
All average street in Russia
>defend homeland
>by being the cannon fodder of Jews who've knocked over your government in order to fold your country into their identity-less, monolithic "multicultural" empire
Hope they enjoy their Somalians
>shithead invader scum
Says proud butthurt belt member - finno-ugric eesti. Sweet irony.
Why every thread related to Russia, your lot jumps in with venomous shit about Russians? Yep, we get it - it wasn't brightest time of your history. But you are ungrateful scum, as there was no genocide of your people, factories/ hospitals/ roads/ etc were built. In fact your economy still uses lot of that steam founded and built by Russians. I am not even going to Russian Royal times, when it was a proper evolution of your country with no discrimination whatsoever. But not, dumb Estonian would only spit venom, like a little barking dog with rabies, at who is told by his incompetent government, is reason of all his misfortunes.
Glory to ukrainian fighters. They had such success in:
• Crimea
• Battle of Ilovaysk
• Battle of Debaltseve
• Battle of donetsk airport.
Shut your rooster mouth Ivan. Naive foreigners may be fooled by your propaganda, but you know quite well what a shithole Russia is, what kind of faggots your rooster compatriots are and the cancer your motherland is seeking to spread.
Pretty cool guys
Kosher Nazis
i bet you like p*tin precum don't you cuck you stupid kremlin kike jew shill
But the entire war over Donbass and surrounding regions is a Jew showcase all along. ((They)) help both sides.
What fucking Jews? Ukrainians are defending their country and Russians are invading another country.
>Such signs (bidents and tridents) were widely used in the territory of the Khazar Khanate as symbols of supreme authority — they were the tamgas of the ruling families.
>Bident and trident tamgas are known from the 8th and 9th centuries in the Khazar world in the details of belt garnitures (Podgorovsky tumulus), in the form of graffiti on the stone blocks and bricks of fortresses (Sarkel, Mayatsky, Semikarakorsky, and Khumarian settlements), and in the form of pottery stamps on vessels (Dmitrievsky tumulus). Possibly in the Kievan Rus’ such symbols came straight from the Khazars, much like the title “Khagan”, known to the first Rus’ knyazes.
Kosher Nazis with somewhat good aesthetics.
Shame really...
Kosher Nationalists serving the Jew. Basically they are contained from Ukrainian national politics and only serve to be cannon fodder to throw against the Russians only to serve as political props to whine about the vil Russians since there is no way they can defeat the Russian rebels.
Meanwhile the rest of Ukraine is exposed to Jewish faggotry, mass immigration, degeneracy, economic parasitism, etc, etc...
Here in Western Europe the rule among Nationalists is: "Stay clear of JEWkrainian Nationalists"
Nice critical miss. Their poster says "St Petersburg is a graveyard for foreigners". There was a serious "problem" with racial violence there in the early 00s.
Svoboda is the only real party in Ukraine. Everyone else is a Jewish shill.
Niggers are treated like shit in Russia and rightly so. In their nigger lands when someone raises the possibility to try the Russian "Gibs me dats" someone says: "No no...Russia very racissss...very bad" and this is the way it should be.
Quit your bitching Balti and go find yourselves a true National identity and purpose. It's pathetic how you use the Fictional Russian Enemy (tm) to fill the void.
And no Balti Russians don't want to invade you...Baltics are even more unimportant than my nation. Nobody gives a fuck about you, get of your high horse.
Nazi larpers
theres a type of pol fag that has a fascination with jews and cannot imagine any situation without jews. Sandwich taste old? jews. Diarhea? jews. forgot to pay my cc bil? jews! putin is a 5'5 tall manlet? jews did that.
Leader of Svoboda denounced Hitler for Holocaust and studied in jewish school.
No, they are not jewish shills indeed.
Well shit. Ukraine doesn't have any real parties or movements, then?
>Sandwich taste old? jews. Diarhea? jews. forgot to pay my cc bil? jews!
We are not discussing here your problems, good amerigoy.
>putin is a 5'5 tall manlet? jews did that.
Yeah, putin is a kike puppet. Your point?
Good. Tend to attarct the wrong crowds due to their imagery, but the 88ers usually quickly shit their pants
and bail out once they realize that Nazi LARPing does not deflect bullets.
And unlike these basement dwellers they are not hypocrites.
Think what you want of Israel, but the fact that it is an ethnostate that supports the Ukrainian fighters stands.
Larping would imply that what they did was a silly game, but they were actually a backbone of the Ukrainian defense at the very early days of the war as Yanukovich had all but eliminated the Ukrainian military.
You eesti are so butthurt you can't even learn from a situation.
>what is "moskalaku na gilaku"
>what is Odessa 02.05.2014
>what is murders of Region Party and Communist party activists
You start by yelling "russia bad", then you go beat up a Russian, then someone dies, then you have riots all over you capital, civil wars is around the corner and then LE EBIL RUSSIAN invades. That's how it happened with Ukraine (legit Russian soil, btw), that's how retards like you could make it happen in Estonia. Yes, YOU make a situation like that.
Save that propaganda for the usual uninformed retards.
we out here doin bad shit nigga
So you have nothing to object with, it figures
Another Balti loser. Go find a true National identity and purpose instead of letting the Jews manipulate you into being anti-Russian because your nations are completely devoid of identity.
Anyone who understands the Conspiracy knows right away that the Baltic states are completely dominated by the JEWlluminati network of secret societies/blackmailed pedophiles. Look inward because it is only a matter of time before they flood you with niggers, faggots and feminists.
>Meanwhile the rest of Ukraine is exposed to Jewish faggotry, mass immigration, degeneracy, economic parasitism, etc, etc...
I'd say only degeneracy (lgbt for that case) checks out
>but they were actually a backbone of the Ukrainian defense at the very early days
No, they weren't. Actual army was the backbone. Azov are larpers, all their activity in ATO was PR for Biletsky and his political party to get seats in the parliament. And it succeeded. Now they are just a bunch of whores for hire. They work for whoever pays the most, including russians.
You literally don't know what you are talking about, so be butthurt somewhere else.
This is basically the Ukrainian situation in a nutshell:
You got one deluded nutcase thinking he's black (thinking he's european, backed by nato) acting like a stereotypical black, and then a real black man shows up (the European, backed by nato) shows up, humiliates him by doing his act better, and then takes away his alcohol and music (natural resources) and chases him off the block with his wiggers (Ukrainian nationalists that think they're more european than russian) and left completely alone to confront the reality of their stupid little Ukrainian lives.
You do realise it's not Israel who supports them..
It's jewish billionaire elite in Ukraine, simply put it "Oligarchs" who are mostly rich international jews.
They accept literally anyone who just hates rysskis and doesn't really care about ethnicity in general. You must be retarded to simply supported them for simply reason of just kill r*ssians.
fix. I burn in ukraine sorry
You obviously don't know the situation.
General degeneracy, faggotry, economic parasitism, feminist and "open to the world/anti-racism/anti-xenophobia" brainwashing are already being implemented...it is only a matter of time before African baboons and Arab neanderthals start to arrive.
Your posts in this thread show quite clearly that you're nothing but a Russian shill trying to appeal to western retards.
Nothing wrong with shilling if the shilling is based on truth and on what is right.
Another White nation is on it's path to Jew-destruction, a big nation with lot's of potential that is almost totally White...this is a reason for any well informed White man to be enraged.
Fuck (((Euromaidan))) and fuck the Kosher Nationalists, Putin should have ordered a total invasion of Ukraine.
faggot hohols
all ukrainian politians and elites are jews (president included, real family name - Waltzman)
ukraine = jewish circle
jew shills.
I'm pretty sure Russia's trying to make a neo-Soviet empire
I refuse to believe someone can be this retarded. I think you're just a Russian paid troll, but going a bit over the top.
>General degeneracy
define, prove it didn't happened before maidan
>economic parasitism
define, prove it didn't happened before maidan
>feminist and "open to the world/anti-racism/anti-xenophobia" brainwashing
Don't know about that part but they aren't bringing up migrants
is a common place for entire former USSR under any govt, soo... prove it didn't happened before maidan
>supported them for simply reason of just kill r*ssians
Lūk: perfekts paraugs vienvirziena domāšanai. Nekas tur nav tik vienkāršs kā tev gribētos. Domā pa lielam, ir tāda lieta kā ģeopolitika, apgādniecība u.t.t.
fuck off poor balt fishermam go be butthurt somewhere else.
Ukraine is an example when you give powers to many jews and they plunder one of the best post soviet republics to africa tier nation and then fight each other like rats in a box.
You burn in Ukraine? I thought they didnt have Sup Forums in the frontlines, Ivan.
Turk power
What kind of fucking normie worldview is this, Valdis?
So you would cuck you're entire nation to jewish bankers, just for some nazi larping?
Stulbs muļķis
Haha so many butthurt russians using proxies spamming propaganda pictures trying to discredit azov.
Truth is everybody who's not brainwashed knows that Russia illegally invaded eastern ukraine and crimea and is funding neo-soviet communist terrorists in eastern ukraine. Azov is based anti-invader batallion defending europe from russomongrels ans their muslim friends. Sup Forums is a right wing nationalist board. You are not going to trick anyone here to start supporting your communist antifa scum proxies. Sup Forums stands behind fellow national socialist brothers. Kill all the red scum russian invaders, our ukrainian bros!
Dude...when (((Euromaidan))) started every Nationalist in Western Europe realized right away that is was a color revolution. You in the Baltics seem to live in such a parallel universe that even the Nationalists, who should know better, seem to live in a parallel universe. The Jews did a good job in the Baltics no doubt.
Im not going to do complicated research for links. The fact that (((Euromaidan))) was a Jew operation is already well established, the fact that Jews run Ukraine is already well established and the fact that Ukraine is already under Jewish (anti)social politics is well established.
Many of you in Eastern Europe should take example from Orban because the Jews have shoved your own head up your own ass. You have a dangerous geo-political Worldview. Russia is the only hope that Europe has and you nuts act as if it is an enemy.