When I was interviewed at the police station detective Hong had the nerve to say to me...

>When I was interviewed at the police station detective Hong had the nerve to say to me, “the internet did the work for us.” My case threatens to set a new standard in which right wing extremists can select targets for repression and have police enthusiastically and forcefully pursue them.
Sup Forums , are we the bad guys?

Other urls found in this thread:


Do the crime, do the time. Doesn't matter how you got caught.

>Use a bikelock to assault someone
No faggot we are not

No, he assaulted an unarmed citizen like the cowardly ass-backwards cock-sucking antifa mongrel he is.

also, slide thread, probably
I just saw a thread claiming mod positions have been pozzed by leftist faggots on Sup Forums

there is a video of this faggot doing a lecture
and he's terrible. like any of us could do better
but you know when he gets out of prison, some university will want to signal so hard as to hire him
for ths reason i hope he dies in prison

Heard he is raped badly multiple times every day in prison now

>bitchin abut right shaming and naming while the left constantly get people fired for expressing political preferences - USA COLLEGE PROFESSOR MATERIAL

Muricans should be ashamed of their sub par education ...

>detective Hong had the nerve to say to me
He left out the best part where the investigator told him he'd get a few U-lock shaped dicks up his ass in prison.
>My case threatens to set a new standard
Um no sweetie. Pic related

Hope he rots, but he'll likely be out within a year.

He's got a pretty mouth

he has no defense because it's him on that video.. so he's gonna say what he's gonna say.

>My case threatens to set a new standard in which right wing extremists can select targets for repression and have police enthusiastically and forcefully pursue them.
Try not breaking the law next time you catamite.

Oh course we are the bad guys. And we are the only ones who can stop the things that are even worse.

There is no good and bad, just those who are stupid enough to get caught.

>right wing extremists can select targets for repression and have police enthusiastically and forcefully pursue them
He the internet was right though?

my fucking sides

It's the oj defense
>I know it looks I did this shit but the people who caught me are really bad!
Leftism 101.


> My case threatens to set a new standard in which right wing extremists can select targets for repression and have police enthusiastically and forcefully pursue them.
So does that mean he thinks @YesYoureRacist should be banned from the internet?

>identify domestic terrorist
>scout out FSA training camps in Syria through satellite images
>pinpoint location of a video feed through the location of stars and airplanes above
Doing a better job than the CIA and FBI ever could.

>“the internet did the work for us.”
Gets me every time.

but holding terrible opinions, dressing badly, waving offensive flags, spewing memes publicly, and making dreadful posts isn't against the law

Fuck you nigger I clicked on the link 10 times just to spite you

>SJW commissars
And least they're not rabbis this time

fuck off commie retard

>right wing extremists

Ficking liberal douchebag ... the left could and has done it too
E.G. - the gentlemen gathered in Charlottesville to protest the statue removal.
Lefties acting the oppressed victim as usual.
I pray to Kek he gets his spinchster rammed three times a day for months on end.

When does he get sentenced?

Do we not want his silly delusion blog getting traffic from here? Because that would make it even better, imho.
>Look at all these hits! Fuck it's from the hacker known as Sup Forums.

Hahaha still spinning

Doesn't matter a damn bit as long as he gets ad revenue.

Shut up you dumb faggot nazi piece of shit

Nazi website

Too bad it wasn't the internet that planted all that evidence in your everything, Eric.

Bubba will pound his prostate up and out of his mouth.

>My case threatens to set a new standard in which right wing extremists can select targets for repression and have police enthusiastically and forcefully pursue them.

Wow. This is absolutely chilling. It's just like that documentary about that evil billionaire targeted Gawker solely because he didn't like them.
What kind of dystopia are we living in that anyone with time or resources can pass tips onto police or donate their own money to lawsuits for criminal actions against companies that usually get off the hook by dragging it out longer than normal private citizens can afford?

Evidence collected by people who say nigger on the Internet shouldn't be admissible. This is literally the end of democracy.



fuck you antifa.

Get fucked Eric.
I wonder if he's already gotten his tat removed and learned the 14 words in preparation for joining the aryan brotherhood.

In the olden days they were called "witnesses".

>“the internet did the work for us.”
Pic related.


AB will know about his impending arrival before he leaves the county jail.

No. Do not feel the least bif of sympathy for this terrorist.

I do not understand leftists
>attack guy with bike lock, can seriously hurt or possibly kill
that is ok, they are literally hitler
>get charges for it because it is breaking the law
use the lock, get the cock

E.clanton is in a bad gape scene as i type this. Fuck you antifa scum

Bad guys? Pffft! We are the Watchers On The Wall. Nothing is beyond our reach. Nothing.

That statement was easily no literal, if not fabricated. The police statement already says that all that the internet did was give police the heads up, in which police, given the suspects history, decided to heed. This resulted in the police tracking Clanton's phone to the screen of the crime, as well as finding in his possession multiple antifa propaganda, as well as bike locks and clothes that match the description of the assailant in the video.

if they don't live in fear of us, everyone will be hit with bike locks.

For the life of me, I don't understand why people all over the world pay a king's ransom to send their kids to our cultural Marxist-infested universities. Maybe they think the STEM departments are still intact.

The has one alternative. The path of Donny the punk.


>Ivy league educated liberal faggots goes to jail instead of paying 10$ fine.
>gets raped by 45 niggers
>develops rape fetish
>commits crimes to get back into joint
>eventually gets AIDS and dies.

Inb4 he outs himself as a tranny and needs that sweet gofundme money to transition in prison.

>Helping police arrest an assaulter
sounds like you need a patented Eric Clanton bike lock massage

Because education is good for you and stops degenerate conservatism from spreading out of control. This is what you get when the right is allowed to spread....


Stay mad, bitch. We'll gut you and hang you in the streets. What, you think the commies are working at the PD? Flying the drones? Your time is up, swine.

>degenrate conservativism
Those are literal opposites retarded faggot nigger.

Holy shit

The nerve of this faggot complaining about how he was busted - not even denying he is an attempted murderer. I hope he gets raped to death in prison.

Commit a crime and society represses you. It's called civilisation mate.

Victim complex, they thrive on the idea that they are unfairly persecuted, because it makes them feel like righteous heroes fighting evil

Am I supposed to feel anykind of sympathy for a violent thug who indiscriminately attacked people for no reason?

Send us a postcard from the devastated butthole surgeon's office!

>stopping in the middle of the road

Its the other way around...

>the Berkeley police smashed into two houses, held guns to peoples’ heads, handcuffed, verbally abused, and stole the belongings of over a dozen people including books and zines.
>held guns to peoples’ heads
>stole books and zines
I kek'd.

If I was rich. I'd set up a drone army and let Sup Forums call in strikes and even livestream them.

Will he be most in danger of whites, spics or niggers raping him because of that commie tattoo? Unfamiliar with burger prisons

It's completely based on race. He will stick with whites or he will get killed. Literally.

>Heather Heyer gave her life trying to stop the growth of this hate. She died defending decency
>She died defending decency



>lured him into a cell to "discuss pacifism"
>now bend over and be a pacifist while me and 44 other guys rape you


Enjoy the benis Sir. Enjoy it

when is the trial date? someone better live-stream it.


So lads...how long is he going to serve you think?



>Commit assault with intent to cause bodily harm
>Get arrested

It's literally like Hitler!

Professor Clanton of Prison University

In late-1938, a Swiss theology student named Maurice Bavaud bought a pistol and began stalking Hitler across Germany. Bavaud was convinced the so-called “Führer” was a threat to the Catholic Church and an “incarnation of Satan,” and he considered it his spiritual duty to gun him down. He finally got his chance on November 9, 1938, when Hitler and other Nazi leaders marched through Munich to celebrate the anniversary of the Beer Hall Putsch. Bavaud took a seat in a grandstand along the parade route and waited until Hitler approached. He had his pistol tucked into his pocket, but before he could draw and take aim, the swooning, swastika-waving crowd raised their arms in a Nazi salute and blocked his view. Bavaud reluctantly gave up his hunt and was later arrested as he tried to stow away on a train out of Germany. When the Gestapo found his gun and maps, he confessed under interrogation to plotting to kill Hitler. In May 1941, he was executed by guillotine in Berlin’s Plötzensee Prison.

I'm guessing he will take a plea and receive a 5-7 years sentence. Probably only serve 30% of it.
Just a guess.

Georg Elser was a struggling German carpenter and communist who was vehemently opposed to Nazism. He anticipated that Hitler’s regime would lead his country on the path toward war and financial ruin, and in late-1938, he resolved to do something about it. Knowing that Hitler would speak at Munich’s Bürgerbräukeller brewery the following year on the anniversary of the Beer Hall Putsch, Elser spent several months building a bomb with a 144-hour timer. When his weapon was complete, he moved to Munich and began sneaking into the Bürgerbräukeller each night to hollow out a cavity in a stone pillar behind the speaker’s platform. After several weeks of painstaking clandestine labor, Elser successfully installed his bomb. He set it to explode on November 8, 1939 at 9:20 p.m.—roughly midway through Hitler’s speech.

Elser had planned his bombing to perfection, but luck was not on his side. World War II had started in earnest a few months earlier, and Hitler moved the start time of his speech to 8 p.m. so he could be back in Berlin as soon as possible. The Führer finished his remarks by 9:07, and by 9:12, he had left the building. Only eight minutes later, Elser’s bomb went off, leveling the pillar and sending a section of the roof crashing down on the speaker’s podium. Eight people were killed and dozens more injured, but Hitler was not among them. Elser was captured that same night while trying to steal across the Swiss border, and he later confessed after authorities found his bomb plans. He would spend the next several years confined to Nazi concentration camps. In April 1945, as the Third Reich crumbled, he was dragged from his cell and executed by the SS.

>So lads...how long is he going to serve you think?
Long enough to fit 'The Communist Manifesto' in his asshole sideways with room to spare.


One of the most audacious plots unfolded on March 13, 1943, when Hitler arrived at the Smolensk post of Henning von Tresckow—a disillusioned German military officer—for a brief visit. Before the Führer and his entourage boarded their plane for the return trip, Tresckow approached a member of Hitler’s staff and asked if the man would take a parcel containing two bottles of Cointreau brandy to a friend in Berlin. The officer obliged, not knowing that the package actually held plastic explosives rigged to a 30-minute fuse.

Tresckow and his co-conspirator Fabian von Schlabrendorff hoped Hitler’s death would be the catalyst for a planned coup against the Nazi high command, but their plan went up in smoke only a few hours later, when they received word that the Führer’s plane had landed safely in Berlin. “We were stunned and could not imagine the cause of the failure,” Schlabrendorff later remembered. “Even worse would be the discovery of the bomb, which would unfailingly lead to our detection and the death of a wide circle of close collaborators.” A panicked Tresckow phoned the staff officer and told him there had been a mistake with the package. The next day, Schlabrendorff traveled to Hitler’s headquarters and exchanged the concealed bomb for two bottles of brandy. Upon inspection, he found that a defective fuse was all that had prevented Hitler’s plane from being blown out of the sky.

you're such a raging faggot it's a wonder you don't have aids

No you are the faggot fag

0 days.

>tries to attack people
Maybe use a really weapon, and we didn't target you, we found that you matched the photo, and sent it to the police
Any motherfucker could have got reported

>my case threatens a new standard where people are held accountable for their actions.

I do have to thank Eric Clanton for one thing though: I tried Huy Fong's Sriracha sauce for the first time as a result of this story and I have to say; that is some good shit on chicken, rice and vegetables.


he was acting like a monkey he should be in a cage

God was looking out for Hitler, nice


Not at all, this nu-fag who can barely grow a mustache is clearly the beta bitch. Look at that pathetic gotee, and this fucker was a Professor at an Ivy League College, yet people wonder where the brain washing comes from when a faggot like this is your example.

Hitler escaped to Argentina

I still don't feel angry when I see this, it's better for him to get the shit kicked out of him than someone who actually believes what they're saying and isn't an opportunistic piece of human filth.

>waaaa I would have got away with it if it wasn't for you meddling kids!

You honestly think education is somehow witheld to university campuses? Can you not learn economics outside of a campus? What is there at universities that can't be found on the internet?