Anyone got info graphs & links on bullshit climate change & global warming? Its all bullshit from Acid rain, global freezing and global warming now finally climate change yeah they need people to be in a state of perpetual fear and its part of an insidious agenda for a globalized change and carbon tax an industry that wants money from it.
Man made climate change
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dropping some too
Is this socialism? whats this about..
Water vapor isn't a forcing gas (the concentration changes based on the temp).
Explain pic related
How come climate change people never bring up pic related? Is it not the main force on earth that changes climate?
There will always be climate change but i think man made is bs
The point is, Chaim, is that man is responsible for less than 0.30% of co2, that massively naturally occurring thing you want to create a "global tax for living" around.
So explain this
one word and one generation we need to be done with. "boomers"
This is the infamous hockey stick chart which was thoroughly debunked because it used fucking rings in trees and other jew shenanigans to chart temperature and co2 history.
This is the actual co2 data
>This is the infamous hockey stick chart which was thoroughly debunked because it used fucking rings in trees and other jew shenanigans to chart temperature and co2 history.
You stupid or something? The pic above shows co2 readings which no one even questions. The famous Michael Mann hockey stick is in pic related - the problem is that temps in the Middle Ages might not be as smooth as Mann showed... but the hockey stick end is not even doubted by anyone.
>You stupid or something?
>(((no one even questions)))
Watch out, he's going to starting calling people poo poo heads next :)
Those co2 measuring stations were set up, literally, downwind from things like volcanoes and large cities. If you looked at these things from an unbiased view, you'd already know that.
No one takes the co2 or temperature hockey sticks seriously, except for the MSM and climate tax schemers who push it.
and 30 years from now we're going to be glad for all the greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere when the glaciers are trying to make a comeback, look up Maunder Minimum.
Very true!
You seem to always use pics with limited data. This data shows that while carbon dioxide has been decreasing for a very long time and the temperatures are not correlated to this decline. CO2 may have some affect on temperatures however it is not the main driver for global temperatures. We are actually in a very low period for CO2 in the atmosphere. It fact so low that it is restricting plant growth severely. The last century has seen some increased plant growth relating to increases in CO2 in the atmosphere. Some farmers are further supplementing CO2 by adding it to their greenhouses. It would be preferable to use fossil fuels until the atmosphere is between 1000 and 1500 ppm of CO2.
I just don't understand the main goal of climate change cultists. They are so fucking emotionally invested in this shit yet they never explain what their plan to fix the climate is. They never provide evidence that we CAN fix the climate. They get angry, they yell, they would like to get violent, but they habe no solution. I just want two things. Prove that our planet hasn't had extreme changes in climate over the past billion years like the changes they claim are extreme right now. Also, prove that the government taking more of my money and this country completely getting rid of fossil fuels will actually fix the enviornment.
>she thinks CO2 will casue temperatures to rise
During the last three glacial terminations, the Earth warmed long before there was any increase in the air’s CO2 content. The cause is warming and the effect is higher levels of CO2, not vice versa as man-made global warming propagandists would have you believe. A warmer ocean can hold less CO2, so increasing temperatures will release CO2 from the ocean to the atmosphere.
>I just don't understand the main goal of climate change cultists. They are so fucking emotionally invested in this shit
They are the same people as the SJWs, usually literally the same people. The media has frightened and brainwashed them into believing this horse shit and they also get off on the feelings superiority/virtue signaling that their programming embeds in them.
Even if it's real, destroying the economy that keeps people alive is not a viable solution.
>Explain pic related
>muh always showing just the last 150 years of data to scare the brainwashed zombies
global warming/climate change is an industry unto itself and they want worldwide "carbon taxes" on top of that. it is an insidious thing far beyond that even.
you won't understand wtf i'm talking about unless you look into these things for yourself. so, you can do that (takes effort)... or blindly continue to go along with their agenda. whatever.
did you know having an ice cap is an anomaly? did you know that the earth has been ice cap free for ~90% of its existence? did you know by definition ice caps only exist during ice ages? did you know we are at the tail end of a CURRENT ice age now? did you know the caps extended as far down as missouri/kentucky just 20,000 years ago and have been receding ever since that peak? did you know the caps are going bye-bye even if every person on the planet disappeared 20,000 years ago?
>be Germany, be green economy, have trade surplus and budget surplus and record employment
>let in 1.5 million third world illiterate migrants
>continue massive investment in green conomy
>still have record employment, record trade surpluses and record budget surpluses
dude, the economy won't be hurting from some green investment... even if you import 10 million Africans and Muslims in the next 2 years
Great arguments, brainwashed retard.
Solid. btfoed
Dude, leave the Jews out of this. The people responsible for this shit are WASPs, through and through.
>Michael E. Mann
>Raymond S. Bradley
>Malcolm K. Hughes
In general, this group of people has all this white guilt that they can't deal with that manifests in environmental activism. There are a lot of Jewish liberal academics, but by and large, this is a British/New England, Puritan-descendant problem.
>dude, the economy won't be hurting from some green investment... even if you import 10 million Africans and Muslims in the next 2 years
>who cares if it's all a scam
So you just admit that you're a globalist shill. You're a bright one.
Dude, we are heading to temps not seen since the dinosaurs by 2100... what are you fucking talking about? Why would you not post an actually long term graph that goes back 500 milion years?
>this group of people has all this white guilt that they can't deal with that manifests in environmental activism
Where do think that originates from, genius?
By 2100 you say? Remind us what they said about temperatures in 2015 back in 1995.
>thinking we have accurate data on climate change spanning 500 million years
How was acid rain bullshit?
It is a well documented phenomena and actually was common in european regions.
>>thinking we have accurate data on climate change spanning 500 million years
yes we have
>be germany...full of shit
germany increasing the burning of brown coal...has to pay neighbor countries to take its electrical overproduction lest it burns out its grid messing with everyone's electrical industry doesn't produce during winter.
Being pushed by MSM obvious agenda for global change
We stopped acid rain through an sulfur oxide cap-and-trade program. The greenies are very proud of it and seek to use it to justify a global carbon dioxide cap-and-trade program.
Talking about the acid rain scare when gen xers were growing up
Says the jew tax shill that started off posting the scariest chart he could find, a 150 year one.
Your chart is full of bullshit, BTW, as you well know. But even that one shows it's all nonsense.
>They are so fucking emotionally invested in this shit
Because we are increasing the possiblity of literally cucking our entire evolutionary lineage and wiping out our species, or at the bare minimum wrecking a large portion of landmass which we inhabit.
>yet they never explain what their plan to fix the climate is. They never provide evidence that we CAN fix the climate.
There are plenty of plans to fix the environment. From recycling, to renewable energy, to geoengineering.
Unfortunately, because of the way greenhouse gases build up, and the rate of natural decay, we cucked ourselves decades ago. Unless we undergo miraculous, global-cooperated geo-engineering and spend trillions on it, we're looking at a degree or two global temperature increase. This is going to have devastating effects. More droughts/heavy rainfalls in areas not normally receiving them, increased sea levels, environmental refugees (you all bitched about Syria, wait until Indonesia is under water and you get millions of Muslim chinks).
There's two major camps against climate initiatives. One camp saying there is no climate change, the other saying that we're fucked so who cares?
The first camp, the climate denialists, manipulate data points to suit their beliefs. Sure, global temperatures were higher by two degrees millions of years ago. What they forget to mention is that the growth and subsequent drop of global temperatures took hundreds od thousands of years, as opposed to happening in a century like now. Things had time to evolve and adjust, whereas now, we're entering one of the largest extinction events in the history of the planet. They'll point to the Mideval Warming period, but ignore that is regional data, not global. Overall, they're a bunch of pseudoscientist Sup Forums tards who have never taken a university stats class, so don't understand the data.
The next group accepts the data, but thinks we're screwed regardless. We are screwed however, no sense making it worse.
>Remind us what they said about temperatures in 2015 back in 1995.
Remind us what they, back in 1995, were projecting temperatures to be in 2015. You concrete devil.
> Sure, global temperatures were higher by two degrees millions of years ago
Look a little closer, brah.
>the possiblity of literally cucking our entire evolutionary lineage
Funny how libshits pick and choose when to have that sentiment depending on the argument, isn't it?
>be American
>about to die in record hurricanes caused by anthropogenic climate change
>spend last seconds on earth posting infographs about how it's not real
the doubling down is amazing
>HUmanity is going to die
no, we are not. The use of fossil fuels has made it possible for us to expand in a dramatic way since the lat 2 centuries. The use of fossil fuel is why we have very little death due to climate event such as the current hurricanes.
>the greens have a plan!
give me a break...the only solution available to us that is carbon free and able to take us into the 21st century is nuclear power. It is safe and has been completely opposed by the left using the same tactics they are using to push global warming. The left has stopped funding for nuclear power research which has severely limited the development of safer plants that could be used in third world nation which they desperately use. Even when they say they want lower CO2 in the atmosphere they are not interested in using the best technology we have available.
The left are sad intellectuals who know nothing beyond their noses. They are the fucking bourgeoisie they seem so intent on overthrowing. What a fucking joke.
70 people died in Harvey. We lose more than that to car accidents on a daily basis. Go suck a fuck
You're still looking at temperature changes that occurred over tens of millions of years. For example, from 150 million years to roughly 125 million years, the temperature dropped about 4 degrees. That's 25 million years for everything to adjust. NASA is predicting, best case scenario, 2 degree increase by end of the 21st century, to a 6 degree increase worst case scenario. Do you honestly think that a 6 degree global increase in 100 years is comparable to an increase of two thirds of that over 25 million years? How fast do you think life will adapt?
I'm not liberal. Not killing our planet is not a partisan issue you retard.
Man made climate change* forgot put hat in desc
I thought you need big government to fix the climate? How will we do it without taxes and regulations?
>it's category 3 hurricane
The reason I know that nobody on the left actually believes in "Climate Change" or "Global Warming" is because none of the establishment elite are actually willing to pay any real price to stop it.
Sure, there is the carbon taxes and (((foreign aid))) to 3rd world countries, but we all know that isn't enough. If you actually want to reduce carbon levels to anyting sustainable under your models, we'd have to go back to producing carbon at the level we did in 1920. Nobody on the left is suggesting that we halt immigration to industrialized countries to reduce our populations here, or that we cut funding to developing countries to prevent them from contributing to global warming.
If you guys actually believed that "the science is settled" and your models are accurate, these are the only solutions to this problem. We have to go back to a sustainable world population. Instead, we have every leftist group in the world flooding industrialized countries with more immigrants, while subsidizing birthrates in those developing countries.
Non sequitur
Opinion isn't science
>it's perfectly normal guys, r-right?
It actually is dumbfuck
Yeah and did you also know all those wind turbines could stop the rotation of the planet.
[citation needed]
tell that to the meteorologists brainlet
In part, it's a warning that adherence to the Paris Climate Accord isn't more important than those other obligations. In other words, the fact that actions you took that violated human rights, etc. isn't excused because those actions happened to bring you closer to meeting your Paris Climate Accord duties.
>no rebuttal
>deflects to flag
Absolutely, fossil fuels have been an incredible boon to our technological growth. But we can't keep relying on them. I agree that nuclear power is incredibly useful, but stop being a fucking retard and making this a political issue. Both parties have moved away from nuclear power. Trump pretending to dig with a fucking pickaxe and campaigned on "muh coal jobs". The issue is that politicans on both sides have their pockets lined with coal and oil money, and are completely inept with anything scientific.
Yeah, the same people who can't predict what a hurricane will do 2 days from now are telling me that the earth will be half a degree colder in 40 years.
The proof is in the pudding. How many of the leaders who suggest Climate Change is real are advocating for reducing global population?
>I just don't understand the main goal of climate change cultists
Look at this shit, here is Gore, ON VIDEO, saying the caps will likely be gone in 5-7 years,
And here is (((snopes))) saying truthfulness of the pic related meme is (((mixed)))
It is a fucking cult. And no jew media can be trusted.
Which fuel to produce isn't a scientific question, it's an economic question. When to invest in (((clean energy))) and how much to invest is also an economic question.
>If you guys actually believed that "the science is settled" and your models are accurate, these are the only solutions to this problem. We have to go back to a sustainable world population.
You hit the crux of the problem. It's easy to identify climate change issues. It's a completely different beast to actually do anything about it.
For one, it's incredibly costly.
Second, it's not very popular. Do you want to be the person to go and tell everyone that our modern life in unsustainable, and we essentially need a global cull and dismantling of pretty much all our modern conveniences?
Third, it takes time to implement solutions, and start seeing results.
And on top of all this, there is the constant contrarians, the people claiming that there is no climate change, and making the hard work of fixing things even tougher by telling already dis-satisfied people (who realistically won't be alive to suffer through the greatest effects of climate change) that they're being swindled.
You're still not looking close enough, by a long shot. During the last glaciation period the average temperature in Greenland shot up 10 degrees in about a century. Sure, it's not the same as global temperature, but guess what? All our estimates about global temperatures are also based on data gathered at particular locations. There's no other way to do it.
Coal is a very good energy source. It is clean (with modern tech), abundant and doesn't have to be imported from Russia or the Middle East.
Also, we are expanding our green sector. Where are you in that endeavor?
>non sequitur
Actually that was quite fucking sequential.
>people claiming that there is no climate change
NO ONE SAYS THAT you strawman brainlet. The problem is libshits acting like the climate HASN'T been changing constantly since the earth's inception, and will always continue to change... and their brainwashed cultist pea-brains believing MAN is the reason for the climate changing.
>During the last glaciation period the average temperature in Greenland shot up 10 degrees in about a century. Sure, it's not the same as global temperature, but guess what? All our estimates about global temperatures are also based on data gathered at particular locations. There's no other way to do it.
I don't get what you're trying to say. It was a worldwide glaciation period, so global temperatures as a whole went down. You wouldn't look at Greenland and say "Wow, it got warmer here, therefore there isn't global cooling!"
An increase of global temperature means that as a whole, the earth will get warmer. So yes, there may be some places that get abnormally cold. But those are balanced out by more places on average getting abnormally higher.
Local temperature can fluctuate wildly, just as Greenland did. It's based on global average. A 10 degree average increase in a single area isn't an issue. A 10 degree average increase globally is a huge issue.
>Carbon Credits
>To be traded on Chicago Climate Exchange
>CCX to take a fee for each trade
>CCX owned by Generational Investments Management
>GIM is a partnership of Al Gore + ex-Goldman Sachs Director David Blood (Yes, Blood and Gore)
>Enron Ken Lay involved
>BP involved
>Maurice Strong (founder of UN Climate Programme) and head of IPCC involved
>Maurice avid pro-communist, says "democracies unsuited to deal with climate change" praises China, says communism is way to go.
>JPM estimates that total yearly carbon credit trading market could be 1 - 2T per year.
Show pic of sad polar bear on iceberg. Convince dumb normies that politicians care about polar bears. Point outside, say "9 months ago it was cool, now its hot". "look at that big storm". Please pay me money and we can "fight this".
This literally
>for one, it's costly
This isn't a problem if we are facing the "Armageddon-tier" scenario the left portrays this as. If the science were as "settled" as you pretend, then the (((elite))) would bare any cost to prevent such a scenario.
>it's not very popular
It's not popular because the data isn't as conclusive as you pretend. Were there an actual, imminent threat to the global environment, it'd only take a Davos meeting for the elite to rally the propaganda machines into fabricating a consensus on the issue.
>it takes time to implement solutions
If man-made carbon is indeed the problem, then the solution is simple: cripple China and India, and do everything in your power to reduce development everywhere else.
The problem I have with global warming retards is the same problem I have with modern Christians: they have an unwillingness to live according to the dictates of their beliefs. You're willing to push your ideas right up to the point where they begin to inconvenience you. It's just moral grandstanding, there's no real principle.
I don't collect these anymore. At this point, whoever believes in man-made climate change is staying ignorant willingly. There is nothing to discuss or argue about.
It does change constantly, absolutely. But it changes incredibly slowly. Your chart is showing anywhere from 2-6 degree increases over tens of thousands of years. We are talking about a 2-6 degree increase in 100 years. You are completely mis-representing the scales at which these events happen.
the goal is global control and enslavement of mankind
the people you're referring to are useful idiots
There's always been climate change man made is is miniscule and not the cause. Its the sun that causes it the earth has suffered from way worse, can't believe liberals have the audacity to think they can save the world for once I agree with George Carlin.
The predictive value of these models is virtually zero.
Most of Sup Forums is completely uneducated on climatology 101.
>This isn't a problem if we are facing the "Armageddon-tier" scenario the left portrays this as. If the science were as "settled" as you pretend, then the (((elite))) would bare any cost to prevent such a scenario.
It's a creeping problem. It's not like there's a giant ass meteor heading for us that is blatantly visible. Global climate change means higher probabilities of drought, of storms, of floods, of food shortages, etc. Rich people are typically not getting affected by these. The poor are disproportionately affected by climate disaster.
>It's not popular because the data isn't as conclusive as you pretend. Were there an actual, imminent threat to the global environment, it'd only take a Davos meeting for the elite to rally the propaganda machines into fabricating a consensus on the issue.
Same reason as above. It's not like the earth implodes once we increase temps by 2 degrees. Life just starts getting more difficult.
>If man-made carbon is indeed the problem, then the solution is simple: cripple China and India, and do everything in your power to reduce development everywhere else.
You can't just abandon diplomacy and start war with nuclear powers to immediately change their entire power and industry grid. Change takes time. Is the situation urgent? Absolutely. But you're making absurdist claims that if climate change advocates aren't foaming at the mouth for societal collapse and a re-ordering of the entire way humanity functions, we must be lying about climate change. You've got to be realistic about what people can actually do.
>6 degree increase in 100 years
Wow you sure changed your tune from "This is completely normal for the climate to change this much" to "The predictions for that amount of climate change is wrong" pretty fucking quick.
Alright, of anyone who thinks the water level is going to rise ten feet from the poles melting, let me explain basic fucking chemistry for you.
Ice floats on water = ice is less dense than water.
Floating ice = Displaces more water than it holds.
So if the poles melt, the sealevel would sink, because the ice that displaced more than it held is no longer there to displace any water. But fear not, cause we've got ice on land that will fill the ocean up to pretty much the same as it were before.
I am being completely realistic in what people can do. A person's belief in an idea can be directly measured by what he is willing to give up to further that belief. That all these globalist politics pretend (((Climate Change))) is a catastrophic threat while advocating that we just draft pretty resolutions shows exactly where they stand.
Their position isn't unreasonable. 30 years ago climate scientists predicted we'd be in an ice age right now. 20 years ago, they started calling it Global Wamring. The earth stopped warming, so now they call it Climate Change, which allows them to point towards every nature disaster as though it is evidence for their theory.
We have currently increased roughly .75 degrees in the past century. We are on track to increase anywhere from 2 degrees to 6 degrees in the coming century. Learn to read you autist.
The two positions aren't contradictory. The models put forth by climate scientists have historically been wildly inaccurate. The earth's climate simply has too many variables, and we have to little historic data, for us to accurately predict what will happen in the future. The complexity of our climate and the uncertainty in modeling it can be show directly in our hurricane and weather forecasts. tree rings are so accurate that they can tell temp to .00001 degree K
>When water heats up, it expands. Thus, the most readily apparent consequence of higher sea temperatures is a rapid rise in sea level. Sea level rise causes inundation of coastal habitats for humans as well as plants and animals, shoreline erosion, and more powerful storm surges that can devastate low-lying areas.
Also, the ice of the South Pole is on land. Same with much of the ice of Greenland.
>In 2014, global sea level was 2.6 inches above the 1993 average—the highest annual average in the satellite record (1993-present). Sea level continues to rise at a rate of about one-eighth of an inch per year.
>We are on track
I hate jews.
The world is going to end. Aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhchoo
>I am being completely realistic in what people can do
You're not.
Their position isn't unreasonable. 30 years ago climate scientists predicted we'd be in an ice age right now. 20 years ago, they started calling it Global Wamring. The earth stopped warming, so now they call it Climate Change, which allows them to point towards every nature disaster as though it is evidence for their theory.
That's an outright lie. In the 1970's, there was a small group of scientists who predicted global cooling, but the vast majority still predicted global warming.
"Climate change" is more accurate than "global warming", as global warming implies everywhere gets warmer, when in reality, the globe as a whole is getting warmer, but some areas may experience cooling.
20 years does not a trend make.