Have you noticed people being sympathetic for the right just because of how nasty the left is?

Have you noticed people being sympathetic for the right just because of how nasty the left is?

Other urls found in this thread:


god bless that hero

yes and i spread that message into the normie subconscious. antifa is fucking fantastic as a scapegoat.

Yes, this is literally the most pressing issue of our time.

registered CA Democrat. Voted Trump. I think the left had lost its damn mind.

The right is more sensible now.

That chick is acting like an absolute bitch. Why are the left so retarded that they dont think they're engaging in hateful behavior?

that woman looks like casey anthony

Digits confirm : pressing matter

Those two should hate fuck

and it's because we aren't evil. We just want to be left the fuck alone, so we don't become evil.

This is why we need chad nationalism. If he made even the slightest attempt to be good-looking he would've gotten that girl's phone number instead of middle fingers.

That woman's name is Lara Rogers, and this is an honest quote about her from Facebook:

>A session for us to practice talking with people we know whose opinions are different than our own and to practice speaking up to strangers to defend justice. This is the same session Kate Fraleigh has done. This time Lara Rogers from Charlottesville SURJ (Showing Up for Racial Justice) will lead it. RSVP To Lara at [email protected].

"A session for us to practice talking with people we know whose opinions are different than our own."

he should have killed them right there with his m4


I live on a Virginia fault line. Moderate Virginians were turned against any kind of historical perspective by those swastikas.

It's over, lads. And it makes me sick to my stomach.

I'm left of center and I absolutely have your back 100% because the left are irrational goons that have surrendered every last shred of integrity they had, gave up their anti-free trade, anti-globalist, mission because... Well, it's not their team doing it.

They treat you like shit and they treat me like shit because I tell them to stop treating you like shit... Because they're shit.

I still hold true to my convictions. I know there are a lot of union men here with me... But the left has completely alienated me and made me sympathize with you all despite it all.

>and it's because we aren't evil. We just want to be left the fuck alone, so we don't become evil.
Too late.


Lol no a nazi is a nazi you deserve to be treated like the garbage you are

Are you sure it wasn't all the "vroom vroom" posts after someone got ran over and the alt-left celebrated it?

>9th of september
>USSR rolled us over
>they started a genocide after establishing the new commie regime
>one very famous commie who works in a govt subsidized media calls for a second genocide
>mfw he wants to use my taxes to kill me
>mfw if he succeeds only people left will be unemployed, homeless and gypos
>mfw he is so dumb he doesnt realize he will get himself killed too
>mfw I've been repeating for a year now that lefties are going in full retard marxist mode and people are finally seeing what I am seeing
Shit will go down in Bulgaria in the next year, cap this. Probably around Lukovmarsh

They're wrapping all the iconography into one movement and it's lending itself to the complete erasure of Southern culture, and the subsequent dogma of the universally good Government.

I really have no idea how to move forward with the discussion once that retard gave them exactly the propaganda they needed.


Going to Bulgaria next year, what should I do? My pops is married to one so we're gonna be going to their home town.


No one is wrapping anything. There are a few key things that unify Sup Forums and most of the alt right. The main one is racism. The next is belief in conspiracy theories, especially ones involving Jews and liberals. Many also worship violence and think violence is perfectly fine method to deal with problems.

All of these groups have chosen to unify under those beliefs. All of those beliefs also happen to be shared by neonazis. Why is any of this surprising to you people?

She's way out of his league.

Yes. The Alt-Right is the future.


I've always believed that men are born free and they should die free as well, I oppose slavery, but the idiotic liberal ideology of removing confederate statues around the country angers me. this is because by hiding the past from public view, they are also hiding the deaths and sacrifices for those that bled and died on the other side.

Can America be saved?

There's have been three different polls about Confederate statues in 2017. Rasmussen says 69% support them, Marist says 62% support them (with 27% opposed), and IBD/TIPP said 62% support them. The latter two polls were taken in the midst of the media's post-Charlottesville's anti-Confederate hysteria. Keep in mind too that these are national polls, with like California and New York included, and not just polls of former Confederate states.


It's also weird how all three polls show white Democrats are more opposed to Confederate statues than actual black people.

Make no mistake, the media megaphone is fooling people. Only about a quarter of people in the U.S. want these statues torn down, but one would get the impression from only watching the mainstream media that it's nearly universal opposition to them, with only a few white Southern bigots supporting them.

if you are going to Sofia around february you should watch out for this event and try to go to it (bring american fascist flag too but not kekistan, conferedate should be acceptable)
It happens in february and last year a lot of foreign prime pussy came, mainly slavic, nordic and some frenchies.
If you want to whore around go to sunny beach in the summer and fuck the scum of europe - russians, germans, brits, for basically free.
Visit the biggest local orthodox church.
Try to smoke weed from Petrich if you are into that. Drink quality Rakia.
If you get to travel around, the national monument at Shipka (kebab got btfo there) and the Rila monastery (our last tsar's heart is kept there, he BTFO'd commie scum and got labeled as a fascist)

that woman is os fucking hot


she has pretty masculine face structure. I'd say he is out of her league. Only closet homos would fuck her.

Literally the only dog I have in this fight is Virginia history. I want it to be represented honestly and accurately, and regularly. If stuff doesn't fit the modern dogma, fine, discuss it under the complex context that created it. Move monuments to cemeteries or museums, that's alright by me. Cemeteries are probably the best place for Lee memorials.

But calling Confederates traitors and cowards, and calling Lee a terrorist, that's where I draw the line.


I hope so, man. Maybe in a few months it will have calmed down. But the new Cultural Revolution is picking up speed and it's tearing up a lot of ground already.

There's a huge difference between keeping history in the books and making a monument to worship it.

They were traitors and cowards. They seceded because they couldn't force the other states to make an amendment to make slavery legal in all states.

yeah, the right are very caring and compassionate

I would actually vote left if they weren't infested with these vermin.

that bitch needs her head cut off

>t. kike
The Identitarian's "hitler boat" that patrols the mediterranean and blocks niggers from entering europe has swung 10s of millions to their side in a month while the leftie loons cry out their eyes about muh refugoonz

No one actually does that unless they live on the internet. For people who actually go outside and interact with flesh and blood people I'm 100% sure more people will get along better with the left than the right in that image.

Think they're from around Plovdiv but I think we'll be heading to sea at some point. Good tips man. Thanks

He's fat, she's not. Hell for all I know she's flipping him off for being gross. In which case she's an official /ourgirl/.

Yes, easiest way to redpill normies.
They still talk about how confederates are not americans and other bullshit, but they admit that BLM is just a black KKK and that Antifa is a terrorists group
>tfw they say they never even heard about antifa before
>dial my mind back to the 1920's and drop redpills
>this happens every single time antifa is mentioned

Hope that cunt got doxxed to hell and back.


That's a decent discussion topic. But as far as Virginia memorials in our capitol grounds go, they're men who sacrificed everything they owned for the protection and advancement of their home state and society. If a state can't commemorate its greatest citizens, it reflects poorly on that state as a unifying body.

Yea honestly. Antifa is getting a bad rep while Trump supporters consistently look normal and chill.

They did it for slavery, and slavery is a mistake. They were not decent people.

T. Cuck who literally knows nothing about anything

>industrializing fast
>a lot of quality pussy
>german factories are gassing the shit out of the locals
>the city of the seven hills is what its called
>this is where the jewish race landed with their menora shaped starship, they hid the engines beneath the 7 hills
>a lot of ethnocultural shit going down there, visit the Ethnographical museum, the archeological museum, the Roman Amphiteatre(!!!)
>they have a lot of seasonal celebrations, look for those

>Left pretends they are victims
>Are actually the bullies who bullied the fat kid


The left and the right can go fuck themselves; I'll go straight ahead and represent myself.

This is actually a great strategy. If you can create locked and rock solid photos of typical leftys fucking with and being commonly disrespectful and despicable to some semi-acceptable right leaning folks, it will add to their public image. But don't let it leak. Don't use you and your girlfriend who everyone in your community knows of.

that is how the left got into power, as victims. the most effective way to get sy pathy and support is to be a victim according to society. if the left keeps attacking us, we will have their emotional support as well as their political support. let the, beat us up so we can become martyrs like martin luther king did for the niggers

Without secession, slavery would have continued as an American institution for several years anyway. An early Union victory would have done the same thing. There were five Union slave states that were perfectly happy not to see the Emancipation Proclamation or the 13th Amendment.

Boiling it down to slavery is dogmatic and dishonest.

"real life" and the ballot box are two different things user. What is supported on the internet has great affect on the psychological ideals of people, as the internet, like a ballot box, is seen as a place to put your true opinions without societal pressure.

Just because people say they support something doesn't mean they won't think or vote the opposite

Because people have lost all concept of decency.

>It's also weird how all three polls show white Democrats are more opposed to Confederate statues than actual black people.
not weird at all actually. pretty much exactly what I would expect. black people don't care and white liberals want to blow each other over how tolerant they perceive themselves as

Yes. And this is why natsoc LARPing is the worst thing you can do. I know everybody harps on about this all the time, but it's more important now than ever. This isn't just an internet trolling movement anymore.

You need to be sympathetic characters to effectively contrast with the absolute scum on the left.

you can just tell he posts here

Secession was legal, Both Madison and Jefferson had said so years before.Cant be a traitor to a different nation.

Lincoln signed the Corwin Amendment a constitutional amendment protecting slavery. The South still left they didn't want to be part of the US anymore.

Stop sucking cock and learn history.

You are now officially a nigger

It was completely about slavery. As I already said, most of the South was upset because they knew congress would not make an amendment to making slavery legal in all states (using federal government to supersede states' rights)

The South also rejected a candidate more popular and Lincoln for the 1860 presidential candidacy. That man was Stephen A Douglas. Why did the South throw away the election? Douglas believed the Western Territories had the right to decide if they wanted slavery to be legal in their states.

It's just social manipulation.
Everyone is pissed off, and with good reason. It's just we have all been manipulated into segregating each other into groups and blaming each other.
That pic could just as easily be a right-winger sticking his finger up at a dread-lock hippy.
We are so divided and broken it's sickening. Meanwhile the Zionist elite sit back and laugh as they rape both sides.

America, yes.
Many of its people, no.
Ideals must transcend mortality....

Slavery was the underlying economic argument, I don't contest that. It was written into to many southern constitutions and laws to ignore.

But 4 million men don't take up arms and risk their lives to hold other men in bondage. Society was vastly different 150 years ago, and discounting those men's effort and bloodshed because it doesn't sync 100% with your current ideals is dangerous on an intellectual and on a political level. To judge every event in history by our current level is to declare 99% of all civilized life anachronistic and backwards.

It was not ABOUT slavery, but it was about the cultural and economic differences between the North and the South, which slavery itself was just one of the biggest political and economic proxies on the conflict, as slavery was extremely important to the southern economy while it hindered the north who were trying to do business with the increasingly anti-slavery Europe, who would buy the crops such as cotton from the south .

>>people give a fuck enough about farm equipment that they'd fight a war over it

>>not people fighting a war because some fucking cunts up north are trying to decide how your states get to do things, that's not how our country works.

We are talking the 1800s here. Most of the country were poor farmers, even the north. The small amount of industry that was in the north was relegated to a few cities. The idea that the north was industrial and the south wasn't is nonsense.

I agree it was about cultural differences, though, and one of the main things the south wanted to defend was slavery as part of their culture.

You know nothing of history you dumb nigger.

Congress passed an amendment to the constitution protecting slavery and Lincoln signed it.

The South didn't care they wanted to be their own nation.Most states did not even leave until after Lincoln declared his intention to raise and army and invade the South.

You have it backwards. The south wanted to force all the other states to make slavery legal so their slaves would stop escaping north. The south was the one against the right of the northern states, and western territories, ability to chose. The "states' rights" mantra is garbage meant to detract from the fact is was almost completely about slavery.

there is lit nothing wrong with having thralls.
You're problem over there was that they got kiked and picked the most useless ones, namely niggers. So now you got a bunch of useless self entitled niggers running around causing shit and shitting all over the place, instead of in the toilet like people

I think I know the woman on the top left. Oh God.


The right has to feign being left in public because it's dangerous not to. People on the left don't always feel as strongly as the MSM will tell you but they can't say that unless you know them because they're scared of being kicked out of the club.

Thank god for the secret ballot.

It wanted to defend slavery as a States Right. This is why for a time when states were admitted there was a massive argument of whether the state should decide for itself if it was to allow slavery, or if the states would be divided equally between slave owning and non-slave owning. This led to really dirty politics were both slave and anti-slave would move people in those new proto-states to drive off the other side, which many times lead to violent conflicts.

And while a majority were farmers, the industrial revolution was in high gear in the north, and many were moving up towards the cities and factories

Yes. My mother watched CNN coverage of the UTR rally events and came to the conclusion that the left were the bad guys. I didn't provide any input.

The Crowin Amendment was pass by congress, but was not approved by enough states before the war started in earnest. I doubt enough states would have passed it at the time.

Also, Buchanan signed it, not Lincoln.

>To judge every event in history by our current level is to declare 99% of all civilized life anachronistic and backwards.
which at this stage is obviously the intention

Stop saying "they" and "you", ok?

>They were traitors

Confederate soldiers were declared US veterans though.

I have a lefty friend who's a smart guy. Smart enough to realise this is happening.

Noticed? What do you think got trump elected

Yes, that video of the lefties tearing down and stomping all over the "in memory of the boys who wore the grey" statue really upset my mum, she couldn't believe how anyone would do something like that

Have you noticed people being sympathetic for the middle eastern refugees just because of how nasty the white guilt in Europe is?

Jew on the left.


muh pride muh states rights muh uncle daddy

This. Cunts, mainly on the left, judge all of history by their own contemporary "morality". They view the past in much the same way as a child does, assuming that the only differences between historic eras are purely technological. This is because they are incapable of objectivity and view everything through their own emotional, subjective, irrational lens filter.

At the very least she shaves her armpits.

>those swastikas

You mean that one swastika that the FBI agent had?

fat or not fat literally plays no role for a man. it's all about how much resources you are bringing home.

She also has child-bearing shoulders, jaw, etc.

>saluting a statue to honor his ancestor with a rifle and a sidearm
>autistic screeching of "WACIST GO HOME! TERRORIST GO HOME!" with a bunch of nignogs screaming around him and crying like retards

i wanna fucking move there, whats the policy like for Australians immigrating to the US?

So what do I do as a Jew who doesn't like any of the lefty Jews we have here? It puts me in an uncomfortable position of calling out my so-called people as traitors to their nation.

kill yourself or support palestine (even though Sup Forums is against palestine)

>he got expelled by his ultra-Christian college still
>same college that expels you if you even touch a girl

