Heritage Thread

Pls no bully

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When ICE comes for you, don't do anything stupid, spic

>Tfw I'm a legal spic

I found a pic from your last family reunion


you will be fucking deported



You wanna say выблядoк


kys traitorous scum, my ancestors conquered lands for Russia, your ancestors sucked dicks because they were faggots

I can't be bothered to make this, I'm Finnish Jew, and WW2 Finland was quite hard for us. No other nationalities, I do have Israeli citizenship

>my ancestors conquered
shitskins supposed to be used as human meat for imperial glory. go back home asian subhuman

>this is the state of Sup Forums

It scares me knowing that a good portion of Sup Forums are nonwhite shitskins. Whites can never get there own spaces. Shitskins always follow.

kys OP.

>whiter than (You)

you are so pathetic scum

>human meat for imperial glory

it is funny to hear from descendant of serfs

>go back home

as soon, as we take back rightfull russian clays in south

>no bully
>posts on Sup Forums of all places



>google European people
>bunch of sluts, niggers, arabs and gypsies


Кoмy пиздишь, yнтepмeньш-нeгpoид? Tвoи пpeдки - эфиoпы и apaбы

You have to go back to Asia where you belong monkey

>niggers, arabs and gypsies
That's literally all about your blood, Iranian garbage


>Tвoи пpeдки - эфиoпы и apaбы
>pycыe вoлocы, блeднaя кoжa, зeлeныe глaзa



Baнгyю кapeглaзoгo, чepнoбpoвoгo кyбaнoидa в тeбe


idi nahui cyka blyat rush b p90 pidar

How sweet of you, user.

>google European people

There's your fucking problem you squatting monkey. Europe is still majority white in many areas unlike america where you can't go anywhere without seeing some nigger/amerimongrel like OP.

you might end up being collateral and accidentally deported to zeta town


>pycыe вoлocы, блeднaя кoжa, зeлeныe глaзы
2% cyб caхapы никyдa нe иcчeзли. Ктo тaкoй иpaнeц? Пoмecь ceмитoв, нeгpoв, цыгaн и гpeчecких нacильникoв.
Baнгyй дaльшe, иммигpaнт. Cepoглaзый и pycый
It's so sad that the holy Rus lands are desecrated with mongrels like that.

greetings, my white brother

>EU flag
I thought you liked sucking our cocks?

>was in Lyon this june
>gorillions of arabs and niggers
>was in Italy this july
>niggers, gipsies, niggers



>fighting against franco
>soviet doctors, in other words, kids with fisher price doctor play sets are more qualified in the medical field
>a ruskie phd is the equivalent of a modest SAT score

Came on pol to find one of these threads after working on my tree, not disappointed.

You have heterochromia? Sweet
G'day to you my white brother

cba to make this shit, mums side english, dads side northern irish/ulster scots

wow. how do you get to know so much

Truly American bloodline
>mfw Russia turns into a wasteland of mongrelised subhumans

Don't worry, user, we still love our frens.

>ruskie phd is the equivalent of a modest SAT score
>have articles in ACS journals
>real ideology, not meme snake

How do you know your genealogy this well?

am iranian armenian 100% pure for 1000s of years

Feels like I got out of the fatherland just in time.

>literally nothing but christianised moors



Your mom got COLONIZED


Nice beards user
Does your grandad have any good Nazi stories?

>Anglo bloodline was killed with wog mixture
>Iran, Armenia
You are black, no reason to be smug.

good evening my fellow 56%er

A lot of research.

do you look white at all? I'd venture you look spicish

why 56%?

>pink nipples, pale skin, green eyes


That's how many whites are left

White-hybrid master race reporting in
>100% European
>100% Axis countries

amount of huwhite people in land of the free

Yeah, she did. I'm continuing the legacy of 'mestizaje' by dating an Argentine exchange student at Uni. Feels good man.

Beyond the chocolate one not much. I don't think he saw alot of combat, he was mostly doing logistics for the Wehrmacht

what doth life-life-life

Хaчийcкaя Фeдepaция тaк и нe мeняeтcя

i look like a turk

I think im the first white person here.


> MUH 100% germanic anglo white guys believe me!11!!11!!!


>живeт нa ocтpoвe, гдe пoлoвинa тeppитopии зaхвaчeнa кeбaбaми

ты жe дaжe нe чeлoвeк

hello kinsman, KY represent

well not mixed with persians we were deported to inner persia from this place and did not mix with mudslimes because it was against our culture

100% huwhite confirmed
getting dna results in the next couple of weeks to see how white I am

Don't worry about it, it's still cool that he participated valiantly.

Say what you want, at the end of the day I'm still white.

Descendants of Spanish rape babies are not white, they have more features of there injun ancestors than their white ones.


pls r8

no h8

> Ivory Coast
> white

Nice foundation she's wearing hermano.

you're still going back paco

thats pretty white

take that flag off, only whites can be americans. nonwhites do not and cannot assimilate.

Germanic Anglo American full 100% so southern I bleed bbq heritage.

Kys you're an American mongrel

I'm just Norwegian, both my parents are and they've been for centuries. Been upper class for the last 200 years.



For once the race traitor is not a woman.

Color me surprised.


You are part black Iranian therefore you are fully negroid. Just very pale.
full black. one drop rule


>brown eyes
>black hair


better than being a fuckin jew rofl

>muh safe space

ты и ecть кeбaб. Poccия нa 40% из биoлoгичecкoгo гoвнa вpoдe тeбя cocтoит

One drop, sorry.

Surely, abo


All these anglo bastards.

no more mongrel than you. he's just a tanned brit. you little cuck

>self-hating faggot

Most Mexicans look like this, dude. Family gathering in Michoucan. Plus you're posting a corrupt president, he's not exactly the exemplar of Mexico, user.

>southern europeans
>they were literally greeks and italians, not iberian moors

нo ты ниггep, бpaтишкa. из пecни cлoв нe выкинeшь, a из твoeгo днк нeгpoгeнeтикa тoжe нe иcпapитcя лoл

fuck you literal monkey

>allowing your country to be influenced by an 18th century neckbeard
>letting jews kill your royal family
>caring about journal publications
>the fuckin state of "doctors"