All Pedos deserve to die
Other urls found in this thread:
Amen brother
Hang all pedos
Murder them all. Any man that develops a fetish for it should be brutally and slowly slaughtered by a dull sword.
What? I don't see any on the catalog.
They can't charge us for viewing other people's posts. They can sure as fuck charge them though. Sort by newest post, keep refreshing until you see it and report the thread.
Some retard posted on of those fake gifs where it's something different and then when you open it it's a dude sticking something up a babies bum or some shit.Absolutely fucking disgusting.
That's pretty shitty.
Still doesn't prove intent, though.
RIP most western politicians. RIP entire British establishment. Bill Clinton Am Cry.
>OP subtly uses reverse psychology to get people to post CP in his thread
I'm on to your tricks.
>when the inevitable purge arrives all pedophiles and gays will be burnt at the stake.
lmao Sup Forums really is the new Sup Forums. We've come full circle. Congrats on project Trumpology, user.
The old new Sup Forums now.
We'll have to build a new one somewhere else.
Go back to plebbit with your whiny feminist bullshit.
There is literally nothing wrong with being a pedophile
I've been lurking since 06 and I've only seen CP posted a hand full of times. It was really fucked up honestly it was the Oh no I'm v& and people were making youtube videos with CP and lying about what the link was.
>There is literally nothing wrong with being a pedophile
Only after you've shot yourself in the face friendo
fuck you
Mods right pedo porn stop it
Pedophiles will burn in hell for all eternity.
Well looks like someone finally found a way to trigger nu-pol redditors enough to get them to leave.
More power to you, cp spammer. May the triggering intensify.
Whining about it will literally only encourage them to troll you more with it.
Also, you're not going to get in trouble for someone else posting CP.
Jesus fuck Christ please just sage the trend I don't want some sick freak putting up pedo porn again
But first they become Catholic priests.
Children are fucking gross.
Hell isn't real, fag.
This is why we need a stickied loli thread, to keep these newfags out.
No, man, girlchildren are great.
I agree with the cp spam. Not afraid to say it, he's doing a good job at keeping all the antifa queers and reddit cunts out of here. Plus being a pedophile is just something u have to accept about us. Sorry niggers you always lose not matter how good you do.
What thread was this?
I wish that were enough, but they're not going to leave.
Just like you and I, they're here forever... Just have to wait for them to assimilate, like fucking always.
>stickied loli thread
Not a half bad idea, as long as there's no 3DPD bullshit.
Found you, lefty faggot
Kill them them slow and painfully please...
Oh hi CP poster, guess you switched IPs or proxies.
Nice false flag.
Not everyone you disagree with is a lefty faggot, new faggot.
If you actually saw the cp threads with the accompanying text, you'd know he's a marxist
Please die slowly, and CP has no good uses in this world no matter what the cost is
I didn't, so I'll just take your word for it.
The number of people on here who can't tell the difference between child molesters and people with childish sex fantasies is kind of confounding. There can't be anything immoral about thinking or fantasizing about anything. That is simply not how it works. Nor does finding children attractive automatically mean ceasing to find grown women attractive, or more attractive.
The sensible thing to do if you find a child attractive is either to fantasize about being a child yourself and having grown up with them as a girlfriend or boyfriend. If your fantasy world requires that you be an adult, and you can't talk yourself into believing that children are able to consent to sex, you can fantasize about having a sex dream.
Who here wants to lecture me now for fantasizing about having an immoral sex dream? I mean wanting to have one.
Posting actual fetishes because fuck you.
I love that scene.
>I just got the wind knocked outta me I'm fine
>he doesn't like cunnies
>Nor does finding children attractive automatically mean ceasing to find grown women attractive, or more attractive.
Yes, it does.
is this one of those times that the kikes try censor us again with CP lol?
>Real pedos who are trying to bait the dude to post the gifs again in order to save
Sage goes in all fields
If you don't recognize the wonderfulness of a puffy vulva there's not much hope for u my dude
You're not completely wrong, but it's gross to most people (especially the preteen shit) and is too useful of a political tool right now.
It's an easy way to character assassinate someone, even if the court can't get them for viewing a CP image. Politicians love this because it's workable blackmail.
So, that's why it's not allowed on here, even the asshole of the internet, because both niggers and powerful niggers talk here.
Stupid fucking leftist cunts always trying to derail national socialist.
There is nothing wrong with being a fucking pedophile. If it is then it would be a thought crime to be one.
Stupid cunts, let pedos be pedos and quit trying to attack white identity. Having sexual attractions and expressing the urges is a natural thing. Until you realise that you will always be stuck in shack filled mother shithole russia you faggots.
damn I missed the whole thing
Sugoi user! It's as if you didn't read the thread at all!
Also announcing sage is against the rules, you cocksucking newfag!
>Sup Forums is one person
>NS = pedo
hm... Amazing false flag there. Makes me wonder if the news is gonna use this for "shutting down the 4chinz."
Te potest mutare naturae humanae
You're going before everyone on DOTR.
>I'm somehow a pedo for reporting cp threads
Don't you slopes buy schoolgirl panties from vending machines?
If your attraction has developed into a fetish, sure. For most people it doesn't. The child can't consent, so you can't fuck them, so you carry on about your business and fuck grown women. Pretty easy if you aren't a basket case.
We're in agreement here, hence pic related.
You're both going to get tortured at some point of your lives.
mods delete this fucking thread already,it's an obvious reverse pscyh.
Get your eyes checked, she's hot, except for that facial expression, not good. Is good when the girl likes it or is just kind of indifferent to it.
Muhhh Homosexuality
So it's ok to make a taboo out of pedophilia but not being a faggot, fuck you.
Remember, guys, it's perfectly natural to look up pictures of children naked in their bathtub. Especially if you plan on being a father one day, and you find it funny.
Oh, and if you get called out on it, just contact the Crimson Criminal of hacking.
desu I only like girls over 12 or 13
Your shill is showing.
pls stahp
No, we're not.
>The child can't consent
Says what? Girl likes it and asks for more, that's not consent?
Hoc est omnino normalis
I cant wait to kill every last one of these demented monsters! pedophiles must die! kill the evil who hurt the innocent! burn them at the stake!
Your father would probably kill himself if he knew this. Shame on you.
Neck yoself fool
What's with the random cp posting tho.
Yeah, pedos are evil, but shit like this just makes me realize that you're evil too. You just want to kill someone, and you think them being a ____ is just reason to do so.
Let's post cute animu grils to wash away the 3DPD.
Isn't it about time we started normalizing pedophilia anyways?
I'd rather hangout with a pedophile than some fat communist cunt who sucks nigger dick.
>r-reddit heeelp!!!!!
lmao, should have stayed in /r/the_donald. have fun in the pokey, faggot.
>over 12 or 13
Too old. Girls are doable starting around 3yo, with around 8-10 being best, 12 is already pushing it.
it is.wouldnt you kill so eone who raped your 5 year old daughter?
>I'd rather hangout with a pedophile than some fat communist cunt who sucks nigger dick.
>he keeps changing IPs and false-flagging
Dude, care to explain? Trolling or legit op?
real CP is disgusting.
Nothing wrong with a bit of loli though
i know someone irl that went to prison and is out now because of this. OCD sucks but at least mine is just with germs and not mass downloading files.
You're an edgy, idiotic psycopath. Go ahead, give pedos persecution points. It'll only help their "cause".
Kanna thread
sodom and gomorrah disgusting times we live in. lets hope a meteor kills us all at this point.
That's different. Your daughter belongs to you, of course you'd kill someone who steals from you, that's only right.
Mate, please
ok, enjoy 40 year old men fucking your son up the butt! ill just keep my machine guns and a pyre for live burnings close by at all times
Stop posting it, you faggot. Why are you trying so hard to bring this board down? Are you afraid because you can't control us?
trips don't lie
How do you find her attractive? Explain yourself.
>posting 3DPD in a loli thread
Can someone explain to me why some random fag is posting cp.
How do you not? Are you gay?
She's so small and cute, I want to cuddle her and brush her hair.
Remember that gif of the guy shitting on a baby? I haven't seen that in YEARS. It's like it's existence has literally been wiped from the internet
Judging from the posts surrounding it by the guy with the nazi flag, likely a false flag. Or a troll. Or a troll trying to pretend false flag.
Even if you're trolling this is disgusting dude.
Why the fuck do you think this is okay?
Because your mother doesn't love You.
How do you find your mom attractive? Explain.