How red pilled was this episode really?
How red pilled was this episode really?
I didn't know Sam Raimi directed a Star Trek episode
As redpilled as TV allows, Starfleet/The Federation is fascist anyway, Spock admiring NatSoc isn't much of a leap.
what episode was this?
Holy shit what episode is this?
But bones would complain
Patterns of Force, season 2 episode 23
Season 2 episode 21
"Patterns of Force"
Thanks. I'll have a look
Original Star Trek, and DS9 are super redpilled. TNG less so and VOY was not quality television. It inadvertently pushes for race realism because each individual of each humanoid species displays species-specific traits despite their best efforts to assimilate into the federation. Not to mention the Federation blows up anyone that's fundamentally incompatible with them (Dominion, those time traveling monsters) and keeps belligerents separate (see Romulans and Klingons.) It was also fun seeing Jewish actors play with their own stereotypes with the Ferengi, especially in DS9.
The Federation is basically space-America with post scarcity technology.
>episode 23
>episode 21
2 of these 3 men were jewish you idiot.
>Kirk and Spock kill the system of a society which was in ruins and evolved massively
>Nazism is portrayed as the worst thing ever still
>Person who introduced Hitlerism on the planet has massive regrets
Let us be honest, Nazism is wrong, but if introduced on another planet, it might work if you left out the bad parts (discrimination and killings of the minority of the M'Nosids and no war with the fourth planet in the system).
no it's pretty marxist.
Trust me, Im the OP.
Hail victory
Yo, anyone know that movie about Nazi America, not the man in the high castle, it was an actual good movie about a Nazi government in the US. I just remembered and can't recall the name?
Terrible argument, there are tons of stupid non greedy and un-scheming jews.
The ones we hate are the hyper intelligent eugenics bred elite jew, you faggot.
It was a different time
I remember one scene with nazis sitting at a round table discussing policy.
That would be Jaws.
And one of those browses here.
i dont get it