The SON of the Israeli PRIME MINISTER posted this today.
If he is here now please respond.
The SON of the Israeli PRIME MINISTER posted this today
On a scale of 1-10 how much is Israeli media kvetching about this
Hacked account?
Maybe yid bants aren't so bad after all
I'd say it is half correct.
Who is Soros to offer the globe?
who are the three people on the right?
Left-wing Israeli political figures.
Well he runs it
A lot, but there's so much to kvetch about they move to the next shitstorm in a day max.
I can't wait! I heard about this from the stormer.
Breaking news!
Children tend to rebel against their parents political views.
Fucking kikes, quit spamming this all day, we don't give a fuck about your left-wing or your right-wing. Fuck Israel.
What are those moonrunes saying?
the irony
Is Netanyahu liked or loathed by the media within Israel? How "lenient" would they be on his son Yair
He put real jews over the Schlomos.
broke: israel controls usa
woke: Sup Forums controls israel
How can they call it anti-Semitic if the Israeli (would-be) heir apparent posted it?
How is that effective?
How do you know he didn't get it from /reddit/?
Why was Obama pushing on Israel if he's a globalist elite?
How often do they bitch about Trump? They must have been in a tizzy during pic related, because our kike media sure was
WHy are you on Sup Forums shilling for Israel?
Can anyone decode the meme? What's the significance of the book, the pyramid, and who's getting the free lunch?
>American intelligence
"Leftists are the real racists/nazis!!!"
(Cernovich and the alt-cuck are pathetic...)
According to french media he found the picture on a website "with a laughing pinochet" at the top of the page. That sounds a lot like Sup Forums.
Book is probably religion, free lunch is little dumphkin and pyramid is "illuminato" soros trolling lizard people with earth is fucking golden
I'm not. I'm confused about Obama's intentions.
Ok, Shlomo, now can I get a real response?
cool. I can't wait for Trump to expose 9/11. I wish i could be there to see your pussy ass face.
oy vey!
There's some scandal about some Jew getting free meals in Israel, so I'm guessing it's
>free food
>book deals for some journalist
The rest is Sup Forumsshit you should know already.
Well if you studied WW2 you would KNOW that many top Nazi scientists were absorbed into the United States government. Real Nazis in a literal sense are what we have in this country.
How did a Hungarian become even more powerful than the Reptilians?
Ok, so no one actually knows what this meme is trying to communicate.
oy vey
>The memes have consumed even the son of the israeli prime minister
How far will it go?
> thats the order cuck
OY VEY BASED KIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Son Of Bibi sounds like a bad Japanese monster flick.
Hey Yair, can you hook me up with an Israeli diplomats qt daughter?
Fucking retards, George Soros is a puppet that has served his use and he is going to be disposed of shortly and used as (((their))) scapegoat while hiding who really pulls the strings. Of course they're going to pretend to be on your side.
Yes this is an obvious psyop.
Kikes are pretending their "right wing" is the West's ally. An Sup Forums is falling for it.
>oi vey shut it down
The lib Jew is scared. I repeat, the lib Jew is scared.
Can somebody red pill me on israel?
delete this right now goy
That's the Eye of Providence.
It was used by Renaissance Christians to capture the divine trinity of God.
It later got co-opted by Freemasons who were later co-opted by Satanic globalists.
Not really, us israel flaggers are notorious attention whores and 10 threads for a day old news story isn't that much by Sup Forums standards.
If only you knew who keeps an eye on this place. Keep it up Sup Forums.
>When you accidentally Jew the Jews with ironic shitposting
Come home jewish man... come home to the memes...
kikes are worried they are losing touch with youth culture.
will jews ever stop kvetching?
Is Jared floating?
Le based son of prime minister.
tfw memes from here interfere with the US election, now Israel.
Brilliant bit about how soros is behind everything, including the reptilians. Kek.
Jared be like: Nazis watch out.
Sage faggot op gona spam this garbage 24/7? KYS