Should Gypsies be gassed?
Should Gypsies be gassed?
Nah, they are kinda entertaining little brown people. They should be given detergent though.
yes, steal culture, subhumans.
Yes, let's start with Hungary and Romania first.
No their not, they are worse than niggers
Well they don't do crime much here and they act funny I guess its entertaining to me. Kind of like listening to and Indian person with a heavy accent talk.
at least they provide cheap fuckable whores. better than niggers.
fucking a gypsy is one of the dumbest things you can do with your dick
Not even the left likes them so I wonder how the hell are they still alive
Send them to Germany
reported to SRI, have fun in jail
Yes, fucking gas them all. These fuckers rob old people all the time especially in villages. My grandma decided to move to the city because the village she lived in became too dangerous. Also there was a story where a gypsy murdered old people for like 10 bucks a kill. That's how disgusting these people are. Not to mention their lifestyle. They are having like 15 children so they can live on welfare.
are western europeans really THIS stupid?
No need to send them, they're already going on their own.
Gypsies nowadays live in better houses than 90% of Latin America, since EU gives them a lot of money and we call them Roma now.
>Should Gypsies be gassed?
Definitely yes
That's what gypsies are- literal pajeets who left that area in the middle ages. They have interbred along the way, like the difference between an African-American and an African. They are worse than niggers, like living out of a mobile ghetto for 500 years
The left doesn't like anything that won't vote for them.
Nah just sterilised
100% yes. The Irish pikies in the UK are the absolute worst scum. Neanderthal criminals the lot of them
This is a gypsy settlement here.
Of course.
Prekmurje? Lucky for you because gypsies in my area are literal animals. They should be all put to sleep.
We have a name for people like them in America. Theyre called con artisrs.
Con artists*
yes, fuckin scum.
Everywhere the same, paid by EU money. That depends on your local gypsy leader, how he works with EU money.
Required viewing.
Is this a rethoric question?
you are like little baby
watch this
remember westerners, this is your money here, your wallets and your iphones
you have never been around gypsies
Are those gypsy houses? I hope EU doesn't sends them additional money, since they probably stolen enough from citizen already.
x100 times worse than niggers, x10 times worse than muslims
Luckily at least they're not nearly as many. Still, gas or not, I really don't want them around me
For someone who claims to be the pinnacle of western civilization you know jack shit about european culture.
This is my area. Scum!
Not gassed. Burned with fire to ensure that not one parasite they harbor has even a chance of surviving.
That's because your gypsy council stolen money and stacked it up on some account, but believe me, they got EU money.
dont care about the gypos but there are some really cute Romanian girls out there
Yes, there are entire villages of them. When there is some obviously ridiculously expensive wedding with fancy sports cars and limos, it's 99% likely that they are gypsies. Pic related
>teaching europeans what it's like to live in europe with these scum
As an authority on gypsies considering I'm from a country which people associate with gypsies the most, eat shit retard.
>driving sport car on shitty roads
How does that even work?
Mergi la lucru, tigan imputit.
Who cares, the french are gonna pay for it anyway lmao
>they got EU money.
Not them, but municipality did. They don't get anything in their bank account, don't be stupid. They got a new road, bus station etc. while we, the taxpayers didn't get that shit. Your cigans are just actually civilized, something extremely rare in a gypsy world. So you are an exception, which only confirms the rule.
>gas people I don't like
Woww, these great arguments are really starting to stack up and don't sound like reddit at all
Gypsies over her live in wooden and tin plating shacks but with the money they make from selling drugs and stealing stuff they manage to own big ass LCDs and drive top class mercs and suv bmws.
Town hall tried giving them their own brand new
5 floor high building for them to live but they just stole all the electronics and copper and left it to degrade.
Cops over here are too pussy to do anything about them.
Should gypsies be allowed to live?
Most of EU money that comes for anything, not just gypsies is spend for private pockets and EU knows it. Whatever they do, normally doesn't brings results, but instead feeds salaries of somebody.
Does that include British gypsies?
>Gasing gypsies is now reddit
Opinion discarded
The biggest problem we face nowadays here in gypoland is the last few Romanians that we have left are being gypsified.
I've seen it with my own eyes, individuals who used to listen to Hatebreed and so forth now listening to that filthy music "manele", also younger generations tend to have adopted the gypo mentality and lifestyle(loudmouths, using words of theirs when addressing their friends etc), soon you'll have no way to differentiate Romanians from gypos mark my words.
You're retarded. EU does NOT put money into private pockets. It gets in a state account. Later on it gets into private pockets though, however with work done by private contractors (i.e. construction companies).
They build a house before they even put in place electricity for gypsy village, those houses come in gift packets, but EU forgot to pay for electric instalment.
>Nah, they are kinda entertaining little brown people.
You must be literally out of your fucking mind. Jews erode your society invisibly by undermining its social fabric but Gipsies are a visible, stinking rot on the surface of your nation.
State accounts go into private pockets, their firms and relatives. Fucking Christ are you from yesterday? What is Switzerland for, why aren't they in EU? Because of that.
all i've every heard about gypsies is that they've cornered the pickpocket market and live very very well from it.
also have some decent music too
>fucking a gypsy is one of the dumbest things
But that's how you were born.
Yes, when I was a kid I had a huge fear of gypsies kidnapping me.
That is maybe why I hate them besides them being smelly subhumans
>cheap fuckable whores.
Yea Romanian whores are the cheapest.
This is nepotism (if anything) which is not the same. You made it sound like civilians get the money into their bank account.
Here you can see perfectly those houses are given to gypsies.
>ghetto for 500 years
holes in the earth and caravans
>implying fatburger ever saw a gipsy
And where the fuck are you? Transelvania? Get dracula to help you then you cunt
look comfy
How do you feel about niggers? Because gypsies are worse. Now fuck off with your
>America fuck yeah
>we're number 1
>who the fuck are you? Are you American? No? You're irrelevant
Currently three gypsies are begging at the intersection 50m from my window. One is limp, his limp walk changes about every day and he is begging for money on his new shoes. The other one is some old cuck and then another guy with only one leg.
I'd like to Berlin them with a truck so hard.
Is that even a question? What next? Should sand people be nucked?
The gypsie is one of the most subhuman race on the planet.
>fucking a gypsy
I've honestly never read anything more disgusting on this site.
Here they don't even need the house; they make some fallout-settlement tier shit-holes and die electriefied while stealing copper from the station cables
Does anybody here deny the Pajamos (Gypsy holocaust) ? Or is it just the Jewish ones you guys deny
Nobody cares about this non-issue. It's like the total cunt in your work place that suddenly dies and everybody is actually relieved he isn't there anymore.
Yes ofc
Gypsies tend to pimp their own underage daughters and girlfriends, yes, they're that degenerated
Sterilised or deported back to India.
That's why their women grow up to be so fat and disgusting looking.
You'd think that since 1990 and millions leaving people would distinguish a gypsy from a Romanian but they don't, the second they hear Romanian they think gypsy, cause you behave exactly like them and you're stupid and filthy.
should you be gassed?
I had a leftist, Jewish, Romanian gf. She hated gypsies because they gave all Romanians a bad rep. It was the only minority I could shit talk about with her
But it won't be politically easy to do without a lot of whining.