/NZ Election general/
Labour released it's top priorities .. and they are literally a big nothing, look like they stole the the ass end of someone elses policies
/NZ Election general/
Labour released it's top priorities .. and they are literally a big nothing, look like they stole the the ass end of someone elses policies
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Sheepshaggers should vote for a sheepshagger.
what is your flag doing there mate
Should we grant Australia statehood?
Overseas voter. I'll come back when there's work and the women look better
Vote Winnie, chinks out, labour immigration policy > nationals.
Just remember Jacinda Ardern is a Marxist socialist and wants to bring in as many rapefugees as possible. National want us to become a colony of China.
This election is embarrassing. At least it'll be fun watching Jacinda crash and burn when she becomes PM.
>Make the first year of tertiary education or training free (it will eventually be three years free) and increase student allowances and living cost loans by $50 a week from January 1, 2018
How the fuck is this #1? Our system is already perfectly fine.
>Pass the Healthy Homes Guarantee Bill so families and all renters can live in warm, dry homes
I'm okay with this, probably doesn't need to be #2.
>Ban overseas speculators from buying existing residential properties to help take the pressure off the housing market
Beating around the bush of the issue. Won't do anything because overseas (and I emphasise "overseas" here) speculators are a tiny percentage of the market.
>Stop the sell-off of state houses
Good policy.
>Legislate to pass the Families Package, including the Winter Fuel Payment, Best Start and increases to Paid Parental Leave, to take effect from July 1, 2018.
Don't care.
>Introduce legislation to set a child poverty reduction target and change the Public Finance Act so the Budget reports progress on reducing child poverty
>Resume contributions to the New Zealand Superannuation Fund
Ponzi scheme.
>Set up a Ministerial Inquiry into mental health
>Take the first steps to clean up rivers and lakes by holding a Clean Waterways Summit of all key stakeholders
Pointless. Achieves nothing.
>Increase the minimum wage to $16.50 an hour, to take effect April 1, 2018, and introduce legislation to improve fairness in the workplace.
Our minimum wage is already quite high, to be honest.
Not under any circumstances
lmao good joke m8
Labour's immigration policy is to dramatically reduce the amount of chinks and poos while importing more shitskin refugees than there were chinks and poos in the fucking first place, idiot.
what should i know about NZ other than
>Path of Exile
>LotR trilogy
>chinese colony
>cucked by island mexicans
1500 'refugees' vs 50000 chinks. No contest. National are traitors. Winnie will see they stick to it too.
>our minimum wage is quite high
I couldn't agree more, and people are always complaining. Full time minimum wage is like $600 a week. It's obviously not big money but it's plenty to live off if you aren't retarded.
>Australia goes down the shitter by having more chinks immigrate than jobs created or houses built
>New Zealand is currently in the process of doing the same thing
Why does this country have to copy Australia in everything it does?
>>cucked by island mexicans
How many refugees do they want? How much do they propose cutting immigration by?
>How the fuck is this #1??
There is no student loan issue in NZ. First of all, the vast majority of our degrees require 3 years rather than the 4 years typical in other nations which shaves off a good chunk of any cost -- second, unless you are studying medicine, tuition is typically 5k to 7k per year. Third, we have an interest free, lifetime student loan scheme available almost unconditionally to literally every citizen and permanent resident in the country.
So you get your degree and then you have a 15k to 20k interest free loan to pay off over the rest of your life. How is that an issue? Literally no one is complaining about this. I've not heard one citizen complain about their student loan, it's always politicians. And I'll tell you something else: if you can't pay off a 15 thousand dollar loan interest free then you deserve to be a debt serf m8 because you're fucking retarded.
Finally, if Taxcinda thinks she is going to take money out of the taxpayer's pocket in order to pay for some reject to study feminist dance therapy then she is sorely mistaken.
Why are they starting the females get paid less meme again?
>How many refugees do they want?
over 9000 from what i hear...
The problem is students themselves, they don't work. They get ~$170 a week which isn't enough to live off and complain they aren't being put up for 3 years by the government.
Per year?
Jacinda Ardern is fuckable.
No blow jobs though.
I'm voting NZFirst. Hopefully Winston gets enough votes so he can force the labour cucks to halt rapefugees and other immigrant scum.
Haha xd
They want 1500 and want to reduce the chink intake by 20k minimum. Add Winnie to the mix and we're looking way better off than the national cunts beholden only to money and their Chinese overlords.
>how many refugees do they want?
If it's greater than 0 then it's far too many. They multiply like vermin and at least the Chinese get fucking jobs and contribute.
I trust you've all gone out and voted early for based Seymour.
I'd rather have a few slanteyed chinks than a bunch of exploding sandniggers tbqh senpai.
fuck off
Vote Labour/left get 5000muslim refugees. Vote national/right get more rich chinks immigrants.
1500. Then they want their whole extended family sponsored in. Then next year it's 3000. The year after it's 5000.
And they all live off the dole.
and again
Lot's of room for ACTIVITIES
Chinks are all good mate. They've got a solid work ethic.
I would rather chink speculators who don't live off of government subsidies and who obey the law and keep to themselves in their own communities than a fucking rapefugee infestation.
Fucks sake, what an utterly cucked faggot
>Jacinda Ardern is fuckable.
Helen Clark v2.0
Aunty is mentoring Jacinda.
Fuck off retard way to get caught lying. You may not mind Auckland being the way it is but I do. There are far too many chinks, I'll take a 20~30k drop in chinks for 1500 of the worst 'refugees' any day. Add Winnie to that and we might just save our demographics.
Did Bill blow it again?
So your idea to "cleanse" Auckland is to instead import a bunch of fucking illiterate Somali rapists?
Guess what dude? Auckland is like 30% Asian -- you can stem immigration all you want but the way it looks today isn't going to change... unless of course you introduce a bunch of fucking Muslim savages.
Yeah but they dilute our culture and dont bother to integrate, they care little for the environment and see us as little pinatas to come and grab shekels from
Get the fuck out of Sup Forums you squinty eyed slopehead.
all you greedy faggots who don't mind nz becoming a foreign country are traitors and rats. Kys.
you do realise we screen them, and are lucky enough to get the better ones in than most countries. I would take 1500 over 30k poos
>t. Xhou Zhang Wong
KEK, who are ACT again?
If they left student loans alone and actually helped out more (or cut income restrictions per week) with the student allowence they might actually be onto something. My income was capped at $300 a week in auckland by the government when I was a student. Keep in mind rent alone is $170 a week in a mouldy flat
yfw your planned avionics degree costs $100k p.a.
>faggots who don't mind nz becoming a foreign country are traitors and rats
>hurr durr refugees welcome
fucking neck yourself you industrial cock inhaling autist
He sure did. BTFO by a woman twice in a single career.
They're irrelevant. Their leader is some fruitcake who wears pink shirts without irony.
>falling for the pilot meme
>100k to become a glorified bus driver
bad decision m80
what do you propose then. If you let Labour in prepare for trucks of peace.
It's 30% chink so let's not shut the gates. Good logic natcuck. 20k chinks is far worse for bad demographics than 1500 of the worst kind of 'refugees'. Not to mention we screen them like fuck. They shouldn't be coming here at all, but to continue voting national is ludicrous and a betrayal of tomorrow's white kiwis.
Not really, people are just fickle. National have had 9 years and Jacinda is shiny and new. I feel bad for Bill honestly.
this will be know as the irrelevance election - ACT, Greens and Maori's into obscurity.
I don't doubt that.
I wont vote for her though.
1500 is fuck all retards. Compare that to 20,000 to 30,000+ less chinks. Besides which if a truck of peace did happen it would be good, might wake some sjw retards up.
Found the noodle jew
I wouldn't rule Act out of getting another MP in or two. Seymour did damn well at the multi-party debate, if anyone bothered to watch it. It depends on how the next two weeks go. Also, what's wrong with pink shirts?
Not being a pilot because you love to fly
Thinking all pilots fly for AirNZ
>Get turned into China 2.0, national identity destroyed
>Endure terrorists that like driving trucks at people or blowing themselves up
Activists for Chinese >Seymour did damn well at the multi-party debate
He shouted over every other candidate like an autist.
>I feel bad for Bill honestly.
twice beaten by women.
he should seek shelter in a mens refuse as a victim of female abuse
I'm actually Irish/British/French.
1500 is fuck all compared to the numbers eurofags have taken. Not saying it's okay but the odds of a truck of peace are low and if they did it'd redpoll most of the country. Alternatively have the rest of na become Auckland tier. Man it's not even a contrdy, vote Winnie.
They'll probably get some votes from illiterate chinks that can't read anything except billboards like . There is a reason most New Zealanders stay clear of the trainwreck that is ACT.
>I wouldn't rule Act out of getting another MP in or two.
Act would be dead if it were not for the Epsom seat con.
>we screen them like fuck
What difference does that make? It's not who they are as individuals, it's the ideology as a whole that is dangerous and, furthermore, illiterate, uneducated fucks from Somalia don't even understand why it isn't okay to rape little boys so it doesn't really matter how much you "screen" them, they are simply incompatible with our society.
I would rather import a million Chinese, I would rather become a fucking Chinese vassal state than invite one single shit eating Muslim cocksucker into this country.
>Seymour did damn well at the multi-party debate
Doesn't take much to beat the limp wristed faggots that are the greens and maoris. All that matters is out-bantz-ing Winnie
Not even a contest*
He spoke the best
Good luck New Zealand in the elections
Winnie would destroy seymour.
Also I want to fuck the Trivago girl even though she is australian.
ACT actually want to increase immigration.
They're so out of touch nobody will vote for them.
I agree more with Nats ideologically than Labour but will probably vote for Labour or NZ First because Nats have dropped the ball so hard on immigration and housing in particular.
Go live in China then retard, they don't like the muzzrats either.
Nz will stay nz if we let in 1500 refugees a year. It will not stay nz if we let in 100k chinks a year.
>maori bitch so much as opens her mouth
whatever you say kike
>another 30k gooks that are willing to work, but compete for the limited number of jobs and houses and refuse to assimilate
>1500 hajjis and somali pirates that live off the dole and will bring their 3 wives and 15 kids in late and explode and refuse to assimilate but won't leave auckland
I don't know which is worse. I'll vote for winnie regardless.
No problem Zhang
Just so we're clear - one of Peters' bottom lines is a reduction in immigration. I would much rather he put Bill on the throne provided that they reform the current immigration scheme than have him put Taxcinda on the throne to take money out of my fucking pocket to pay for some Somali sack of shit to rape everyone in my community.
>>Seymour did damn well at the multi-party debate
only cause winnie didn't attend
So your cool with your taxes paying these refugees housing. Never mind those hard working asians who pay taxes ay.
I wish I'd been in a position to run for this election. After 9 years of the same gov it would have been perfect timing for a new party
I agree he interjected a bit too much in the beginning, but he reeled it back. The important thing is he got his policies across, and actually had policies to get across unlike the others there.
There was something about a Pakeha party a while back but that fizzled out
The only concern I have with Winnie is where he stands on letting rapefugees in.
island problems tbqh
shittiest country ever get me out of here
Just voting for the sake of change is retarded.
We got too many Chinks, quick vote for more poos and muzzys.
I bet she does anal.
She has an anal-loving face.
The (((media))) would never have let it happen
It would have been NZ First on steroids, and without the anchor of Winstons past holding it down
Fuck off Kim everyone is sick of your shit
Those hardworking azn's are also taking your jobs, houses and oxygen.
I'm 100% sure he doesn't want them in
>Also I want to fuck the Trivago girl even though she is australian.
Yes cunt I'll pay and vote whatever it takes to reduce our net immigration