why do white women suffer from animal-cock lust so badly? its really fucking bad. and keeps getting worse and worse
Why do white women suffer from animal-cock lust so badly? its really fucking bad. and keeps getting worse and worse
What the hell are you talking about
Porn actors don't count because they want sheckels
im talking about how degenerate western women fuck their dogs constantly
women are in nature degenerete. Both genders have something of an animal in them, males have the aggresivnes and brutality while women have their animal like sexuality. The only problem is civilization is meant to keep those traits in check but right now it only keeps male animal traits in check (with laws against assult and murder). Women used to be held to a standard by the society and also controlled by their religion, parents and husbands (a sort of societal law against being a whore), right now they are without someone to control them therefore become animal-like.
b-but what if you're male and you want to fuck a mare..?
Racemixing is an american cultural phenomenon.
Stop exporting and financing your bullshit abroad, thanks.
White man is evil therefore we need nigger and animal penis.
>virgin and his thread
its the knot. God should have given men knots.
Horse pussy is the best!
my mother literally tells he how high the T count her stallion pony has. Its horrible.
What's a T count?
I think you wany to go to this board than, horse fucker.
It's super common in any culture that prizes it's animals. Texas girls are Superbad about it.
Swiss cuck should stay up to date
This actually
Bet she says it with a gleam in her eye
2d is perfectly fine.
so she wants to fuck the pony lmao
I find it kinda hot
everything degrading for a women turns the man on
>ass to mouth
fuck me the polish are bringing the level of this board up
>google search japanese dog porn
wew lads
Least she isn't fucking a nigger
you wont leave your room for days once you see the actual video of her getting the Big Ping Chimpanzee dick
Only if you're a backward reprobate.
fat british slag detected, not even a dog would be sexually aroused by your fat rolls that form by your too tight dress
pretty much this. checked
They naturally enjoy being degraded and mistreated
Bestiality, racemixing, rape, bondage, suffocation, hardcore and slutty/servile behaviour are way too common fantasies to not have biological basis, considering they arise from both extremes of socio economic situations.
You're the one who sounds like a low IQ degenerate animal, Sergei. I quite liked Hungary before you started flapping your grotesque webbed lips. You should slip back below the border to join the rest of the balkan filth.
this thread would actually go somewhere if it was on Sup Forums
you think I give a rats ass about your pathetic british shit opinion? go fucking fuck your paki neighbor you fat whore
you're fucking done, youre done in this town.
why do the glasses have eyes
Way to go, Rocket!
I'm quite happy to be done in your town, because your town is pic related.
Reflections and pareidolia.
There's no cock like horse cock, send your asshole into shock
I'm not sure this is the most ridiculous thread I've read, but it is up there. I realize we have a lot of sexually inexperienced dreamers here, but you should know women are not into this. Anyone into this is their own breed of outlier and does not represent the whole.
I'm honestly more concerned that we now have men who are so deluded they actually believe women are out hooking up with animals on the regular. As an experiment, put down your phone, go outside and meet a real woman. Ask her if she's ever had sex with an animal and then prepare to run.
the other races do it to. arabs fuck donkey and goats. chinese fuck fish because their dick only fits in a fishs mouth and blacks fuck everything even disgusting fat half whale quater pig quater womans
>This thread
maybe they are onto something
I'm with ferenc on this one.
There's something incredibly hot about a woman degrading herself and going so low as to let a literal animal fuck her.
Marry her and breed. Be sure to live on a farm. Happy wife, happy life.
Gotta admit, I chuckled.
where is the proofs?
100% this
post your asshole with feet visible roastie
the entire muslim world fucks goats, Colombians fuck donkeys but because some women do some beastiality shots that they get paid for the amusement of mostly men, it's white women have "animal-cock lust"?
you virgins need to check your medicine