I'm voting yes in the upcoming gay marriage survey to legalize gay marriage in Australia. Without resorting to insults tell me why I'm wrong
I'm voting yes in the upcoming gay marriage survey to legalize gay marriage in Australia...
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Two reports in one. Niceu niceu.
Give an inch and they take a mile.
So you want to become like Canada?
>why is gay marriage wrong
because its a mental disease/disorder
whatever u wanna call it
I'm voting no and here's why:
>vote no
>survey comes back no
>gay marriage activists are spewing with rage
>gay marriage legalised anyway a few years later (it's inevitable)
>anti-gay marriage activists are spewing with rage because survey came back no
It pisses literally EVERYBODY off. It is the holy grail of trolling. If no wins, everybody loses.
And that's fucking hilarious.
Cuz you're a fag. Not an insult, just pointing out.
The only point of gay-marriage, trans, and incest (Game of Thrones), is to destroy reproduction.
And you're a dumb dupe. Your desire to think of yourself as a civil rights hero fighting for the only cause you won't get punished for supporting is what is driving this. But ultimately it's meant for your destruction. Congrats on being a retard.
Once there's a critical mass of fags and trannies, they'll take away everyone's right to reproduce. Your voting for your doom.
Marriage as an institution exists to produce children and all tax credits and advantages given unto the participants of marriage are for this purpose.
Having a pair of homosexuals, who are incapable of reproduction, given the same benefits therefore makes no sense.
Should infertile straight couples who adopt receive tax credits?
the most rational answer
Probably not, but if you were to pass that into law, people would simply not report it (unless you institute government mandated fertility checks, which is retarded). This is a small percentage of marriages so it's not really worth considering.
I'm voting yes, but then again I'm in a gay relationship with a qt kiwi and I want to be able to marry him and have him immigrate.
I can respect a lot of people's reasons for voting no though. The arguments that marriage shouldn't be controlled by the government, that it exists to help create/care for babies in loving families, or even that they don't dislike gay people but just think that marriage is for man and woman only because of the bible.
There's counter arguments to a lot of those, but they are still fairly valid. DESU I often dislike the 'yes' side more than the 'no' side. The whole rainbow coalition is a cancerous tumour of incitement and self oppression. It's pretty pathetic the way they strawman, throw things in people's faces, and act incredibly intolerant while preaching tolerance. Rubs me the wrong way,
Marriage is an institution that exists because we're primarily a monogamous species capable of abstract thought. We've ritualized or otherwise given name and importance to many of our instincts, which is only good and natural.
Which still makes no sense in regards to faggots
The survey doesn't mean a thing, SSM will be legalised regardless once Labor get back in, if not sooner. I'll be voting 'no', because if the 'no' mob is the winner, the butthurt will be hilarious, and it ultimately won't mean a thing anyway, since Labor will legalise SSM as soon as they get in anyway.
>tl;dr i'm voting 'no' because it will be funny and it ultimately doesn't matter because you can't delay the inevitable
>The only point
Nah, even as someone who sympathizes with trans and others it's more than that.
1. Moral relativism
If things keep changing further from the Bible and traditional values than it takes away authority from religion and heritage. Who gets that authority? Governments? Television companies?
2. Confusion / depression / suicides
This relates to the last one as people will be torn between ideas. It's also inherent in many of the new concepts themselves. For example, "Transfetishism" or "chasers". It's the belief that someone shouldn't like a trans person for being trans... which aside from pushing genital surgery, as it makes trans people feel ashamed that someone actually likes the genitals they were born with, makes them less likely to ever be happy because they might be "objectified" in a relationship. Similar to how feminism makes women unhappy to be women and men unhappy to men and increases the suicide rate which then allows for an easier replacing of the population with gibsvoters.
I'm voting no for the exact same reason as these guys
Watching all the lefties lose their mind will be fucking hilarious. It's going to get passed one way or another in the long run so why not get in as many laughs as you can along the way.
Because gays aren't meant to be married or live together like a couple.
Being gay was always just for pleasure, they should not have any more rights beyond that.
What use would they have for marriage anyway?
You're a dummy fart poo poo head sodomite.
Seriously though... I just wish the slippery slope argument isn't slowly but surely looking like it will be true in regards to advancing sexual deviancy.
I just want to grow old with my bf and live a quiet life. I don't want to be lumped in with the batshit insane transexual squad. I mean, I know that some are genuine. But a bunch simply aren't and retards are setting them all up for a ticking time bomb. Also they are a tiny portion of the population and we should barely be hearing about them ever,
Faggots, admittedly to a decreased extent, have the same instinct and desire for peer-recognized unity. I just don't see the reason for why they shouldn't be able to.
Of course no churches or ministers should be forced to wed them, but in the name of religious freedom libtard churches and denominations should also be free to do so if they wish.
The core question is really: to what extent should the government meddle in the personal life of the citizenry? If you think suppressing immoral behavior is more important than individual freedom, then for example infidelity should be punishable by law. I'm of a more libertarian mindset.
Source on that?
>Also they are a tiny portion of the population and we should barely be hearing about them ever
Exactly how the rest of us feel about you lot
I'm voting yes too because only a christcuck would care about it, when interracial is legal
Voting no for butthurt, give 0 shits about the sanctity of marriage.
faggots dont make babies
Gays are statistically a lot more prevalent that transsexuals. But I don't begrudge your point. For some reason the lefty dogooders have adopted a 'throw it in your face then cry oppression when told to fuck off mentality'. God I hate the LGBT movement and it's sycophants. It's achieved a lot of good things but we are at the point where it does more harm to those groups than good, in relation to the outlook of it's constituents in western countries.
You aren't. Destroy your country in every opportunity. No one likes white English speaking men so I hope you aren't interacting with anyone except through this vote. Continue to vote with this block on other issues as well. No body has liked Australia since the crocodile Dundee and even less so since Steve Erwin committed suicide after he saw the policies being pushed.
Get bit.
because this is only the beginning
its a step stone on the path of moral decay
down the road you will find your self surrounded by hostile people of color and I wouldn't count on their good will to keep your country in order
Mad lads.
What's the latest polling?
7% of millennials are gay:
So the most gay demographic on the planet is less than 10% gay? Like the guy said, there aren't a lot, especially when compared to the amount of politicisation there is.
That's still a lot of people? Why does being low in number mean you deserve less rights? I will keep this in mind for when White Christians are a minority in AU as they are in the US now.
faggots can't have kids, so they poison our kids so their movement doesn't die out.
Where is your upside down pink triangle?
But gays with kids are the reason we have gay marriage. Many of the gays fighting the hardest for marriage have kids already and want to be under one legal system for custody, inheritance and other matters. Gays can have kids via surrogacy, adoption, or from previous relationships, and many do.
>complain about gays being promiscuous
>also against gay marriage
guess Sup Forums is just gonna close their eyes and wish real hard that they all disappear
So begins the open attack on tradition. Watch as your Christian countrymen are compelled by the full force of the law to act against the millenia old teachings of their faith. Watch as a failure to endorse homosexuality not only makes one anathema to his community, but costs one his job, or even his freedom. Watch as the very foundations of civilized life itself -- right and wrong, man and woman, sacred and profane -- are dismantled and destroyed. Watch as your culture sinks into utter atavism.
Because it is pointless, at the end of the day it is just a survey and the morons in Canberra will still vote however they want.
So just vote no to troll,
No fucking way 10% percent of millennials are exclusively homosexual for real. I'd say
What if we gave them some encouragement?
lol gay
lmao so edgy XD
I'm not saying they don't deserve equal rights. I agree they do. As I said I will be voting yes. I'm saying that the representation of LGBT related content, especially in the media, is out of whack with the numbers affected and that I understand how some people who either don't care about, or don't like, LGBT people are pushed further away from them because of this.
Make no mistake: they do not want mere freedom from oppresion. They want the freedom to oppress.
When our country denies its Christian heritage, it promotes the moral degradation of our culture, at a state enforced level in this case
There is no need to be upset
faggots are child abusers
faggots don't care about traditional values that are the backbone of our civilization
in other words, faggotry is malevolent
No one's forcing people to marry.
I would be more worried about the English and Irish people
this is unacceptable, everything you typed.
i would rather orphans be trained from the beginning to be soldiers than to see them raised by perversion
maybe I'd consider joining if you didn't post such cringeworthy art
Homosexuals already have civil unions, functionally identical in the eyes of the law. This is exceedingly generous in the part of our government. Marriage in the Australian context is a Christian institution, and should remain so in conversation of our culture, morality and people. When you take away a nation's tradition, make it incorrect to support it's cultural foundations, you invite death. It's a slow, cancerous death which will grow until we are consumed, and even if this one matter seems trivial to you it is a part in this consumption. It may be that we are already terminal, I personally believe that this cannot be solved democratically and further, should not be. However, you have here an opportunity to promote conservative opinion within Australia on a nationally recognized level and you should not let it go. A vote for "yes" is a promotion of apathy and death for the Australian people
Because once gay marriage is made legal, they'll move on to saying there are 20+ genders and say the pedophiles are good people. Like is happening in the USA right now after they made gay marriage legal.
Why do gay people even want to religiously marry if that same religion condemns gays?
Assuming civil unions and marriage gives the same tax benefits.
If I were gay I simply wouldn't care if the church allows me to take part in their circle jerk.
No, because the role of law is not to say that which is legal, but rather to say that which is illegal. Plus massive butt hurt kek.
except fags in australia CAN ALREADY ADOPT, and civic marriages/unions here are nearly exactly the same legally.
they're literally only gunning for marriage because they want the actual label "marriage", as well as more government subsidized divorces (which was meant to make it easier for women to fuck over men, but gotta have that poof promiscuity) and other various reasons, like having a nigger boyfriend you can bring into the country, circumventing immigration laws. this is what they'll do next.
it's literally just subversion of religion yet a fucking gain. and of course pooftestants and anglicunts are lining up to get these faggots married, meanwhile a greek orthodox priest gets called out by news websites for telling people that homosexuals go to hell (true) and to vote no to gay marriage.
If homosexuals want to get married they can. Marriage is a conjugal, exclusive, life-long union between a man and a woman.
Homosexuals and their allies have brainwashed people into thinking that this one particular sexual fetish is the most sacred aspect of humanity. But the reality is just poop on a dick.
The real question is: how do we fix people's minds after becoming so brainwashed with nonsense?
We need to educate people once again to be able to make moral arguments, to not fear judging people according to clear moral standards.
We worship the Natural Sciences now as the fount of all truth, which is why our moral intelligence has atrophied so badly that people can repeat idiotic bubblegum phrases like "homophobe" with a straight face.
>Marriage in the Australian context is a Christian institution
Nope, it's secular.
>When you take away a nation's tradition, make it incorrect to support it's cultural foundations, you invite death
No one's stopping you from having a traditional marriage.
Really all of this hyperbole over the word 'marriage' being applied to gays is fucking ridiculous, regardless of what side you look at it from. Australia has far larger social problems from a conservative outlook than gay marriage.
I'm too scared to download this file to my hard drive.
kys faggot
>Australia has far larger social problems from a conservative outlook than gay marriage.
Indeed, but seeing as we are having a vote on this, its our duty to vote no
>Why do gay people even want to religiously marry if that same religion condemns gays
Because their version of their religion doesn't?
Nah, because it doesn't make really any difference.
Because its inevitable?
Your death is inevitable, why don't you just fucking kill yourself?
My death is inevitable, but dying now probably isn't.
how would you even check such a thing in the first place and it's meaningless we already have civil unions in aus that give you everything but the actual name of marriage so the only reason is to destroy the institute of marriage and to push us further along the road of degeneracy
don't forget no fault divorce
Gays already have the right to marry, they just need to find a woman willing to get married with them. What they are looking is to change the definition of marriage. This new definition will logically bestow upon them further ease of adoption which realistically is unhealthy for children, and will legally necesitate further teaching about homosexuality to children, which can only serve to confuse vulnerable children.
Plus the majority of the yes camp are Marxist extremists who see the vote and potential change as one more stepping stone in their cultural Marxist agenda. Next will be trans rights, pedo rights and bestiality rights. So unfortunately for the gay population that is somewhat normal I'll have to vote no to spite the commies.
Why do gays need to be under a separate legal system?
>this much /polgbt/ shilling
I might as well shill the correct merge, then.
Because every argument in favour of YES is intellectually dishonest.
>It's for equality
Nothing currently prevents a gay person from marrying, they are just restricted in their choice of gender. That is the definition of marriage. It is about marriage redefinition.
>The Gay community want it
No. There is a less than 10% take up rate in countries that have had SSM for a long time. The divorce rate among lesbian couples is around 80%.
>It's about love
Only 4% of the gay community place any value on monogamy. That's not a love leading to marriage on any understanding of the term.
If all the arguments are bullshit, then it's only about cultural marxism.
You're free to marry a woman, faggot. Fuck off
i am really sorry everyone
Because when the result comes back no it will give infinitely many keks
It will damage the reputation and the soul of you nation and weaken it from inside degeneracy just bring weakness and rottness of soul and strength of your people it is a form of rotteness and weakness just don't accept it
Because gays will not stop until they are given free pass to fuck your kids. Gays haven't been marrying for long at all and look at how these faggots are already putting children on hormones. Lynching these queers is truly the natural order of things.
You'd be opening immigration floodgates. Fake gays will abuse marriage visas and before you know it the population is doubled. Never underestimate the allure of opportunity.
Once that bottle is open, it'll be impossible to close.
>"But it won't affect your life whatsoever so why vote no?"
Fuck off.
these people need to be validated by their peers at every point you can never placate them it's like an angry 3yr old screaming for ice cream
Government shouldn't be involved in marriage at all. It's a contract between two consenting adults
>Having a pair of homosexuals, who are incapable of reproduction
>What is adoption
>What is a surrogate mother
Are all Kiwis this dumb?
This is the correct answer. Marriage is a religious ceremony about two lives becoming one before friends, loved ones, and God.
Government interference in this has ruined marriage.
the smart thing would be for government to separate themselves from the institute of marriage for all people and only issue civil unions and religious institutions to proclaim marriage to their deity and upon whatever the teaching of said religious organization was, they could choose whether to marry gays or not. Unfortunately this will never happen because people are too fucking stupid to think in abstract thoughts.
it is not fucking inevitable, im so sick of this defeatism, just because a lot of other places have folded to this, doesnt mean we will, im optimistic that aus will stand firm on this matter forever
So you would rather churches decide child custody and inheritance matters?
break the cycle user. marriage should be banned in general. They dont need it. its just a power play to see how far they have cucked a country.
dont play the jew game. Ban marriage in general and become a true aussie chad.