Your time is coming

Hey white Christians your time is up

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If that's TYT I'm not watching it.
Somebody confirm for me.

Ana's stalker in the San Gabriel mountains should've finished her off

>Young Turks
>actually middle age Jews

it is, and it is a rage inducing video

This sounds more amazing because "Genç Türkler" has led to the death of 3-4 million christian subhumans.

I'm sure they'll be just fine.

It's the age of basic bimbos and sweaty buffalo. Their time has come!

Archive your goddamn shit newfag FUCK

>who let that cracka in

Who are these cunts? Why should I give a shit what the boz eyed slag even says?

havent given tyt a click in years, not gonna break that record for any type of juicy bait sorry

Probably a rare paki ginger.

Fucking Turkroaches, why are these subhumans allowed here?

Rage? Shit like this just makes me laugh. Look at the dislike ratio and lighten up mate.

It is the eternal cycle
>pls whitey, stop ruling over us
>we just want a few rights, whitey
>we just want more rights, more non-whitey, more power
>we just want less whitey and even more non-whitey
>fuck you whitey, we rule now!
*cycle starts again*

these people are the direct enemy

the sooner we understand this, the sooner they will be taken down.

we must act.

Watch AIU's video of it, much better.

The neck on that cunt Anna, to lecture women about how we need to have more respect for ourselves.
Just fucking think about that for a second.
>a fucking Armenian
>working for a company LITERALLY called THE YOUNG TURKS.

Get out nigger

Cenk is also a denier of the Armenian genocide. He used to be vocal about it, but now he just avoids the issue completely.

that hag has aged 5 years in 1 year.

What Christians?

I hate these jew and nigger cock smokers so much, I hope the muslims behead them first.



There's nothing worse than self hating whites

turks are mudslimes

theyre not white, retard. Theyre middle eastern.

Atheism is unstoppable

I know I waiting for just this reply

Its time to start wiping everyone else out again?


Lets start with the Young Turks!


Dr. Pierce, is that you?

He's saying that "everyone being equal" means white christians don't exist. ffs

He should bring his father on more often


it is, cenk and his cronies are at it again, crying for the "other" and hating on races.

The next white nation will kill any faggots instantly that try to bring in nigger slave and 3rd world shit skin trash in general.

The mere mentioning of wanting to bring sub humans in the culture will be answered with immediate executions!

You think I'm joking?

How many down-votes does it have?

What's just as important Atheism has been on the decline as well


whats the numbers like for this one?

and they wonder why the jerk reaction to eliminating white people is backed in the corner all out backlash.

It's their dumbest mistake.

Are you that one spammer who posts worldwide statistics? Just because we have 5 billion niggers foesn't mean their belief in religion is relevant to civilisation.

Not in the US -- despite massive importation of a lot of highly religious 3rd worlders.

Nope that's not me. Just felt like passing off something I watched the other day.

saved. that was my spiritual journey through my 20's and now in my 30's

user why did u post a video of roaches how is that related to politics ?

Remember to red pill normies with this white, Christian genocide propaganda.

>Hey Muslims, Your Time Is Almost Up!!!
>Hey Jews, Your Time Is Almost Up!!!
>Hey Homosexuals, Your Time Is Almost Up!!!
>Hey Communist, Your Time Is Almost Up!!!
>Hey Degenerates, Your Time Is Almost Up!!!

The Black Pigeon is Awesome.

I liked his description of leftypol

idk, jewtube started rounding them this week. it's 4k/4k right now

I like his multicultural one.



>that white christians are a minority in the united states, well, first time since whites came
>United states
>first time since whites came
how is she that fucking stupid? the united states was founded by white christians, so it has always been a white christian majority till now

the young turks played themselves again.

would be better vid if he wasn't a canadian, I hate their accents, but good message.

I use to like accents as a child, now I find them repulsive. unless they are german or slavic, or australian, because they sound so retarded. Canadians actually think they don't have one and want to be american so bad.

Woman have a hard time doing math.

>David Duke
>Jared Taylor
>Com. George Lincoln Rockwell
>Dr. William L. Pierce
>Richard Spencer

>this decreasing number is really bad for trump, he'll never win with this shift in demographics
>he won last year, the year this poll was made

Teehee I'm gonna tell baldfaced lies on my online news blog hihi.

Of course you love him. It's like Decoded for Sup Forums.

I hate Chunk so much, fat piece of shit

i swear when are people going to wake up.. First its denying that white genocide is taking place.. Then its denying that civil liberties are under attack then its denying that white themselves are being subjugated... At what point will people wake up.. i swear man lets fucking take over a slice of this country and create a European ethnostate. C'mon dont be a tight ass let do ittttttt!!!!!!!!

Too many aggressive atheists in this country.. You know Christianity is good for society mate. If you fuck it over too much Islam is just take over.


>hey white people blah blah blah

Pretty cutting edge stuff. These guys are always so great. Bernie Sanders was also really cool.

T. Faggot

Once we establish some agriculture and industry we open the doors to all Europeans of good character to come and join. C'MON MAN!!! LETS JUST DO IT!!! C'MONNNNN DBTA (dont be tight ass)

He even said at the end people don't identify with a religion according to this study.

TYT are morons because religion is dead in the world but not Christianity. Why would anyone support any current church?

Look at the people you consider idiots. Then realize half of the population is half as smart as that guy. Then realize that by saying you speak for an authority, hand out feel goods wording then ask for donations. Well fools and their money. They hammer in morality to limit rivals.


Black Pigeon Speaks BTFO by based Roo

From 10:25 - 12:13

You just had to include it. Welp, you know the rules, bitch. TITS OR GTFO

Aiu is a total cuck, I watched his videos until he went full retard on his 'friends' during a live stream of their podcast the flying monkeys, he completely lost his shit because Hillary lost, Aiu has got to be the sorest loser I've seen from the election. When it came to Trump v Hillary he was never objective and thought for himself, he was too focused on sucking Sam Harris' asshole to have any any personal reflection whatsoever.


They deleted the post...

Aaaaaaand I just accepted Jesus Christ as my lord and savior.

why is there channel called the young turks

are hey from turkey or something ?

Lurk more. Its a fat faggot turk that made the show.

sorry i don't like participating a lot in Sup Forums

you all sound like retards most of the time

Reported for hateful content.

This is sad to me, because all of their anger and self-righteous indignation is based on lies. They believe in a false history, they have been taught lies by the media and by their professors.

I just had a conversation the other week with some Ivy League recent grad and I was telling her how early American history is so fascinating, and she replies with "and then we killed them all and now we rule, so we won!" with a sarcastic smile on her face. So much for intelligent conversation.

This is the state of higher education today. This is what they believe. And all the media, and the books, and the lectures tell these lies. History is being re-written, and it will be lost. It will. They are making these lies a reality for generations to come. And just as we believe the Greeks spoke Greek, they will believe whites came here to dominate and kill.

how ancient is that picture? More like The Old Turks

Wtf all elite higher education is liberal it wouldn't surprise me. History is being rewritten, educational bbc vid on YT about some roman elite being black can't remember it and them diversifying historical media when whites start dying out and there's a mulatto race (((they))) will write about how evil whitey was and tried conquering the world and how they stopped them ((they)) they will say they were kangz and had ancient empires

His name is Chunk Hunger and you will put some respeck on it.

lurk and you'll see why fag.

Watching her slowly getting fat is so fucking satisfying.


They like to name them self after the regime that committed the Armenian Genocide.

that totally doesn't look like a prison/brain washing camp

Last panel is fucking retarded universalist "muh everyone and everything is god" shit shtick.
It's a completely useless and destructive form of religion for society, as it cannot implement a universal code of ethics if "everyone is god." It's just the bullshit "spiritual" that stupid college girls cling too on there OkCupid account.

Not a Christian but thanks anyway

Wait and see, i'm going to make islam dissapear.

or islam will make you disappear, fucking idiot.

Crom laughs at your Allah

No he isn't. He's done dozens of videos about it.

You the where's wally champion or what?

Because Hillary was the alternative. Literally anyone else would have won against Trump.

White liberals' time is almost up. At least white conservative Christians are actually reproducing.

Fuck you sub human, l'll make the Muslims disappear, all this in name of communism, equality, love and democracy, something that Islam is incopatible.

Nice b8. Have my (You)