TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>Pres Trump holds Cabinet meeting @Camp David 9/9/17
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #31 9/8/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania departing for Camp David 9/8/17
>SoS T-Rex opening remarks @US/Kuwaiti Dialogue 9/8/17
>USDA Sec Purdue on Fire Funding 9/8/17
>WH Press Brief (Sarah, HSA Bossert) 9/8/17
>This Week @State 9/8/17
>TrumpTV Weekly Update #7 (Lara) 9/8/17
>Pres Trump update on Hurricane Irma/Dems/NoKo 9/7/17
>Pres Trump/Amir al-Sabah Press Conf 9/7/17
Trump Playlist
>Trump SwordDancing to Shadilay
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico
>Trump Triumphant
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
OP pastebin:
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snap :^)
Post your face when welfare getting cut bigly
You guys got BTFO
>When someone asks about my worst hookup, I have plenty of options to choose from, but I inevitably end up telling the same story. It’s the one where I started arguing with a Trump supporter at a bar and then before I knew it, I was waking up the next morning in his bedroom. There were flags everywhere: Ronald Reagan's face was emblazoned on one of them, “Don’t Tread On Me” made an appearance on another. I say it was the “worst” not because the sex was bad, but because, well, see above.
>I knew we'd never be anything more to each other than a hookup, but I didn’t care. The sex was hot, and it was uncomplicated in the sense that neither of us expected—or even really wanted—any strings attached. And since I was confident in my political convictions, all that witty banter about tax codes, emails, and border walls was the foreplay I never knew I needed.
>I assumed it was a onetime experiment, but shortly after we ended things I started sleeping with yet another Trumpster who I was inexplicably attracted to.
>But once again the thrill of the election and the friction of our differences made the passion so much more palpable in bed. So I pushed aside his ingrained bigotry and instead let it wash over me, filling me with a desire to prove him wrong—or maybe to just be on top of him.
>And it’s by no means just a way to feed into that whole “What if I can change him?” cliché. I don’t need any of these Trumpsters to actually like me. It’s merely because I’ve discovered that crazy political tension also makes for great sexual tension.
>illegal immigrants think that Canada will take them
>they leave their jobs and shit and go to canada
>they get arrested and deported
Last thread from me
Bill Maher fucked Ann Coulter in the 90s
I wonder, if most of you white americans realise the fact that if not you, then your kids will die violently by the hands of the minorities and your goverment will actually support them in their actions.
Thanks for baking
got next
Live Stream of /ourguy/ and doggo in the storm
what a surprise, women think politics are a form of sex. fucking moron children.
Amnesty Don, he wants to repeal DACA, but keep it
He wants to ban transsexuals in the military, but his regulation clearly states they don't have to do so.
He wants to repeal Obamacare, but gives up after the first try
He wants to get out of Afghanistan till he's shown a picture of an Afghan girl.
cool, love ya
I love you too bby
only redditards hate based Ann, she is our ideologically pure maiden
>Pretent to be a conservative and Christian
>Actually an adulterous pervert sending dick pics to women you work with
>Too busy being a pervert to raise your son
>Son grows up to become a junkie and a faggot
>People find out you're a dirty pervert and your career is ruined
>Faggot Junkie son puts a needle in his junkie faggot arm and ODs because you were a terrible father too busy cheating on your wife instead of playing a game of catch with your boy
I hope this piece of shit becomes an hero for making conservatives look bad
>white person dies
>trumpflakes are concerned he made look conservatives bad
what are conservatives conserving anyway?
>Maybe if I played catch with my son instead of sexting he would still be alive
>Maybe if I didn't rape my son he wouldn't have grown up to be a faggot junkie and OD with a needle in his arm
I wonder how shitty trump senior was - one son kills himself, the second grows up to be an embarassment
>conservatives dont conserve shit
More at 11.
It's ogre
>"So in September I'll start making deals with the Dem?"
>"Yes good goy. You will then push for congress to pass the DREAM Act, making over 1 million illegals full US citizens with plenty of gibs"
I think the "art of the deal" is screwing his base but pretending he isn't and as this thread shows, they have no problem believing him.
never gonna happen
>captcha street sign "Humps for 180 yards"
I need it.
posouck is also a piece of shit, he think this is a good thing
4 more minutes gypsy!!
This is the civil rights movement of our time.
We MUST fight for our LGBTQIA, Latino, Black, and other minority brothers and sisters.
Don’t let these fascists undermine our movement.
The jewish press will have their lying mouths shut for them!
So apparently Netanyahu's son posts here. I've been seeing thread after thread about him now.
are you sure?
Founding Fathers were White Nationalists
No Show Joe will not show up. Screencap this!
the only man who understands how to beat the jew.; Become the jew
yes and send the 4000 000 000 $$$ anualy, that will show them!
fuck civ nat, its cancer
O-Oh what's that? N-No Joe? That sucks...
gotta play by their rules until he consolidates power in the us, you can't leroy jenkins this
Joe likes to prank us every weekend by telling us he will have his usual morning show
Love Trump, fuck anti-whites
>50 posts in thread
>only OP pic is awoo
This is stupid under no circumstance is he obligated to uphold a previous executive order.
White Nationalism will rise again. Trump was only the beginning. We won the first major battle. , mid-term elections will be the rest of the war
MAGA, people are waiting for trolls and raiders to get tired, posters are asleep too. Euro morning sucks especially during slow times.
>until he consolidates power in the us
yeah, the problem is he too incompetent to consildate even a turd, so keep on dreaming about your 4d chess white utopia
OP pls
I’m going hunting for Drumpfies
I don't know who's more ridiculous and embarrassing. The shills that claim that Trump's a Jewish puppet or the autistic niggers that take that b8 and then somehow try to convince them, and themselves, that Trump is out there to get the Jews and that everything is some 4D grand master plan.
They're just putting political pressure on him to sign it into law
mid-term elections will change everything
kek, that would be funny.
yeah, buddy, sure
How can Trump win when he doesn't share swedish values?
It's actually the other way around. Trump is winning because he doesn't share swedish values.
Not an argument. You're both equally as cancerous at the end of the day and neither of you can prove your claims. Enjoy going in circles.
Seems like its getting shilled quite hard.
I would like her to go after me how do I price gouge floridians from Britain?
Yes, strong Swedish values are what the US needs right.
Yeah, I saw. Kind of far fetched when so many people export shit from there these days but possible. I really wish people would stop advertising here for fucking once. Absolute cancer.
You need to look closer.
Another weekend and Trump tweeting something stupid isn't the lead story on the news.
Must be killing him.
Sometimes it's just fun to sit and watch
Haha, this is pretty funny
But seriously he's going to legalize them
Apparently donald is letting lots of daca Mexicans stay. His boss kristol and his buddies needs some cheap shekels from the labour
Make America White Again!
Hey fellas I was doing a thing and because of that I have a couple reactions if you want em here they are
What? Donnie is a liar?
nope, he intentionally worded his "no action" tweet just to make idiots and their enablers feel safe.
Make Illegals Mexican Again!
These are cabinet members in case anyone was wondering why the fuck I would think this is relevant
We knew electing one man, wouldn't fix everything. But now that we've seen what can happen, we're gonna have trumps in government offices everywhere
Nice but still mentally insane
I like this one
You stupid fucking GOY
America was never white.
but you guys should be happy about this, it gives you another reason to hate white people!
They aren't going to be able to force his hand. His put congress to task and the people are slowly realizing it's their fucking job to do something about it.
Almost done
>ben franklin < george washington
Disdain for plebs
yep, if we fail to get trump some allies, we have failed as a society
I'll probably move to russia, theyre whiter than mexicans...
How the fuck did Momiji ever get assiociated with Trump? There must have been some bizarre chain of association going on during the election craze.
Have a beautiful day /ptg/!
Why is he pouring something?
Is it maple syrup?
Is the guy giving them amnesty or not?
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