God has disconnected from the server

>God has disconnected from the server

Other urls found in this thread:


wtf women have two vaginas?

Us education

Degenerates that do this to their children belong on a cross, unironically.

America unironically needs divine punishment

>That dude approaching this degenerate kid getting pushed away

What in the fucking fuck?


Most gays have pedophilic tendencies.

America is the punishment.

Ah yes, a good goy!

It's actually
>Religion has disconnected from server

report illegal gay aliens

>God has disconnected from the server
More like, our society's actions did the reverse. Every day, we stray even further

I'm sure you noticed his boner? Dykes are actually useful for once

>report illegal gay aliens


>implying YHWH cares about whitoid goyim

I can't imagine how long you been holding that image

How much hellfire is too much hellfire Sup Forums?

>Christian god
They're not the same faggot they only share the name

I wonder what would happen If someone had "Hetero Pride" parade and did similar things.

good goy

build the space wall now

Is Social Service OK with this?

Jesus was the last major update, God was happy with his program after that. We're in the data processing phase now.

Did he do this before or after the systematic molestation of kids in the Catholic Church?

Oy goy



>tfw dry humped a 10 yo neighbor kid when i was 16, he later killed himself with some type of degenerate drugs at age 20.

>no witnesses.

>God has disconnected from the server
>God has disconnected from the server
>God has disconnected from the server

Why do Christcucks think God gives a damn about Earth?

The Catholic church has some made up values but molestation is not one of them, unlike Islam. All those problems were caused by opportunistic pedophiles and a retarded administration that tried to cover it up to save face.


Can't blame him.


Where do u live?

Imagine being this guy in 10 or 20 years.

honey, what do you want to be when you grow up?
>a statistic

wouldn't you like to know.

That's called the Good Life

Jews Win!

I am contacting the CEO of Sup Forums as we speak :^)
have fun in American jails, you pedophile scum


You loose

>paying $3200 a month in rent to live in a box in San Fagcisco

and yet my retarded cunt of a brother still does it

Oy oy oy to the goys

>nooo my god is not jewish and my religion is not named after a jew
kys christcuck

>implying that was an actual woman

Still seems like the minority of gay couple don't molest their kids. Have any stats to disprove that?

You can't /kick God.

Oy vey goys don't you want to meet my son

it's time to genocide

Just gas them all.

I wonder if there are ever fights about which group's letter should come first in the acronym.

I've been wondering this as well

daily reminder to
>ignore the gay problem, they are harmless
>not to complain, you dont want to be called homophobic
>let gays have their way, they are human

Look out, its the pedo patrol.

hmm, i got it first go. am i autism?

How's it lookin doc?

YHWH is God

You whitoid are LARPers that took our religion then modified it according to your cucked ways.

Pretty sure it used to be GLBT but the lesbos demanded priority and got it

> same door twice...



>how does Sup Forums work

I see this and instantly think of the future financial consequences society will have paying for his HIV meds.

Disgusting. People who enable this kind of shit need to be killed.

Is this that bikelock guy? Did he finally get convicted?

>85% of all child molestation in the Church is homosexual in nature
You're only proving everyone's point.

It's not him, not sure about the conviction

>people who insult my morality should be beheaded

Hello Ahmed.

retard it does not say you cannot go trough a wall

No its bigcock45`s long forgotten son

>raping children is a relative moral quandary and not an objective moral evil
Hello Ahmed.

>homosexuals are not ped-

Assuming this sin't bait, you're exactly part of the reason why western society is going to shit. Moral relativism taken to the extreme, whereupon you are defending homosexuals parading a child around almost naked and getting him to dance for their sexual excitement.


>>God has disconnected from the server

my fucking sides

Old pedo trying to grind the kid


dear ladies,
if by law you get taken away half of your money and assets you worked hard for everytime you cheat or break up with a dude.... u get the point.

i personally know someone who didnt even marry but by law he was forced to pay after 2 year relationship

the game is rigged and creates unfair bias and playing field, and you still have the nerve to criticize.

pic unrelated

ups wrong thread, then that pic is totally related

rates of child molestion are significantly lower among Catholic priests than among the general population, dullard.

this guy in 40 years

That's it. We are lost.


KEK. Pic fukkin saved

Fucking christ that pic makes me angry. She literally cares more for some third-world adopted little shits than her own biological daughter. And don't even get me fucking started on the tranny shit.

They are truly bad people, just straight up they are not good people by any metric.

>And don't even get me fucking started on the tranny shit.
It's completely related to the text. That kid wants her mother's love she's turning male

stop think you know better than god

day of the rope when?

Do FTM trannys get shit on by the lefties for having male privilege?

Oh yeah? Well I back traced you and now I'm talking to the Reddit CEO to get your main account banned!

Do you have this pic archived?

Your SJW. pro-Gay/trap/pedo cancer is spreading all over the world.


that guy looks like he is rollin'

> Lactatia
