Why haven't you embraced tribalism, Sup Forums?
>Tribes share common beliefs
>Tribes share common goals
>Tribes defend against anyone not of the tribe
>Tribes work to strengthen the tribe
Pic related - Kublai Khan, leader of the greatest tribe to ever exist, the mongols. Conquered lands from eastern europe to the sea of japan and even sacked baghdad.
So why aren't you a tribalist, Sup Forums?
Why haven't you embraced tribalism, Sup Forums?
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Everyone already practices tribalism you retard except it's not as blatant as it was in the past
>not as blatant
I think that's the problem you weak bitch, you couldn't be confident if you needed, you're beta to the bone and back to the day before that...
Yeah, lets start another civil war and completely fuck up any semblance of civilization and invite the state to utter strip our freedom
t. you
>Why haven't you embraced tribalism, Sup Forums?
Way ahead of you.
Praise Tengri.
Because I'm not a larping cringelord faggot who romanticizes shitter periods in human history and needs fancy labels and fads in order to feel like I'm part of something decent.
worked so well it just died off
>Because I'm not a larping cringelord faggot who romanticizes shitter periods in human history and needs fancy labels and fads in order to feel like I'm part of something decent.
There were "shitter" periods in the history of the British people? During the black plague maybe?
When was the last time a brit died due to famine or was subjugated by slavemasters?
You fucking morons keep worshipping times and cultures that were absolutely terrible to live in.
>b-but shitskins are literally as bad as constant slavery, warfare and treatchery from your fellow man from all sides because muh tribalism
>When was the last time a brit died due to famine or was subjugated by slavemasters?
Do the 19th century Irish classify as British?
/pol is a tribe. /pol is the Tribe.
What do you mean you haven't sub-incised your penis yet?
because it's not working/can't survive.
clan then tribe then nation then globalism
Why did you start at tribe and not individual or your own nihilism?
Now look at what happened between the visigoths, suebi, the gauls, the alans, the vandals, the italic peoples, the hellenic peoples, the iberian peoples, the huns, the britons, the picts, the irish kelts, etc. in past history and the constant rape, enslavement, slaughter that ensued by one another thousands of years ago.
> rape, enslavement, slaughter
Are you oblivious to what is happening in your country? The only difference is that the English aren't organised and rid themselves of the Paki tribe.
Hyper local and the US is big. Mormonism is the best for pro-natalists, anti-gay, anti-black Americans anyway.
You keep using disgusting examples that no sane person ignores.
Make no mistake, the savages need to go, but wanting to back to "tribalism" is not the answer, for starts almost no one would agree to that considering the implications of the loss in quality of life and life expectancy.
I'm not even british, I'm here temporarily so having to respond to this weird bait aimed at brits is awkward to me.
Because I'm too autistic and neurotic to engage in that level of vulnerability and trust with my friends.
Come to think of it, Mormonism serves all the functions of a tribal religion for America.
Should I become Mormon, Sup Forums?
>So why aren't you a tribalist, Sup Forums?
I am, and I'm a nationalist
There is no tribalism anymore.
At one point in time tribalism meant the nation, all that is gone.
Noways brothers won't give each other money to pull them out of a bad situation.
It's me and my wife and kids and maybe mom and dad but some just dump their parents i a nursing home or just abandon them.
This is the reality of individualism.
You white can't create tribe because you're cucked
You can only watch while we impregnate your women and form our own tribe
I'm planing to impregnate as many white women as i can to create my : White Genocide Tribe