Why can't I bring myself to care about the Rohingya people?
Why can't I bring myself to care about the Rohingya people?
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they started it
Goatfuckers had it coming
Thery're muslim
> Implying anyone in the west cares about people you don't know and who aren't of the same religion as you.
Because muslims aren't peoplw
I disagree with genocide I can see why Burma is doing this. Look at Philippians new terrorist outbreak in the southern islands. Malaysia is probably next for some new terrorist group to pop up. Then all these Muslims will sympathize with radicals. Then you've got a real problem on your hands.
More on this please. I can't get a report about the ARSA insurgents without it being a NERFed sympathetic puff piece.
Because you're not a virtue signalling shallow piece of shit like those who pretend they do?
Because we're embittered by the fact that whenever the west tries to sympathize with the Muslims, they're talking about the hordes they're letting into Europe.
Even if these people were legitimately being unfairly targeted, we'd still fail to believe them.
The West talks about the Rohingya the same way they talk about these cunts. They lie here, so it follows that they lie there, as well.
We all know that they want to Islamicize the country, so we agree with Based Buddhist
what is this from?
its just another place far off , even farther than my eye sight can see. To my minds eye its merely a story a parable.
what really gets me are these fucking "bhuddists"
oh no shed all materialistic thinking but these people need to get out of a patch of dirt we have claimed for ourselves and have drawn arbitrary imaginary lines on paper.
the bhuddist guy is controlled opposition.
like you guys do know how much china hates bhuddism.
fucking dense I tell ya.
Because you touch yourself at night.
They are literally gypsy muslims.
>Why can't I bring myself to care about the Rohingya people?
Here, let me help you remeber why
I like how people like to use emotionally laden arguemtns like
when there have been atrocities on both sides.
you just want your side to win.
why care, its the other side of the world. Not your conflict, same goes for all conflicts. Fuck 'em. Not our responsibility.
Apparently my countrymen are not human
Atrocities committed by Islam are far greater than every other religion
So now it's time for you to fuck off
Insallah the imperialists will pay for not protecting our brother and sister.
I hope the buddhists kamehameha the fuck out of them desu
If I understand it right, they've been terrorizing Burma's Buddhist population to bully them to convert or give them their own state since the '90's.
because roachingya are human scum that needs to be cleansed of this planet
>marxist country hates religion
really makes you think
media propaganda, Sup Forums isn't the goyim resistance it was, you're all part of the conspiracy now
They've been outbreeding the native Rakhine population like 5:1, burning down buddhist temples and gang raping women for decades.
Fuck pisslam
the fuc kare you talking about america, all muslim terrorists couldn't hold a math to the death and destruction caused bby your country in the past few decades. let alone the fact that islamic terrorism is directly caused by the american invasion, saudi ideology and israels support.
Your axis of evil is the problem burger
>china hates buddhism
What did he mean by that
because you'll never go to burma. no reason.
although it is one of the few cases where a majority BUDDHIST population is committing genocidal acts against a MUSLIM population of subsistence farmers...don't see that every day...
>America is responsible for the Soviet Union 2.0
More like subsistance rapists
Because them disappearing makes life in Myanmar much more simple. They're ancient invaders just like the moros of the philippines or chinas uyghurs.
actually it deals with shit farther back than that.
islam basically took over burma i think sometime in the 1800's or possibly earlier.
then islam was overthrown in the mid 1900's
and ever since then the current people in power have just been using Muslims as their whipping posts like every other modern country since the 1960's.
though this hasn't been without the rohiyngyas fair share of backlash.
Spread by the sword, die by the sword.
They just move a few dozen miles over the border and everything is fixed though. Except being penniless, backwards muslims.
Myanmar isn't marxist.
im confued. do we want to discuss this issue seriously, becuase I have seen many royhinga hreads pop up in the past weeks
or are we here to just point and laugh?
beats me
the only thing i know is looking at geopolitics
myanmar absolutely cannot fall into china's hands
hence, some (((freedom fighters))) emerged
reminder that india is the west's hope of containing china
if myanmar falls, india is encircled
the soviet union is responsible for saudis spreading wahabism, and america bombbing the middle east back to the stonge age supporting radical muslims and eliminating anyone standing in the way of said radicals.
Wow my history books must be from another timeline
Because you're emotionally dead, stunted in virtually every possible sense that would distinguish a human being from a reptile, and you will never, ever experience love, or any type of joy that life could bring.
it's a perfect example of "oh noooo that suuuuuucks"
Are you a kebab or something? This is a okay example of love and the joy of life.
The choice to expel parasites and live in happiness.
Go back to fucking goats Mohammed
Nah, China has no problems with Buddhism, they just want Tibet back.
And the Burmese want the Muslims far away from them so they aren't a danger to them and those they care about. Imagine thinking this was about land borders--you're a bit of an idiot, I'm afraid. I suspect you're an underage leftist, as this is a stock response from them. Mu'h borders. Mu'h nationalism.
I was refering to China
This. They are a hyperagressive, hyperintolerant, a toxic disease.
mmm? There's some infiltrates there
I care. Many of them might end up in White nations. I hope they all get killed woman and children first.
>MFW muslims get what they actually deserve
>Bangladeshi muslims squat in your border territories
>"Hey get the fuck out"
>"No, open boob do milk your vagen make me so sex bby"
>Remove the Muslim poos by force
Myanmar is literally doing nothing wrong.
>caring about 'people' who literally worship a child rapist
lol, no
>you just want your side to win.
Yes. Exactly this. There are sides, there isn't just "humanity".
They're humans infected with a mind-virus called Islam. If left unchecked will destroy freedom across the country.
The only known solution is to expel them, so they live on a contained Islamic country.
This is obvious and there's plenty of previous examples as evidence.
Buddhists aren't stupid, so in order to secure the existence of their country and a future for their children, they're expelling them.
So, what's your problem with that?
What should they do?
>the bhuddist guy is controlled opposition.
their current government has exactly the same stance on 'slimes, he's not an opposition by any means.
Based controlled opposition = Based
>muslims fighting almost continuously for the last 1400 years with each other and the rest of the world and is still going on today because of terrorist ulama and fuqaha of islam and because of the main people in the religion and their actions
>the cause is actually the "demonic" and "evil" west
But you cannot distinguish Muslims from reptiles.
When did Buddhism get so based?
If you look at it from ((their)) POV. Islam is the real danger for Israel. So ((they)) had to:
1. Kick the nest: Iraq, Afg (Via USA ZOG)
2. Give whites (the west) a taste of Islam (rapefugees)
3. Now ((they're)) waiting for the white chimp-out.
If you don do what they did. Islam would have slowly killed the west (And Israel). Sweden and the UK are a sample, so the west can see Islam results on the long run.
They want the west to ACT NOW.
>this image has been forced for weeks now
whats wrong with you, fucking breadbox
Can someone redpill me on rohingya? My local news portray it as innocent muslims got persecuted by terrorrist buddhist
I dont buy it since they held AK on their video, begging for help
its about time they got a taste of their own medicine frankly. also muslims are not people
Because they aren't people, but vermin. Your instincts tell you Muslims are dangerous and need to be exterminated. Your instincts are 100% correct.
Why would we want our children to die, you fucking psychopath? I don't give a shit about ~60 IQ insect people that have done fuckall for humanity. They invaded a country, and now they're going to get slaughtered for it. It's going to happen on a very large scale in Europe too, and we're killing traitors and enablers like you along with them. Choose your side.
>mudslimes kick hornet's nest
>hornets (bald peaceful lads) get upset and don't take their shit
>mudslimes get slaughtered
This way of thinking is par for the course outside the west.
I need more rigid explanation though, what do you mean by kicking hornets's nest? History? Citations?
I mean they pissed off buddhist, you need to be a huge piece of shit to do that
>they pissed off buddhist, you need to be a huge piece of shit to do that
I'd like to mention the systematic violence of Muslims against Hindus and Buddhist in the whole region. Notably in neighboring Bangladesh. That would be reason enough.
Though, the real reason is like China has an oil pipeline in Myanmar and controls the governments (army) who control Ang Ang Tsuki (what a dumb name). And China can't risk the American Islamist Terrorist from endangering its infrastructure in Myanmar.
If China gets very strong, Bangladesh is next.
What did they do though? Being muslim alone isnt enough, any citations?
Thr myanmar gov labels them as terrorist, isis?
>Ang Ang Tsuki
*Aung San Suu Kyi
This user gets it
Kebap starts shit, kebap gets removed, kebab crys y u remove, i dindu nuffin!
Can someone please send me proof or
Citation that says the kebabs do start shit.
Because the narrative i've been reading is that the rohingyas are the natives getting eradicted thanks to colonialism
kebap never stopped shitting since its inception.
Because they are lying. Jewish camera tricks won't convince the sane to actually believe these terrorists are peaceful Burmese
You're aware you're the ones who brought them over there against the opinion of the natives?
Yes, being Muslims is enough.
Ignore the christian site, focus on the Islam progression on a new country:
see Pew research here
bc you know the game plan of the jews is for muslims to massacre you.
Here ->The proof that British Imperialists imported Muslism "minorities" massively, armed then and used them against the Japs and locals (who were more in favor of the Japs than in favor of the anglo scum).
Has there been any hard evidence of any atrocities?
All I've heard are "reports" of children being murdered, but that was from the actual Rohinyga themselves
>“Islam is not a religion, nor is it a cult. In its fullest form, it is a complete, total, 100% system of life,” Dr. Hammond notes in his book. “Islam has religious, legal, political, economic, social, and military components. The religious component is a beard for all of the other components.”
>Their takeover of a country, what Dr. Hammond refers to as “Islamization,” begins when the population of Muslims reaches a critical mass, and they being to agitate for various privileges.
>Open, free, democratic societies are particularly vulnerable. “When politically correct, tolerant, and culturally diverse societies agree to Muslim demands for their religious privileges, some of the other components tend to creep in as well,” he notes.
I have seen no real evidence. Only a couple of fake ones which were actually from other events or other places.
Because it's thousands of fucking miles away and has no impact on your life.
You don't have to police the world, Americaball. Give yourself some alone time. Don't keep an eye on everything, all the time. Maybe you'll start to feel less apathetic when you're not being forced to give a shit about things that have no impact on you all the time by the media.
Citing wikipedia on /pol. Are you kidding? You should as well link to CNN
>You don't have to police the world, Americaball.
His government is actively trying to control the area using Muslims against Buddhists, mate.
You need a proof of what is written there?
His source is okay enough for you to get an overall understanding of the geopolitics and origin of problems.
> native children dying on homefront
> couldve been hindered easily if soldier age shitskins were kept out
> this is somehow a purely emotional argument, not a rationale one
Let me guess; rightwingers are the real sjws?
If it was biased on the topic the leftists on wikipedia would rather support the idea that muslims had a historical right to stay in Burma, don't you think?
Agreed, wiki, like CNN, can't be considered a source.
OP (a shitskin) mistakes the Trump administartion for Obongo. They unironically thought with the Clinton Foundation gone, that the US will keep up helping goat rapers. They still don't realize that it is over for them. First all muslim will be killed in Asia, then Europe, then Africa and finally the middle east will implode in a war between Israel and the Arabs. The Pisslamists have signed their faith the moment they colluded with liberal jews against Israel. Its over for Islam. They will not survive the first half of the 21th century
Go check what you doubt on other sources then.
Are you brain damaged?
No, Europe is done. Israel will slowly die. Muslim Bengalis will take N-E India and Arakan. Muslim Malays will take Southern Thailand.
This's what happens-
Every time. Save yourSELF nigger.
Sup Forums is blue-pilled as fug, mang.
You will never achieve anything as Sup Forums if you don't genuinely try to get an understanding of what is going on in the world.
You should probably kick out the leftards, swarthy people and underaged teens though.
You know a religion is fucked up when the literal most peaceful religion on the planet turns violent towards it. Islam is clearly a problem.