Why don't Europeans want their culture and race to survive?

Why don't Europeans want their culture and race to survive?

goodbye whiteman.

Thank god, maybe the supreme black race will thrive

>mfw we will literally live to see the world set on fire

Ive been ready for awhile, but sometimes its still surreal that its actually happening, finally.
Time for this zogged up society to go.

Because we went Roman. We firmly believe that with education anyone can be European.
It's a side effect of the enlightenment.

They replaced all of that with government and democracy.

I love how anti western shills have been screaming for years about this shit while we europeans enjoy life

You bitter little manlets will never learn

We want, goddamit, it's because of women's rights to vote and file for divorce, no one wants a deal when he raises kids, working hard whole life and can get screwed at any given moment by one word from his female overlord.

Fuck white people

Because you are jew, sayanim