This pic is not from Saudia Arabia or Syria

This pic is not from Saudia Arabia or Syria.

It's from Birmingham,UK

S to spit on UKistan grave

The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be competent, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for your self, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life? How can you make a real difference in society, when the greatest extent of your capacity is to be out-organized by jews on social media?

Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, everyday, to build a good life for you, and for your family. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That is very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life.


What an educational post you made. Also, show your flag.

You sound triggered ahmed.Why is that?

and yet


every american who shitposts other countries in relation to their demographics deserves to be mugged and shot by a coon

>t. tariq muhammad al abdala

No wonder why your 3rd world islamic shithole is doomed.You need to trashtalk to someone else instead of fixing your problem

True that

However fighting among ourselves is just what (((they))) want

The White race faces a global challenge and we have to stick together - or hang separately


would be a shame if someone drove a dodge challenger through that crowd