Realistically when do you guys think the shit will hit the fan ?

Realistically when do you guys think the shit will hit the fan ?

When will the demographic change be so severe that white europeans will wake up and revolt ?

All depends on the economy

>be me
>work beside lefty liberal guy
>he's good guy but ridiculously liberal
>stays with parents
>decides to got to the council for a flat
>finds out as he is a (fucking)white male in her 20s he has no riight to a house
>see literal just off the boat refos getting nice flats in the city
>he almost turns full Race War
>kek internally

Basically liberalism is a disease of the wealthy, once there is no more easy times then you see a big change


>funny isn't it?

Never. If you dropped a frog in boiling water it would jump out. But if you drop a frog in comfortable temperate water and slowly heat it - it will boil alive

when the financial system collapses

>If you dropped a frog in boiling water it would jump out. But if you drop a frog in comfortable temperate water and slowly heat it - it will boil alive

Doers this really happen? Or is it just a hip may may

When the 'have a little, wants more' group fucks off with the PR and optica BS


>once there is no more easy times then you see a big change

I've always said this. People on Sup Forums clamor about day of the rope or race war or happenings though most of these people are fat shits scarfing down doritos from home repeating the same thing all year. But nothing will happen until you hit everyone hard at the daily living level. When times get hard for food, housing or whatever the we are all equal charade is over.