The new move on DACA

Did trump just cuck his voter base in giving democucks leverage over immigration votes with this deal he made with them over the $15billion deal? Will DACA make it back into law by GOP bending the knee or will it get kicked down the road with the budget and finance fights soon to come?

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Hopefully, out of spite, the Republicans all vote no.
Doubt it though.

I'm trying to understand if this was a move to slide DACA into law; Neo-con cucks will drop down easily, will there be enough hard opposition in both the senate and the house to block it though? If I remember correctly, trump stated that any immigration laws must have the wall included in it in order for him to sign off on it, could be wrong though

DACA is honestly a drop in the bucket compared to the immigration act of 1965. I would trade allowing DACA registrees to have real work visas in exchange for getting a non-neutered RAISE act

It's more about cutting the head of the snake in terms of making it acceptable to be here illegally, as it sets the precedent should it become law. Overstaying visas, sanctuary cities, etc. need to be chewed off

I agree it's not a great precedent, but at this point the demography is so fucked that it could still be worth stemming the beaner tie. Especially if it's worded in such a way to only apply retroactively to people currently registered under daca, and not extended to future illegal children

Funny how he hasn't been talking about the RAISE act either...

What good is halving the number of green cards available when a precedent makes illegal entry the easier, cheaper, and more profitable option?


At this point I am rethinking the whole '4 D' chess thing. his campaign promise was to repeal DACA on his first day in office which he could done with a simple executive order, yet he didn't. What does he has to loose? he is the most powerful man in the world, and rich for a 1000 lifetimes, yet he is not delivering. Why? I don't understand any of it... those two snakes kushner and ivanka need to fuck out of the white house.
It's all so tiresome. We voted him in. If he fails us then I don't know that I'll ever be voting again

He wants his voters to forget he didn't do anything he said he would do in 100 days.

He'll take the centrist position because that's what he is. He'll get wall funding as part of the deal. They will just come right back if deported without the wall, and he knows this. He'll force the dems to work with him holding their daca status as leverage. He'll let the kids that have committed no crimes stay, and force actual immigration reform in, while getting wall funding, and make the left STFU about enforcing the law.

The left gets to virtue signal, we get a wall, and more deportations. The whole issue gets put to bed. Then the hard line left loses their ass in the next election because they dared to work with literally Hitler.

Over time the daca shitheads will slowly be deported anyways as they commit more crimes.

In the end, the left gets nothing.

Art of the deal.

funny thing is, no longer exists. Some contract that was. left and right wing, they're all wings of the same fucking bird

If you don't sit on your hands and actually deport adult illegals, they will take their children with them. But also we could trade visa-amnesty for existing DACA enrollees while not allowing more to enroll. "The failure of previous administrations to respond to illegal border crossings created the issue of undocumented children growing up here, but that will no longer be an issue"

seethe fuck happened to my fucking contract

Congress, you fucking faggot.

Fuck off shill

Maybe Republicans should work with their president instead of being assholes.


it has potential to be the first big step in the right direction against the millions of worthless illegals, but I hate to be pessimistic here, will probably just result in 800k faggots who got free everything being given amnesty while Trump gets good goy'd again

Too many RINO shitheads who want their cheap illegal labor. Plus women senators, who's fucking idea was that

How fucking retarded are you to not read that he said he would fight for their passage? Any dipshit knows that law starts from the bottom up and he knows he's not a dictator. Nowhere in that contract did he say that shit would pass, he said he would fight for it to be so, and he did

why do fucking dems get to ass fuck me every time with republican controlled congress yet now that we have both congress and presidency, supreme court and most governorships- illegal niggers are around, ccw reciprocity is not here, wall not started, tax relief not implemented, I can keep fucking going. who is trump accountable to? trump could have repealed daca with exec order same way king nigger implemented it. why not? give me one fucking logical reason why he at least didn't do that to show us he's dead serious


>force congress to take responsibility for whatever happens to DACA
>veto any legislation that doesn't include a border wall in the budget
imagine running for reelection as a democrat after proving you care more about ensuring a wall ISN'T built to stem illegal immigration at the cost of 800,000 "young" dreamers.

imagine running for reelection as a democrat after supporting a wall to stem illegal immigration to ensure amnesty for 800,000 "undocumented" immigrants.

"Donnie, did you finish your homework yet?"

Yeah mom, I've introduced a plan. Now leave me alone, I'm playing Wii Golf !

he wants faggots like you to stop infringing on our shit so he could get that shit done. YOU FUCKING KIKE!

Because RINOs. Remember their names and vote against them in the primaries.
As far as DACA goes, it's more valuble as a bargaining chip. Trading 800k beaners for millions

that makes sense about daca being a bargaining chip, i didnt see it that way at first. trump is with us for the next 3 more years so hopefully he will get shit done

I'm pissed about Sessions not going after the IRS for it's targeting. THE FUCKING IRS, the least popular Government agency ever. Lois Lerner is like the lowest hanging fruit to prosecute to "Drain the muther fuggin swamp" and Sessions won't even go after that shit. If you can't bust Lois Lerner, then forget about taking even 2 scoops of water from the swamp.

>Trading 800k beaners for millions

How about neither you fucking brainwashed cuck?

If can't even get those illegal deported, there won't be a wall, and there won't be a RAISE act either.

Trump is a kike puppet and you're all getting played and neutered.

It's too late for "compromises" and "bargaining chips", and shouldn't even even be necessary. If those spics get legalized you'll have entire generations shitting out babies who will vote Democrat every and it's over.

His main platform was being against illegal immigration, and he can't even fucking do that.

you mongs..Trump is just a mascot o fthe higher goals, we will take (((them))) down..Trump is just the bannon lite

DELET..things will change

>800,000 illegals who have at least some form of documentation on them after coming out of hiding and applying for DACA
>somehow just as important as building a fucking wall which could curb illegal immigration by 99%

Trump is a career con-man and lifelong Democrat before Obama started to make a fool of him in public.

You were conned. Get used to it.

LOL. Don't stop believing!

>>somehow just as important as building a fucking wall which could curb illegal immigration by 99%

You won't get wall either, it'll probably just be fences that take up half the borders. And the next Democratic presidents will take them down, or give them a path, because really the globalists who control your government want illegal immigration.

If he's willing to give out amnesty like candy and can't even get rid of an unconstitutional EO by Obama, why do you expect a proper wall? Why not both: deportations of all DACA recipients and a wall?

Deportations were the most important part to save America's demographics, not the wall. He can't even do that. He ran on "law & order" and being against amnesty.

>You won't get wall either
watch me veto any DACAesque legislation then

You are absolutely retarded. How are 800k daca beaners going to have more kids then the millions of legal and illegal immigrants that won't be coming in because of immigration reform + wall?

Theyre a bargaining chip for the wall

Trump is going to bundle amnesty for dreamers with the wall and dems will jave no choice but to vote for it

he will never become president at this rate

The GOP are going to bend the Knee not because of Democrats but because of the Corporations, there was no need for them to allow daca back when it was going to originally become a law because they were always going to get their cheap labor now there is a serious threat to their cheap labor so they are going to sell out the American people for their corporate donors.

the_donald redditors now defending amnesty because of some vague hope that it works as a "bargaining chip"

Fucking pathetic.

What happens once there's no wall, no RAISE Act and only amnesty for nearly a million illegals in 2020, then he tells you he'll DEFINITELY build the wall, but he needs a second term for that? Why do you enjoy getting fucked in the ass so much?

DACA really isn't that bad. What we need to do is prevent DACA recipients from becoming citizens. This prevents the wheel of fortune (bringing your kids, who get citizenship so you do).

The only thing I care about is the wall and no amnesty. increased deportations fixes the rest.

That is the dumbest thing he can do though, if he gives these 800k people amnesty there will be millions of chain migrations because of it he fucked up there is no 5d intergalactic chess



>f he gives these 800k people amnesty there will be millions of chain migrations because of it he fucked up there is no 5d intergalactic chess

This is what these faggots don't understand.

>we shouldn't deport them, they were just kids, it's not their fault if their parent came here illegally

Then they get legalized

>it's cruel to separate families, and besides their parents have been here for more than a decade... it's the only country they've known for so long! We need to legalize them too, or are you a racist bigot like Drumpf??

It never ends.

It's exactly what happened with Reagan Amnesty, and then Bush 41's additions.

It was only supposed to apply to "hard-working illegals who had been there for decades and worked on farms", but everyone ended up getting it, even in cities.

You'll lose Texas and Florida in the next decade and then it's game over for Republicans.

100% it's pretty much already over unless white people start playing identity politics and voting in a block but too there is too many cucks to do that

>the_donald redditors now defending amnesty because of some vague hope that it works as a "bargaining chip"
the left has made it apparent that no wall is gonna be built on their watch, but this might be the thing that forces it.

Does congress prioritize a high flow of illegal immigration while running the risk of getting any protections for the DACA DREAMers vetoed, or do they care more about working out a good reform on immigration(wall) to make sure the 800,000 DREAMers don't get fucked?

Again, you're right that it's a hope, but to me:
>Trump vetoes any DACA replacement if there's no wall and end to chain immigration
>Trump allows well planned DACA replacement legislation to pass based on the conditions mentioned above
is/are the best timeline(s) for his administration as we come closer to 2020.

>trump stated that any immigration laws must have the wall included in it in order for him to sign off on it

I think it was Wall + RAISE

You are not being realistic. No president can realistically deport 12 million + illegals, plus all the compromising he has to do in order to actually get things done and convince congress to act.Trading DACA for 11+ million illegals is a good move.

Dude DACA isn't just 800k it's more like 3 million because of chain migrating.

And he doesn't need to deport all 12 million all needs to do is enforce the Immigration laws and enforce the Laws on working if the 12 million illegals can't work then they will leave.

Lot of rural and suburban retards in this thread.

1986 all over. then they promised us a wall, crackdown on illegals, penalties for emppoyers hiring illegals and yadda yadda yadda all we got was an amnesty with no strings attached and millions of illegals cme to the country in 1986 just to fall under umnesty umbrella. whoever doesn't see this is an idiot

>the left has made it apparent that no wall is gonna be built on their watch




You give an inch, they take a mile. You give compromises, they ask for more.

>or do they care more about working out a good reform on immigration(wall) to make sure the 800,000 DREAMers don't get fucked
Congress doesn't want reform on immigration, they're fine with the way it is.

>is/are the best timeline(s)
Best timeline: all illegals including DACA recipients get deported, something like the RAISE Act gets through, Hart-Celler Act gets repealed, and you get a huge beautiful wall. But because you're a cuck, you'll settle for amnesty in some vague hope that the rest will get through.

>No president can realistically deport 12 million + illegals
You absolutely can. We know it won't be done but it's doable and there's no indication of how many Trump's admin will settle for if they're willing to legalize DACA and already give citizenship to 800k+ illegals, let alone deport them.

>Trading DACA for 11+ million illegals is a good move.
But you just said he couldn't realistically deport them. And what indication is there that he'll deport the 11 million? There is none, they'll probaly get amnesty later. The DACA recipients are just as illegal as the others.


At the moment I'm a lot more concerned about his fagging out on DRAIN THE SWAMP and LOCK HER UP. No prosecution of Lois Lerner? No nothing when it comes to cleaning out corruption.


which is why I think it's best for his administration going into 2020 to either
>veto any DACA replacement if it doesn't include a wall and an end to chain immigration
>sign off on a GOOD replacement for DACA if it includes a wall and an end to chain immigration
either of these outcomes is good for his support base and bad for the left, but it is indeed a HOPE that these are the two possible outcomes.

if Trump tries to go all out right now he'd only get cockblocked by congress on all aspects of his campaign promises you laid out and probably wouldn't get reelected in 2020.

hoping for those two outcomes is the best for his chances of getting reelected without totally alienating his fan base and still getting some deportations out of it.

Sage, he's giving them 6 months to do what they wouldn't even do under Obama, and when they fail to act he will simply deport.

You must not be paying attention to all the corporate shitstorms surrounding this issue that, should they bend the knee, opens the flood gate through chain amnesty

>implying they will fail
>implying he didn't allow them to renew it for another 2 years

>undocumented journals of Sup Forums

she goes to college for free, as do the 800k other daca recipients. middle class American kids are soaked with $20k 50k 100k 200k in student loans



They have to take their college educations and expectations of high living standards and go back. It's the only way for Mexico to be less of a shit hole and curb the illegal immigration problem

Hardly representative. I would rather have 1million asians come into this country before a single beaner comes in.

>its not bad as long as there isn't 'too many' doing it. i decide what 'too many' is.
you stupid fucking nigger