United States deserve nukes - Self Driving Car legislation just passed

There is nothing, and I mean nothing, not even jew-kikes, worse on this planet, bigger threat, than degenerative, retarded, disgusting nation of USA.

The SELF DRIVE Act, H.R. 3388, passed the House of Representatives by voice vote, and will;

- Advance safety by prioritizing the protection of consumers.
- Reaffirm the role and responsibilities of federal and state governments.
- Update the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards to account for advances in technology and the evolution of highly automated vehicles
- Maximize opportunities for research and development here in the U.S. to create jobs and grow economic opportunities so that America can remain a global leader in this industry.

> cars will not be subject to the strict, FAA-style inspection and maintenance protocols that apply to airliners because it’s simply not feasible

You circumcised, enslaved, dumb, malevolent, cucked pieces of rootless greedy fucks.

OP claiming ID

What's wrong with self driving cars?

Just die you enslaved dumbass fat goy faggot. The entire world hates you, you faggots are worse than jews I swear.

Not an argument

Enslaved cucked circumcised goy faggot.

You're not even a country anymore. You have no common ethnos.

Pathetic bait, you faggot slave, you fuckin goy of Israel's vassal state, you degenerated GMO riddled fat dumb laughing stock nigger'd spic'd gook'd and most of all JEW'd piece of shit, you dumb slave commie topping statues while you do nothing about it faggot.

Gee ustaš, calm down. Our American friends just strayed from the path a little.

>There is nothing, and I mean nothing, not even jew-kikes, worse on this planet, bigger threat, than degenerative, retarded, disgusting nation of USA.
USA is run by jews...