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The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
Only losers write concession speeches.
Biggest loser in history.
Who does actually like the way she presents herself?
I mean honestly, even frigging Merkel acts more likeable.
pride cometh before the fall
she should have read the victory speech that would have been funny, pull my finger.
No self awareness whatsoever
This evil piece of garbage almost become the leader of our country
>won the election
>is called a loser
if the election system wasn't broken things would be much different
And that tells you alot about her unstrategic mind. Trump probably had 7 different speeches ready for every possible outcome
Why is she appearing all the time on news all of sudden?
>I've been working on a victory speech because I ignored a big portion of the country
>can't take responsibility for her loss
This is why a woman shouldn't be president.
>Bernie bent over and let the DNC and Hillary buttfuck like the spineless cuck he is
>they still shit on him
buttfuck him*
some reality is about to leak out
Big if true
This is actually true. But I know she didnt do it out of a healthy amount of self confidence. She was cocky and arrogant, assuming her job had been done for her and that there were no worries.
Based leaf telling like it is. Woman here, I honestly have no idea how you people can seriously support Trump
When you're 95-5 slated to win I wouldn't really think about a concession speech either tbqh
She's trapped in the other timeline.
When the shift occurs, expect her to simply vanish.
I can't wait to see her in a fucking orange jumpsuit.
Here we go again...
More like
>Bernie realizes he's gonna lose no matter what, numbers are impossible
>lets the DNC appear to rape him to piss off his fanbase, throwing the election for the democrats to allow the party to finally change
I don't like commies but pretty sure he has strategy.
Fair warning, m'lady, there is an expectation of ladies on this site to prove they are ladies by showing their exposed breasts with a time stamp.
Disgusting I know, but don't worry you won't hear that from me. I'm more likely to be the one who is in the kitchen haha :^)
not only did she lose but nobody even gives a fuck about her anymore thats whats so great about this its that she is destined to rot away away a rich nobody loser the one thing she probly wanted more than anything else got denied and theres nobody there to comfort her because noone gives a fuck. its awesome to watch. rot away you crazy old loon.
>Woman here
You know the rules.
That would've been hilarious.
>Woman here
good thing your opinion is irrelevant
And the libtards are so stupid they actually nominated her.
Which Canada are you, fag or fake?
Proceeds to spend the next 8 months frothing in delusion
it was WAD, aka working as designed you pleb. It was a compromise to get low population colonies to join and for low population states not to revolt.
rural revolts are much more difficult to put down than sieging a city.
If the electoral college ever got revoked their would be a succession crisis on our hands.
> things didn't go my way
> I couldn't feel
> I couldn't act
> I froze
exactly what you need as the leader of the free world
Explain to low info voter plx
>closet cleaning
Yeah, me thinks that booze wasn't the only thing being cleaned out
Didn't she say she lost because misogyny?
Among many, many other things.
>>closet cleaning
someone ate their way through a depression
>The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
>City people all voted for Hillary.
Except for the facts:
1) almost 30% of latinos and hispanics voted for Trump
2) More College educated women voted for Trump than did Hillary
3)Fuck off back to Toronto you A-hole
4)More black people voted for Trump than any other Republican
haha noone fucking writes a concession speech. you go out there thank your supporters and admit defeat like a man err human.
bitch was shitfaced and everyone knows it. she looked massively hungover the next afternoon. fuck she cannot tell the truth for the life of her. what a cunt.
I've been staring at the screen for 10 minutes trying to figure out a way to express my hatred for Hillary Rodham Clinton and I can't come up with anything.
True Story
>There are people who wanted someone this immature to be president
We dodged a bullet, lads.
she looks like that fucking Turtle character from the Master of Disguise movie
Most of the cities are filled with crack prostitutes and other degenerates. You are actually saying they are superior to rural folk?
gif related
WTF is wrong with her mouth?
On her left side?
>falling for this meme
Welcome, newfag.
Ask Mitt Romney.
Arrogant fools who expect things to be owed to them like Romney, Clinton and Kerry, always get schlonged in US politics. If there's one thing we hate at the ballot box, it's self-entitled assholes.
>Both parties agree on the rules
>She lost cause of the rules
plz help Germany get rid of Merkel, plz
Why not vote for him? Why vote for her?
this has been a copypasta for nearly a year and people are still falling for it
I genuinely believe that all the copypastas of Hillary screeching and throwing her shit filled pamper diapers at interns were close to her actual reaction
Parkinson's Disease.
you know what they say, pride comes before destruction
Her book sales are down 30%.
She is such a loser. Centuries from now when people refer to losing they will think of Hillary Clinton.
She's still alive. Fix it.
>And that children is why we call people who whine about losing "Pulling a Clinton"
You know the rules bitch.
Tits with timestamp or gtfo.
nobody wants to read a book about a sore loser, written by a sore loser
>I have the temperament of a child when it comes to losing at something now make me your president please
why is her shirt collar so big
After all these later years and I still want Jane Pauley to sit on my face.
exactly. If she gave that much of a fuck about america she'd have stepped up after losing and tried to do "good" things, but she can't. she and her crowd only know how to pull strings for themselves
nice just bought 100k
Her head is little. Like a coconut.
>good point
>good gif
nice post friend
>when they canceled the fireworks in NYC
script AI confirmed
ive seen this exact text in 5 threads
>fuck trump and fuck white people
>in all honesty, we cant let him get the nuclear codes
>am i right guys?
>based blacks!
>based israel!
>won the election
>actually lost the election
i feel like even after hillary dies, we'll still be hearing about her
or just a shitty forced meme
>sees the 'rural and suburban retards...'
>checks flag
>yup a leaf
>proceed to not give it yous
there was a panera bread in the forest
>won the election
Ironically, Trump has called the electoral college shit and declared the election was broken from the beginning.
Guess who said he was wrong? :^)
I don't even want your tits. Get the fuck out.
Ramping up for 2020.
Like lyrics to an emo-song, and their hit single, "I Was Almost Madam President But I Screwed It Up."
>implying she doesn't commit suicide with two shots to the back of her head.
>woman here
Leave this place.
yeah but it's a leaf so he actually believes it
She actually should have.. it would have been a perfect end to the election, and would have encapsulated the surreal despair that occurred at that time.
Implying city folk aren't retarded
top kek
>She actually should have..
Hillary on election night...
The most notable damage was located deep in the VIP room of the Clinton camp. A custom 150 inch ultra HD TV, a gift from the Saudi Arabian government, was found with a broken screen. The damage was caused by a $950,000 bottle of champagne that was believed to have been thrown at the screen by the former presidential candidate some time during the election.
Early in the morning, the custodial staff were greeted by flipped-over tables as the floors were covered with expensive food, drinks, and appetizers. Broken champagne flutes and gilded silverware were also seen scattered around the would-be party room.
The most telling sign of a massive meltdown was the cake. The pastry that had once proudly displayed the presidential seal, was violently flung against the walls in chunks. A broken topper from the cake in the shape of the white house was discovered lodged firmly into the drywall near the dessert table.
>muh sexism