Lets walk through the hopes and desires of the average 18 year old woman.
>Omg I hope a tatted slick-backed hair chad talks to me. >Omg I hope that ripped muscle-shirt 6"1+ talks to me. >Omg my pussy is worth 6 trillion dollars its a privilege for anyone to fuck me. >My pussy is better than any other pussy on the face of this earth because reasons. >Omg I have such good friends my best friend is a brony hes such a good listener. When my emotionally abusive chad boyfriend cheated on me my friend was there for me. >Omg I want to be a cool chick so I'll buy 20 pairs of leggings and braid my hair all the girls are doing it (pure herd mentality). >Omg I goto the gym regularly to stay healthy(cardio and squats only for big ass) >Omg why do manlets even talk to me? get awaaayyyyy
First off, her name is Monroe. Second off all she ever did was solo videos. Third off she stopped doing videos some time ago and since then has gotten breast implants.
Jackson Howard
You're clearly the "best" brony friend in your posts user.
Matthew Walker
NO. I have never been a brony.
Isaiah Butler
You forgot an important one >OMG I'm different from any other girl
Isaac Long
how old is that girl user?
Colton Cox
>Flag You guys need to stop worrying about what these retarded women think. You are Men. You will not be marrying any of these retarded girls anyway. Your wives are still most likely in middle school. Stop chasing women, instead start finding and befriending men with values and beliefs like yours. Seek each other out. These women will only lead you to bars and dens of degeneracy that only waste your time. Jews and Traitors are actually fighting a war against you. Pick yourself up and start fighting back. >My suggestions? Look up any right wing/ conservative group near where you live (even if they are silly libertarians) Join them and seek out people like yourself and then build bonds with those people. Also start reading. Get Star Ship Troopers if you are not a heavy thinker. Buy Culture of Critique if you are a college type.