German Humor

How do we teach German's the art of comedy? Every thread in which a German contributor is found, also exists cringey missed jokes and terrible shit-tier comebacks.

For the Germans here. Explain yourselves. Are you all autistic?

germans have no sense of irony

This is true. I'm one of the few who makes sarcastic/ironic jokes and nobody understands me.

what you call "German Humor" is for us "Ü40 Humor"
Ü40 means "Über 40"
which means Humor of people that are 40 years or older.

So germans shit humor is dieing

They don't need humor, they need deathcamps

So are Germans.

That comic collection book is called "Nicht Lustig" aka "not funny". No idea what you're sperging on about. Plenty of people all over the world including Germanistan have humor
Get out of your basement and have some human interaction you double nigger

Fucking overrated. The first resort for the worthless.

>Classifying levels of humor....

Jesus Christ, I didn't realize the problem ran so deep.

>they need death camps
Isn't that the same?

They do have a sense of iron though. Never before have we seen such effective ways of turning bikes into tanks.

>gib back fahrrad bitte


lol I lost.

what if the entirety of my humor consists of memes collected and tended to over the course of 2 millenia browsing ancient greek stoneslate FORVMS?

Neither of those toons are ironic
You are an American and I claim my five pounds

>hurr Germans have shit senses of humor
What if someone's first introduction to English-language humor was shitty SJW webcomics?
Maybe we just don't know how to find the best German stuff because almost none of us speak fucking German.

Oh trust me, it doesn't get better.

They have god mode philosophy and engineering, they don't need humor. Brs and Mexicans have humor, and look how cancerous they are

As the neighbour country of geman I can say:
They have the worst fucking """HUMOR""" possible.
Literally no one can laugh about their stand up comedians jokes.
Or telephone/online trolls.
Not funny in any way.

German humor itself is the joke.

some butt blasted salty germans crying that austria is shit.

Austria is shit lol

I would actually tend to agree. It's part of our way of life.

Germans dont smile, they dont talk to each other. They dont laugh or make jokes. It is not in their nature

in the train, if you hear people talking it's 70% arabs and 20% spanish ppl, after that chinese, pakis etc.

it's not even because there are so many foreigners, well, that too, but mostly Germans just sit still and look intently at their shoes, terrified someone might spontaneously engage them in conversation

why would I waste words at some fags I don't know or care about?

to OP, as long is humor is efficient and allows for a quick transmission of information, it is suitable to use it. Otherwise, it is to unprecise and subject to individual interpretation: Individual interpretation is the root of all the world's problems and thus to be avoided.
