My high school now has a "gender-neutral" bathroom

They say it's been the first high school to ever do it. It's already been totally vandalized, spray paint on the walls, kids always shit on the floor. I think it's funny, but most of my high school is full of dumbass leftist libtard faggots.

That's a fucked up thing to do, and I know nothing about why they did it.

But what I do know is that the only people who voted for Donald Trump are rural and suburban retards who wish they could fuck their own relatives.

City people and intelligent people all voted for Hillary Clinton.

Reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

hillary supporters are autistic.

We call that the family restroom at my non degenerate grocery market. It's there so families can help each other piss and change babby diaper.

>It's already been totally vandalized, spray paint on the walls, kids always shit on the floor.
I'm truly glad to hear that. Restores my faith in our race.

Kek not true

I work at a school that has several except we dont use stupid terms like "Gender Neutral", it's called a fucking "Unisex bathroom"

It's not the first school to have it. My high school has one. It was dope for a couple years when no one wanted to use it.

Why do they have to call it by such strange terminology? Why a "gender neutral" bathroom? I don't think people would really care if it were called something that sounded less agenda pushing like a "free bathroom" or something.

Did they convert the men's room?

The new stick person basically looks like that time you had a boner in sweatpants.

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We are going to need pics of that VANDALIZM

all i did in my school was i drew a picture of peter griffen in the stall

>my high school


>My high school now has a "gender-neutral" bathroom

your country is fucked then

Hooray, I see nobody took the bait.

If one of those came up at my school, I'd shit on the floor too, and there wouldn't be any cameras to stop me. Transgenderism is a mental illness, gender is determined by biological sex, biological sex is determined by chromosomes, there are only two genders, and facts don't give any fucks about anyone's feelings.

Also, any parent that transitions their child is a child abuser and therefore deserves to be thrown from a helicopter straight into a lake of lava.

I like that wheelchair is a gender now

They did this at my work then took it away when the joke became who could take the meanest shit in the womans bathroom.

Cleanse your school.

ask them to put a security camera in the bathroom, record the conversation, whatever they say, take it to the school board, repeat whatever they say. bathroom will go away.

Where's the attack helicopter?