Is Jim Carrey /red pilled/ or just a pseud douche?
Is Jim Carrey /red pilled/ or just a pseud douche?
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I don't know, to be honest.
But what I do know is that the only people who voted for Donald Trump are rural and suburban retards who wish they could fuck their own relatives.
City people and intelligent people all voted for Hillary Clinton.
Is there a difference?
Harmless Scientologist lunatic who likes death metal.
When analyzing any Jim Carrey movie you have to remember that he clearly has an agenda with every role. For example Truman Show is clearly about his own relationship with the rest of the world after he gained worldwide fame. Eternal Sunshine is about how he wants to erase his past but eventually just finds himself coming back to it. Liar Liar is about how his entire career is basically based in on lies and while the truth can be funny it generally causes problems for him and others because its often taken as insults instead of good humor.
This personal agenda is found in almost all Jim Carrey movies.
All of Hollywood is fake, he's just realizing it.
Probably took some DMT also
>girlfriend just committed suicide
>Hey Jim, I hear youre wandering the streets looking for a girlfriend.
This bitch.
His career flop has accelerated his mental illness
wtf i love jim carrey now
Never thought of it that way. Does that make Batman Forever entry level redpill since the Riddler was using television to make people less smart?
he has been seen wasted so many times here in north bay people just stopped caring about taking selfies with him he is basically the town drunk to most of us shameful degenerate .