
Maybe you were right all along. This shit is reaching us with full force now. What happens after the EU collapses?

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Our fucking capital is bursting with diversity. My parents saw niqab. I see a different strain of shitskin almost every fucking day.

It says don't have sex during Christmas (I assume because all the kids are born at the same time after). But basically it says don't have sex yeah.

>What happens after the EU collapses?
Greater Israel

Dark man - white woman meme in articles and advertisement?
have you also reached the half-nigger-curly-big-haired-diversity-female in every second advertisement?

Estonia is the new Sweden

why don't they show a nice estonian man with an arab woman in bed, her hijab hanging down the bed?
they never would use such a pic here either...


Huudisd :D

Btw is it true that all estonians are
>kääbik :D

>have you also reached the half-nigger-curly-big-haired-diversity-female in every second advertisement?

No, but I can feel every day how the multiculti is being ramped up just the way people who are from more developed countries said it would be. On the other side I see deranged and uneducated Nazi larpers who have literally no idea about economy. Things are getting really dark.

We also have anti-Estonian man thinkpieces coming from pundits and the Social Democracy party. It's happening so fucking fast.

Still not 56% though.
Kuidas värk on Tallinnas selle multikultiga? Ma pole käinud seal aasta kuna olen lõunas, ainult kuulnud mis toimub siit.

Euro supremacy will finally make a comeback as the great cleansing begins.

Tallinn on täiesti putsis ausaltöeldes. Venelased, neegrid, moslemid, pakid. Kahju sellest, mis toimub. Mõtlesin, et äkki tuleb veel kunagi see päev, kui hallipassimehed lähevad tagasi Venemaale, aga nüüd peab hakkama keskenduma sellele, kuidas üldse riik alles jääb. Pärast seda paska ei jää enam keegi uskuma ei lehti ega poliitikuid. Riik 100% lõheneb.

This newspaper is 160 years old by the way.

We Sweden now

>But basically it says don't have sex yeah.
With whites, apparently

Kahju kuulda. Mul on tunne et inimesed hakkavad usaldama poliitikuid vähem ja vähem kuni tuleb keemispunkt, minu lähidased räägivad poliitikast palju rohkem kui vanasti, ja mu isa eriti räägib kuidas Delfi ja Postimees valetavad ja kunagi ei ütle moslem mingise terrorirünnaku ajal. Asjad kindlasti ei saa jääda nii.

Jah, kõige halvem on see, et malemängus on Venemaa meid praegu nurka mänginud. EL on halb valik ja EL-ist välja on veel halvem valik.

I Eesti Vabariik ka eksportis Lääne-Euroopasse ja kui meie ees turud kinni lüüakse, on kellad ja vaesus. Kardan, et siis edasi ainult Venemaa nisa külge ja lõpuks ka koosseisu. EL oleks võib-olla täiesti normaalne, kui sakslased poleks nii autistlikud hälvikud nagu nad on.

ummmm tech support

It's part and parcel of being a north european country. You wanted it.

>What happens after the EU collapses?

Sovereign nation states.

Looks dubious for us. We had it right in our palm after WW1, but Hitler fucked it.

What a delicious, autistic looking language. I have to look up clips of it on YouTube now.

In some ways liberalism is a civil war of women against men, and men don't realize it.

Think about how white women are the only gender of white people protected by liberalism.

Liberalism is about abortion, feminism. What they call women issues. Women don't really like guns most of the times. It's a boys toy. Liberalism is anti-male. And it's highly likely that women want immigration because it broadens their sexual possibilities.

I think people have micharaterized liberalism for close to 100 years. It basically started to reall go downhill when women got the right to vote.

Tänan jumalat et saares elan :)

Ega me oleme siin kahe halva valiku vahel, Venemaa tahab võimu ja Brüssel tahab oma multikulti paska edasi viia, aga samal ajal sakslased tahavad naftat Venemaalt ja müüa meile Volkswageneid rohkem, aga me pole ühesgi kohas et olla iseseisev ilma kellegi suurema toega. Mul on tõsiselt raske toetada kedagi Euroopas, kahju et Intermarium kuhugile ei läinud, too oleks unistus selle asemel.

>we're not going to see full 4K webms of commies getting nuked

pfff let it start already

now that Eastern Europe is finally starting to heal the wounds communism left they are going after you guys because successful white countries are dangeous, every example of European white countries has to be poor so they can use it to say multiculturalism is what makes the Western European countries so good

It will turn Islamic and we'll have to bomb the shit out of it, if we don't become Islamic ourselves.

Sakslased ongi kurja juur. Debiilikud ei oska normaalselt eksisteerida. Tuumapomm peale.

It's always a white woman and a nigger


>>Sovereign nation states.
>Looks dubious for us.

Of course, you're a race of Russian slaves.

Äkki Brittidel oli õige idee lõigata Saksamaa pea maha'

Igasugu sulelisi siin ikka leidub. Kuid peaks ütlema, et tartlasena kartsin hullemat. Mis mind on üllatanud on see, et enamik noori venkusid räägib korralikku eesti keelt (jätame kõige lootusetumad Lasnagorski russid välja).
Südalinnas ning Vanalinnas figureerib Eesti mõistes küll päris ohtralt erinevaid värvitoone, kuid üldjuhul on tegemist Soomest/Rootsist tulnud jorssidega. Asi pole lootusetu, üldsegi mitte.


We were literally never slaves to Russians. We were slaves, but to Baltic Germans. And apparently we still are.

Jah. Äkki Trump saadab veel selle tuumapommi enne kui hilja.


Minu tähelepanu püüavad lihtsalt need värvitoonid ja nüüd ajakirjanduslik ja poliitiline propaganda, mis pressib peale aknast ja uksest.

Try speaking English you unter-Finnic fucktards!


This information can't be disclosed in Anglo languages. He doesn't deserve the enrichment we capital people do.

hahahaha you stupid cunts i told you cozying up to the west would do this to you but you just responded with nazi pictures and kept telling me how based estonia was


>While Estonia's minority population (of non-European descent) is tiny, membership in the EU, rapid economic growth, growing tourism, and declining birthrates will increase immigration pressure and potentially lead to an increase in the number of racial minorities
>Estonian authorities ought to add the teaching of the benefits of diversity and living in a multicultural society in school programs.
>Ken Koort, Advisor to Minister of Population and Migration Paul Eerik-Rummo, wrote an article on May 20 based on his experience in the U.S. for one of Estonia's leading Russian dailies. Koort praised U.S. multiculturalism and reflected on what Estonia could learn from U.S. diversity.

don't you just love your new american allies? you deserve this for being smug baltic faggots, how did you not see this coming?

Estonia run and hide, (((they))) weren't supposed to know about you

Ime munni pede. (It means suck dick, faggot.)

We already got (literally) union'd by Russia, they replaced and killed 25% of our population. Only 900k left.

Don't blame us for what an incompetent shitheap our government and their Kraut overlords are and what they are doing. I knew the west would pull this shit but I can't do anything about it. At least I live in the white south.

unironic exterminationism.

>I knew the west would pull this shit but I can't do anything about it. At least I live in the white south.

Täpselt nii. Vähemalt on keegi Eestis, kes saab aru, et meil ei ole palju valikuid :( Türa küll, elu on putsis.

Soon, Esti, soon. Murrica and Brussels will take care of your aging population.

We didn't have more of a choice in this than any other European country.

Tõsi! Peavoolumeedia toimetustes töötab suurel arvul otse ülikoolipingist võetud noored ullikesed, kellel puudub absoluutselt igasugune elukogemus ning kelle maailmanägemus on veel välja kujunemata. Kõige jubedamad variandid on komissari-tüüpi kuivikutest nohikud, kes on põhi- ning keskkoolis oma hea õppeedukuse ent nõrga iseloomu tõttu pidanud kannatama teiste pilgete all. Paljud neist on aga psüühiliselt ebastabiilsed ning arvavad tõsimeeli, et teevad "õiget ning õilsat" tööd, kui nende hinnangul samasuguseid väetikesi ja rõhutuid sotsiaalmeedias kõigile valjult kuulutades "aitavad". Paljudel juhtudel haridus ≠ tarkus!

Make fun of us, we know all of this. We always knew. We made our choice and now we're facing the consequences.

ah yes because stalin = modern day russia

look, your new friend ukraine is becoming western! isn't that diverse and beautiful
all i hear every time from balts is how based their country is and how it could never happen to them, you will get cucked hard, your birthrate is abysmal
you as well ukrainian faggot

Take that image and put it with the jews abandoning europe images. It would be gold and shows their hypocrisy

Modern day Russia is shit and cucked as well

Ma samamoodi kannatasin, aga ma ei andnud alla, et näiteks kätte maksta tervele Eesti rahvale selle eest, et keegi tegi minu üle nalja. Aga leidub ka selliseid autiste. Nüüd oleks nagu kõik hästi, läbisaamine kõigi inimestega isegi väljaspool Eestit on hea, aga Eesti endaga hakkab natuke kelladesse minema.

>Pakistani colony lecturing anyone
Whatever, Muhammad.

Any other combination would be racist af

nowhere near as much, their migrants are effectively seasonal slave labourers and the government is trying raise birthrates instead of replacing the population or promoting faggotry
you will be in my shoes in 20 years time ignorant cockhole

Have you ever been to Russia or Eastern Europe?

Yeah man Russia is fucking based.

Õnneks oleme meie vastupidi läänele omal nahal marksismi võlusid tundnud. Üldsus ei laseks kunagi sellel korduda...asi võib tunduda hapu, kuna väike fraktsioon teeb kõige kõvemat häält, kuid õnneks on enamik inimesi nagu moodsad noored ütlevad, "puna-tabletised"

Lobus kui lobus meie eestimaa nuud on
Vene kaudu narkotsi, euro kaudu idioote ja eesti parlamendist tolguseid

Nojah, aga probleem on selles, et kuidas sa lähed oma riigi kallale, kui Eesti lipp lehvib tornis. Näiliselt on ju kõik korras... veel. Ja mis ootab meid pärast seda, kui Merkelimutt on vittu saadetud ja Euroopa sanktsioonid on peal?

Ja miks keegi ei maga. Tana toopaev juu.

Makes so much sense, Turn young men into faggoty girlboys who dont treat women like shit, bring in a bunch of foreign normal men who were raised right, what did you expect to happen

The international burger

Sest und ei tule ja mul pole palju teha homme.

yes, russia and your country
first 7 points are fixable and have nothing to do with ideology or policy, migrants are temporary workers and have been declining over the past few years, most muslims are indigenous and live in their own autonomous regions, only the last point is a legitimate criticism

Dude, most single mothers when i visit Viljandi are fat fucks in yoga pants. Who wants them?

My point is, Russia fucked up our young nation, which was getting by just fine and even exporting goods to Europe to the point where people are literally afraid of the name "Estonia". And yes, Soviet Russia was Russia you semantics obsessed fuck. They never change, just like the fucking Germans never change.

>Who wants them?
Unironically, niggers.

and rest off them are neurotic.

I don't read bluhbluhbluh.
What's this in American.

Wtf I was in Tallinn 2 years ago and the only non-whites I saw were clearly tourists. Please don't die Eesti your country is amazing and comfy and the girls are beautiful, I love it there, don't let it die.

It was the US that pushed all this bullshit. I'm sorry.
I hate my country so much. We lost sight of what was important, and instead indulge in this insane jewish fetish to bring an end to all white people.

Human beings operate largely upon unconscious biases and impulses rationalized to the conscious mind. (Bicameralism)

Many of these are breeding directives which are primal which cause us to act in irrational and destructive ways. Society itself was structured to control these destructive impulses.

Many of the negative male urges are constrained by law, or legal framework, or societal structure because society itself was created around suppressing men's more destructive urges. Because men had power.

However women were suppressed by cultural norms and legal frameworks and religion. All 3 of those control mechanism were destroyed in the last 3 generations. All of them.

Meaning what we have done is let loose the darkest portions of the female psyche to run loose upon society to dominate and control it even mandating its acceptance as law.

This of course has negative outcomes some of which are talked about, for example the book "the war on boys", but most go unchecked and unbalanced and they may ultimately prove to be fatal to the host societies.

>most live in autonomous regions
Oh so that's how Moscow has the highest Muslim population of any European capital.
"World's top Heroin consumer" isn't a title you can shake off in 10 years, bud.

Your talk about fairness, and projection of personal morality upon the state, limiting immigration, banning abortion.

Are just ways to protect your right to successfully breed with a superior woman.

Woman of course do not share the same hardwired biological impulses you have.

That's why they have no revulsion towards foreign men and no problem with infanticide. For a woman their primary goal is child fitness.

Which means stopping rape (unwanted men), abortion (killing unwanted babies), and open borders (bigger pool), legalized cuckoldry (actual and monetary via family law), supporting their illegitimate children via the state or stepfathers. (Welfare, entitlements, etc)

Guilt, sympathy, and female collectivism are used to push gynocentrism aided by the matriarchal Jews.

We are all hardwired wrong. And due to this faulty hardwiring we have become a gynocentric feminist matriarchal cultural Marxist shithole.

You are here to restore balance to the male female paradigm in order to gain better breeding rights for yourself and your male kids.

It's a black man satisfying a white woman with his big black penis in a way a pathetic and worthless Estonian man never could.

We are destined to become one with eternity. Save our pictures and music and when a caramel-colored fuck ever starts larping as Estonian, beat him down with a metal pipe.

>it's russia's fault black men are fucking our women, they fucked our country up!
you talk about "they", but who are you referring to? stalin was georgian
moscow is also the biggest european capital, paris and amsterdam have more muslims per capita, and those are permanent residents

Kuidas see merkel jr. sai meie pressiks ultse?

I do think there's a great deal of external political pressure on our government. They look like someone is holding a gun to their head nowadays. Especially when someone starts challenging the obvious bullshit statements on topics like diversity. Not 2 years ago though.

What changed?
Is the US more involved?

Lithuania took in 2000 African migrants a couple years ago, they all left because Lithuania had no free shit to offer them.
Most likely the same will happen with Estonia, Estonia probably won't have much to offer them in the way of gibs.

You probably played a card in it but the EU probably did more damage in pushing multiculti.

I don't hear anything about the US, but we do have these leaks and "instructional documents" how to bring diversity to Estonia coming from Sweden, Germany and USA. See the thing is, we are mini-Sweden and very closely tied to Sweden. Sweden is mini-USA and basically follows the modern day American societal model. They don't even see Stockholm as Stockholm, but as New York lite. This is why it doesn't hurt their heart to see it ran over like that. And this is why Tallinn has to be New York lite lite.

hush now viking child, for we are Anglos. Learning a new language is a novelty for us.

This still happens to literal Merkel refugees who came on the boats, but we have an economic pressure now with "skilled workers". The muds here are people who are tired of living in goatfuckistan and want a more peaceful setting (white country).

>baltics reunite with poland
>make commonwealth great again
>leave EU
>white Sup Forumsaks move to commonwealth
>do helicopter
>trade only with slavs and east asians
Poland superpower by 2025

You're missing the part where we all get btfo by Putin because muh lost empire.

Poland Can into Superpower?
>mfw I didn't know they can into Nation

>Maybe you were right all along.

you got no idea how bad it really is

Lets hope its nuclear btfo.

We already have the highest population of foreigners in Europe at like 26% or something.

It truly breaks my heart to see it taken even further. My world is ending in a sense. I guess your lineage experienced it a long time ago.

No worries we will bring quite a bit of /k/ with us.


be time to lace up soon bro, just work on those gains

>you will choose a white gf because you know it's the only way
>your daughter will still choose a nigger because our ministry of education received a "memo" from our allies or because she saw it in the news

And we do have young coalburners. I'm talking university age who are looking to get married and probably will. Niggers usually come from Sweden or something, I think.