Is there is any Sup Forumsacks who actually achieve this kind of life ? Where did you start ?
How to live a simpler life Sup Forums ?
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Find a job you can make decent money at in a rural setting. Then build around that
The simplest life is the normal, nuclear life the media is telling you to avoid (because they're incapable of it), but with the philosophy of Stoics, the wisdom of Buddhists and some hobby or "unpaid career" that has little to do with your real job.
Every anti post modernist man must be a father, an artist (or sportsman) and a successful businessman. After that, all happiness/unhappiness are just self delusions, it's all about mazlows hierarchy at that point. For us, sating the sexual element here, or "being a father" is likely to most difficult.
I'm a god tier minimalist who is constantly hounded to give pointers and coach those wanting to be the same.
A jersey cow makes up to 6 gallons of milk a day, user.
Are you ready for that kind of commitment?
first get rid of the electric jew. that includes videogames as well
Start with zero debt. I just sold my old house and plan to pay off all my debt and never borrow money again.
>Find a job
Nice try, shill.
Then get a Dexter cow, or goats, if you can't handle 6 gallons of milk.
holy shit for real? imma start a dairy