
He predicted 9/11 and he is warning again…


In 1998 Rick met a lady named Leah Mandell at a conference. Three years later, Leah made a very strange phone call to Rick on Aug. 11, 2001, which was precisely one month before the 9/11 attacks. When Rick answered his phone, Leah began telling him that "the alarms are ringing" She said, "Rick, something very odd is happening today. Alarm bells, everywhere I go today there are alarms ringing, car alarms, burglar alarms, fire alarms, even oven alarms, every place I go, I hear alarms ringing. What's really strange is people are having trouble turning the alarms off. I go into stores, the alarm is ringing. I go into an office, the alarm is ringing. And they can't get the things to turn off. The Lord told me, 'Call Rick Wiles and tell him, "The alarms are ringing, and this time, they will not be turned off."'"

One month later was Sept. 11, 2001.

On Aug. 11 2017, Rick was driving to his church when suddenly a dead bird fell from the sky and smashed into his windshield. The bird did not fly into his path, but fell out of the sky like it was already dead. Then he received a phone call from Leah Mandell saying, "Rick, the alarms are ringing. Everywhere I go today, alarms are ringing. And there's something else, dead birds. I'm seeing dead birds. It seems like everywhere I go, there's a dead bird."

Then he realized the date was Aug. 11, the same date when Leah had called him sixteen years earlier with a similar warning.

Stay safe bros

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synchronicity of our city

Rick Wiles Warns High Probability of Attack on Sept. 11th, 2017

Most people have not heard of the prophet who predicted 9/11. From 1999 he kept claiming that judgment on America would start on 9/11. At the time he was convinced it was 9/11 1999 - but he was wrong it was 2001. Judgment indeed hit on 9/11 as he had been warning. The very phrase 9/11 is now etched in the psyche of not only the US, but the whole of the world. However it is not etched in the way this prophet intended it …. it is not etched as a judgment on a wayward nation.

Jung was right.

everybody remember this niggers name so when his prediction fails we can laugh him out of the universe.

Nothing gonna happen.

Shit dude.. checked.

No quad.

This shits getting slid by Sup Forums threads.

Don't worry I'm here.