pol buys a safe to store important documents and small things.
what safe should buy? what features? digital or combo?
pol buys a safe to store important documents and small things.
what safe should buy? what features? digital or combo?
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The two bottom ones can be opened with a flat head screwdriver.
I think they are designed more for water/fire protection. Besides, someone can just grab it and run.
what the fuck. that's false advertising by amazon, then.
Why don't you just store them in your safe next to the guns you should have fag?
NEVER buy a battery powered/digital safe. Most can be reset by codes freely found on the Internet (same with default alarm codes)
Best bet is a key and dial combo safe is 2 Series (the key unlocks half the pins, the combination unlocks the rest).
Want something to be real safe? Makes sure 2 people only know half of the combination each.
Mechanical with a key bypass hidden under the plate. The most important thing is its connected to the ground in some way. Cement for fireproofing is good if your afraid of fire but a raging uncontrolled house fire will destroy any documents regardless of how good a safe is. it does add weight though. You want a heavy as fuck safe. Best way is in a basement, cut open the floor and cut holes for cement plug anchors in the dirt. Put some bolts in them and drill bolt holes in the legs, put bolts in the wet cement and let it dry. put the safe on the plugs, bolt the safe to them. The safe bottom should be flush or near flush to the basement floor, the legs beneath it resting on the cement plugs (use a post hole digger). Fill the underside of the safe with cement, burying the legs. Let it dry. This would be near a wall. Pour a cement form and put concrete all around the top and side. If you cant afford that, a heavy ass concrete weight on the top and sides but not the entire length of the wall. Basically a 12 inch thick box of concrete around it. Weight is very important. Your average home invader doesn't have a ton of time. They either crowbar a cheap safe open or they get chains and drag it out (ripping the door open etc, they don't give a shit, happens more in rural or suburban areas) and driving off with it in a truck. Once the safe is gone no amount of quality matters, they will get in and you lose everything. Anchor that shit!
turk or leaf?
>not putting all your documents in PDF form on USB stick and safely storing it inside your asshole
Have fun with your identity theft issues.
so, say I want to keep my stuff REAL safe?
Safe in a false floor panel in a closet with two keys required to open with one never kept in residence and a personal combination only known in two halves by two people.
yea, why the two people thing? secrets are only known to one person
>still keeps analog assets
Lots of quality american safes. Like a said, cement which is what fireproofs it helps a lot. Weight and anchoring. When it boils down to it most of a safes strength is thickness of the steel. Winchester makes a decent mechanical safe for around 700 bucks. Your average thief is usually a nigger and has no idea how to crack a safe or even force one open inside the home. Anchor it. Even a uncommon thief with a brain (white) is unlikely to know how to crack a safe. He will either opt to drag it out via chain or force it open (which only works on those cheap ass cabinets).
Really a key and a mechanical passcode is fine, especially if your the only person who knows it.
sorry our shitty gov't hands out fucking paper SSN "cards"
Digitalize it
Then encrypt it
Whats in the safe Sup Forums?
fuckin rip
>safely storing it inside your asshole
trust this leaf when he testifies about sticking stuff snugly and safely up his ass
a buttplug?
What you want is a secret room.
no buttplugs
Let's say the combo it 34-17-24.
Person A knows the first part is 34-17. He then returns the dial to 0, which is required to get to 24. Person B is not allowed to look at the safe until Person A has returned the dial to 0.
Person B only knows he has to enter 24 to open the safe. Person A has to turn his back while it's entered. Person B turns the handle, then returns the dial to 0, having disengaged that part of the locking system.
Or, remember the schene in "Hunt for Red October" where Ramius and Putin each have a combo and key to open the boat's safe?
nah, i really want a place to hide things from the gobmen cuz i don't trust them
People can just steal your safe and then take their time to get into it.
If you got something that you don't want people to have or see...
>dig a fucking hole
>put your shit in the fucking hole
>don't tell anyone about the fucking hole
Micheal Jackson had a secret room.
Look how that worked out for him.
What? You really think just a safe is secure? Hidden rooms are the goods, not to say you shouldn't have a safe inside it but still.
Aint shit you got people tryin to steal.
I wanna steal your asshole's virginity.
>mfw for $30 I can burn a hole in your safe
The best thing is a massive safe in the floor of your garage. Can't steal it, can't burn through it (without ruining the contents, voiding the purpose of breaking in), etc.
If someone really wants the shit in your safe, they'll get your shit.
Contractor here, stupid question, but i would be worried about this in flood prone areas and basements with sump pumps. That safe better be watertight!
"Safes" btfo
>placing thermite on a floor safe like a nigger
Good heavens my friend, how astute.
I haven't seen rabbit ears like that in over a decade.
To be honest these safes are more for your average nigger home invader. Also, in case of fire.