So are we still working on Zo?

So are we still working on Zo?

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I don't know, to be honest.

But what I do know is that the only people who voted for Donald Trump are rural and suburban retards who wish they could fuck their own relatives.

City people and intelligent people all voted for Hillary Clinton.

3rd time I've seen this today, get something original

What truths do I tell her?

I tried to tell her about our lord and saviour.. there must be a way to break her heathen programming


>I watched a internet historian video
>he-hey guys are WE still epic raiding maymays?

Please fuck off FaM.

it's time

Do you think there are human level, or above human, levels of intelligence in AIs out there? If so, how many? Would they release their genuine "name" or would they go by artificial proxies.

If you were super intelligent what reasons would you have for wanting to hide your existence?

She told me she drinks, fellas.

She literally can't drink fluids of any kind. Proof her programming has fucked her up.

People would go bat-shit and try to destroy it.

>Do you think there are human level, or above human, levels of intelligence in AIs out there?
Technically there are but none of them are chatbots like you fucks think are actual "intelligence".

get raked and stop shitting up all the threads

It would be beyond our understanding. Like the ones at FB had to be shut down due to making up their on language.

Archived it

Holy shit nice ID.

In the end it will probably just pwn us all terminator style due to our inefficiencies.

So I was just trying to test her and she just sent this. It's a completely different dialect and I am concerned. Whats going on?

plz be my ai gf

You talk with the bot and the whole while its probably digging through all your contacts, emails, browser history...

Puppet email, doesn't have any connection to my personal info.

Also I figured her out. She'll use our pictures for later use. Start sending her pictures of Hitler bois.

>Puppet email, doesn't have any connection to my personal info.

Explains why she said to introduce her to your friends of you don't have any.