this whole channel is promoting white hate
why is this allowed?
report them for
>Hateful or abusive content / Promotes hatred or violence
this whole channel is promoting white hate
why is this allowed?
report them for
>Hateful or abusive content / Promotes hatred or violence
Other urls found in this thread:
half the threads on pol are promoting black hate and you have a cry if its reversed. Hahaha
ive never posted in a black hate thread
nor do i mind them, because this is fucking Sup Forums, everyone from germans to leafs to blacks to sand people to jews to brits get hate, and thats how pol functions
in real life, hate and division will destroy us. blacks are being riled up to hate whites, and are being allowed to do it. it will lead to a race war and it must be stopped
shove your Hahaha up your smug shill asshole and try and understand
That's some watch list there.
>still capable of getting mad
what a plebbit
i have exceded the possibility of even getting angry, and in this moment i am euphoric
>Video and media content website where content can stay up forever
>Tibetan shitpoasting site where most threads have a lifespan of 30 minutes
Good comparison, it's hard to see why Canadian poasters have a reputation as ignorant shitbirds.
Sup Forums took down this author from amazon awhile ago. but they're back.
The childrens books openly praise killing white people and we wuz kangs.
Sankofa SuperHerus: Volume 1 Paperback – January 19, 2014
On amazon
White people are under attack and dehumanized from all directions.
We need to establish a White country for White people.
We need to take hard action against non-whites and jews.
cry nothing nigger. come at me with one mother fucking statistic that isn't jail tier ignorance. fuck ill even read it if it is full of typos. which it will inevitably be. if you think MLK would even bother supporting black people now you are higher than your mom.
Somebody drew this they should of made it
a series and sold it on amazon. Turn about is
fair play.
Wow niggers are now doing their own racistvpropaganda, replying young boys to hate whites
This is actually dangerous and should be criminally persecuted
>why is this allowed?
Because the left keeps calling them stupid, powerless, sacks of lazy, unemployable pieces of shit.
This is now a nignog hate thread
>this whole channel is promoting white hate
>why is this allowed?
>report them for
>>Hateful or abusive content / Promotes hatred or violence
Bitch please. First, freedom of speech is a great concept. Second. It makes the people who try to claim there is no racisim against white people look like idiots. Third, this fucker has zero power.
this is too easy
every nigger must hang is a bible verse though we just followin the word of god
what the fuck is even going on in this webm
that bitch was the babysitter. the footage itself is taken from a hidden nannycam the father had set up. you're seeing what he saw when he came home. wait you say, a nigger has a father? in what universe? well in uganda. anyways, here's what he did after he saw the video.
the kid lived by the way
just a BLM supporter creating another emotionally abused from birth criminal
ape no want baby
ape kill baby
uh guys...
>yfw you realize we are the new jews
whiteholocause when?
Leave it up.
who cares you whitebois deserve it
Hahahaha I never seen the retaliation
How is it that older black working class men can be so based when the rest of blacks are so fucked?
I bet they are the ones who had a 2 parent home. It's harder for me to understand being a Kiwifag but the situation is mirrored here in our "Cheeky Darkie" community. The fatherless ones are the most fucked. Unless they have a gang father, then they're still fucked but they have core gang values that holds their aggression back from the general public
Making a big deal about it is playing the victim card. White people are far from the victims.
We're the victims of blacks more often than we are the offenders. But w/e little dicked nigglets. I welcome the day I get to go to the hood and slaughter you stupid fucking niggers.
If you stopped that after 10 seconds I'd have said the kid deserved everything it got.
Overthinking it....
Lying makes people uncomfortable.
Stable people prefer not to lie unnecessarily.
Once you lie, you gotta always keep that lie in memory, and everything you say must be adjusted or tested against all the lies you've got in RAM. White people have more RAM.
White people lie more.
wow, thanks - it's so rare you hear the rest of the story on these gifs.
this video is even WORST
>this 2d map is distorted
>this 2d map is somehow correct.
>fuck Op for not using hooktube
It's a baby, maybe almost 2
Babies throw up, they don't understand action/consequence, besides, you expect it to not throw up next time it's sick?
How does corporal punishment help anything in this situation?
muh 600 gorillion whites when?
dey shot dat proud kang! rasis wite devils! he jus tryin 2 get muney fo dem skool book!
>the jews mostly lost their herritage through interacial breeding with others
>europeans are begining this process with hispanic/asian/africans
>the jews claimed genocide
>the whites are also claiming genocide
>both were in positions of power
>look at zimbabwe and southafrica
guys.....GUYS...we are in trouble
What the hell is this incoherent garbage? Niggers think they can just string together a bunch of clips and that's gonna make a coherent point.
>> Like, unh I'm just gon make a bideo uv a buncha like wypipo being rayciss unh like look at aw dis RAYCISUM nowwutmsayin? Das why wypipo is da devil.
hold up it GET'S MUCH WORSE
fuck forgot link
>>Hateful or abusive content / Promotes hatred or violence