Why are cops so heartless?
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Why do cops care about stupid shit like that?
He put out the fire because it broke the local ordinance against "open burning".
Like... who gives a fuck? Did anyone even complain?
The police are fucking losers, man.
Oh, you mean why do police officers care about LAWS?! The code of conduct they swore and dedicated their profession to protecting and enforcing?
Good question, shit log, good question.
The problem is that the cop did it just to be a dick (maybe cause he's racist or something) He probably wouldn't have done it to a white family, especially if they had kids.
Probably told them many times to put the fire out and they did not comply. If he just walked over and put the fire out then sure.
You all need to get laid, you sound frustrated.
>video coincidentally starts just as cop walked up to a herd of mooncrickets with a gallon of water and dumped it on their grill totally unprovoked
>"yo you on some real disrespectful shit you wildin right now you dicksucka"
Man, I would kill to be as innocent as you again.
was that a ninja cop or just a dyke?
Hey it's Steve! I fuckin love his videos
do americans really have cook outs by the intersections? lmfao
What negroes do is alien to what non-negroes do
>He probably wouldn't have done it to a white family, especially if they had kids.
I don't recall the last time I saw white people having a barbecue on the side of Malcolm X Boulevard.
That gender fluid officer looked pretty scary tbqh senpai. I wouldn't want to mess with it.
The white officer probably put it out to protect the black people from the other asian one.
mexicans do it too
Look at Mr. LARP as a chad centrist over here
what aliens do is negro to what non-negroes do
he did it because he has to you idiot
Niggers done got cucked by da poleece right in front of dey keeyudz
>muh laws
fuck off kike if I wanna grill a dog in the streets let a nigga cook.
is that a bald asian police women wtf?
what negros do is negro to what non-negroes do
Cool cop. Fuck niggers desu
One of my biggest fetishes is being dominated by a masculine American cop
Or him stroking the butt of his gun waiting for any excuse to blow my subhuman head off
He was just flavoring it
muh dick. Post more Lisa pics
I wish I wasn't being forced to be sympathetic to fucking cops but it really does grind my gears how everyone whips out their phones to try and catch cops doing anything even slightly aggressive. It just pisses me off how they'll cut out all the footage of some jackass hassling and yelling at the cop and only show the 2-3 second clip of the cop shoving the dude to the ground while all the chimps scream brutality.
Is there an easy way to deal with the rage of how painfully easy it is to control the narrative which the majority is exposed to?
Just driving down the street and now Ive hit somebody because Tyrones marinade drippings caused a flare up and a cloud of smoke entered my open car window blinding me
And nothing of value was lost.
Fucking niggers are always causing trouble.
It's like Christmas for the coons
I thought that was Kwanzaa
I just think of shit like this as worse than slavery, lynchings, and the holocaust.
Huge grille monument in D.C. when?
Fuck the police it is not the governments right to tell us what we can burn on the sidewalk.
Who the fuck cares if you cook on the sidewalk? as long as the neigborhood does not get burnt down it does not matter what people do.
Don't let anyone ever tell you that whites are just as bad.
Poverty huh? Looks like those nogs have good vehicles. Why aren't we shipping them all back to Africa?
the policeman was in the wrong here
They started it by breaking the law. Good for the cop. And they probably did other things to aggravate the situation that didn't make the final edit.
[Unintelligible ebonics]
White ppl stop trying to take people down to your miserable corny level. We are much cooler than you now.
The fact that I have to even post a link explain a racial slur on the internet is proof of your autism.
Best part was fucktard niggers whining 100X 'dey keeyudz out here mang'.
Cops humiliated the shitskins in front of the sprogs, that's why they're pissed.
I dont think the law would be on the side of those who are breaking it. Perhaps he could have done something different though. Maybe he tried. I don't know, I wasn't there.
shut your fucking nigger lips tyrone deshawn williams
you deserve death
its NYC. you cant BBQ in the street. Its way illegal. Same goes for roof top BBQ. Its a no go because if that shit gets knocked over the whole neighborhood burns down.
Little did you know nigger I'm the great hacker Sup Forums and have hacked into your computer and taken a photo of you with your own webcam
Shoes must seem like the greatest invention to a nigger. Imagine your essentially a monkey hopping around in Africa, you get captured and shipped to the west. Next thing you know you are given a pair of shoes. It must be as of the gods themselves have granted you some kind of magic armor to protect your feet.
Cool water, officer. How would you like to bring it to the white house?
You don't know that I don't care?
america is a shitskin country
Niggers are always pissed. I'm not kidding that all the troublemakers I saw today were black. It's usually due to paranoia. I could have explained to some jigs today the reality of the situation and made them feel better, but I was enjoying their ignorance and feeling lazy. I'm not their daddy anyways.
>siding with niggers
Fuck off, cuck.
why can't niggers speak english?
I imagine dealing with niggers chimping out on a regular basis turns any sane officer into a brown shirt.
>Poverty huh? Looks like those nogs have good vehicles. Why aren't we shipping them all back to Africa?
I can't stop reading this in snake's voice
nigger is, as nigger does
After dark, when sunsets like 930 at that
White people don't have barbeques on city streets in the middle of the night, dummy.
>Implying there weren't shoes in West Africa