Which country in the world comes closest to a real life hell?
What is the absolute worst country in the world?
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Canada, hands down.
Most of it is frozen and unlivable, the rest is full of canadians.
The UK if you're a white girl between the ages of 12-16.
All of the UK, but England in particular.
my vote goes to 70s NY, look at this pic. looks like some fallout shit
Greenland desu
What a fucking shithole...
The confederacy.
Alaska is the shittiest state in America so let's go with that. I'd literally rather live in Detroit or St. Louis than that depressive shithole full of alcoholics, ptsd war vets, schizophrenics, and criminals.
nah it wouldn't be a U.S state no matter how shitty, it'd be like Liberia or some shit
If that building is still standing today it's probably worth 10 million and full of trust fund babies.
dedends on your race, gender, religion.
I don't know, to be honest.
But what I do know is that the only people who voted for Donald Trump are rural and suburban retards who wish they could fuck their own relatives.
City people and intelligent people all voted for Hillary Clinton.
Angola is worse than Liberia.
lmao bro u wildin
Fuck you Alaska's awesome. If the whole country was like Alaska the USA would be paradise.
You're just upset that you're not hard enough to handle it.
I don't know, to be honest.
But what I do know is that Canucks will be banned en masse if this shitposting doesn't stop.
Leafs are a fucking disgrace to their country.
> (OP)
>Canada, hands down.
>Most of it is frozen and unlivable, the rest is full of canadians.
you will eat the poutine or DIE!!!!
Hati, the DRC
Certainly one of those two.
You made it less funny by adding the part about the relatives, and the intelligent part.
Atlanta, Georgia.
Alaska is depressing as fuck. Literally nothing to look forward to. Even war would be uplifting.
It's not me, it's some other nigger.
strolling down the ave.
Probably some African country.
So much for the tolerant left.
the gooks are litterly gassing themselfs
But the UK would be paradise for rapey middle aged islamoshits who rarely shower
Harlem was the worst.
outside of Africa.. Bangladesh maybe
India is fucked up the most.
u want comfy? spend the night with this nigga, max comfy
In practical terms, Africa.
In political terms, the USA.
We are niggering the whole world.
Funny enough, smog is getting worse and Chinese will literally kill each other over gas masks and bottles of pure oxygen.
UK is pretty much a totalitarian police state with a pedo elite.
Somalia obviously. Muslims + niggers + No government = hell
Central African Republic
>Highest death rate worldwide
>Lowest HDI worldwide
>Lowest GDP per capita worldwide
>Life expectancy of 45 years
>Currently in a civil war
Outside of literal 3rd world Asian and African countries, the objective answer is the USA given its massive gaps between wealth and poverty which should not exist given the potential standards of living available there.
Do people really believe this?
Believe what?
All that wealth and power and you've got a crumbling national infrastructure, massive national debt, and cities that are basically no go war zones of a standard only found in tinpot African nations.
And you really believe only America is like this?
We are a cancer upon the world. The Nazi were morally superior in almost everyway.
>extrapolated nonsense based on nothing the poster has actually said
Fucks sake, stop posting if basic literacy is a struggle for you.
fucking somalia or honduras.
Outside of Asia and Africa, only America is like what you said?
What the fuck am I watching?
She's getting beat the shit out of and made fun of for not wearing a gas mask. They're basically humiliating her.
This is how modern day New Orleans looks with some added 21st century tech and chain restaurants
Easily somalia/ south sudan
Right now Syria.
Did NYC 1970s have any good parts? Was wall-street still affluent and important and if so where did those investers and bankers live?
Why don't you just read the post that triggered you so badly over and over until it makes sense to you.
Communist Euro countries have the excuse of being completely fucked over for decades. What exactly is the so-called greatest nation on earths excuse?
>Did NYC 1970s have any good parts?
If you're very rich, yes. If not, no.
Yeah Wall Street was still nice
Of course
south africa being white
But how does that, in your opinion, make it the worst country in the world to live in? We actually have opportunity in the US even if it's slim.
This is how chinks learn to speak spanish
not really
But some places in Canada look just like that.
Surely the winner is Murica. What other nation is fatter and more retarded?
theses are savages.Hope Asteroid free them from their suffering.
So she took off the mask, and died for it.
look comfy, atleast no ones around.
She would've died from taking off the mask either way. Dense smog will fucking kill you. Once that shit gets in your lungs, it will be extremely painful.
Interesting, if they rebuilt NYC then why the fuck don't they fix Detroit?
except the warrior gangs out of frame
Your question has already been answered.
America has no excuse given its vast wealth and power to be in the state it is in. None. Be ashamed of yourselves.
I laughed. Get Trudeau out and go back to sensible merit based immigration, and it isn't too bad.
Does there really need to be an excuse to everything? You think I'm going to sit here and be deluded enough to believe that my country is worse off than it actually is? Fuck no.
I wish to be the rapey middle aged Islamist
Because Detroit didn't have a Giuliani to clean the streets
Because it's racist to enforce the law today.
Venezuela (Caracas)
Banks took over the government of NY in the 70s. They actually made it profitable.
liberia or syria right now probably.
Population density. Or lack thereof. Manhattan is a unique phenomenon.
Good point.
It's more than likely it's worse off than either of us believe.
Rebuild it and it's just gonna go to shit again.
>the rest is full of canadians
Blacks and lowest-tier Mexicans sneaking in for free gibs.
Now it's just filled with hipsters and tourists.
Niggers. Along with a class of nepotistic elites that views themselves as a separate group with distinct interests, leading them to push for a multiracial, multicultural society in order to blend in.
>linking VICE youtube
Fixed so they don't get views