Meanwhile in Russia, libertarian party won local elections in Pushkino, Moscow oblast, and one libertarian candidate won in the Yakimanka municipality elections in Moscow city.
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Get your pitchforks and chase them out of town. Or at least tar & feather them, like the freaks that they are.
nah I donated their campaign
Any source for this?
What were the positions they were elected to?
watch their economy flourish under free markets while the west and all allies crumble under keynesian rule
That's a whole lot of people who are going to shoot themselves in the back of the head soon.
very nice!
Authoritarianism is the only sincere ideology of the mainstream political parties and people are tired of it.
How do they feel about gun laws?
Russians falling for YET ANOTHER kike subversion. How fucking stupid are you ridiculous slavs.
Are they libertarians or American """libertarians"""?
Croatia fag just mad because Liberland wants some land.
You mean American LP "Libertarians" or American Independent Libertarians
>nah I donated their campaign
FSB in 3... 2...
There will be a reason why they were allowed to win.
Open borders and weed Liberfagians or Ron Paul style socially Conservative Libertarians?
>Boris prep the bodybags
oh wow
ahaha russia is being cucked too.
BBC is coming for russian women.
and what's the reason? to give arguments in favor of putin's cuckold policy of bringing in millions of chinks and middle asian kebabs into russia?
I'm a fairly progressive libertarian, toward the center, but glad Putin's big government bullshit is getting some kickback.
Slavs don't know how to run an economy simple fact no matter what system they're under
Russia could do with some free speech and gun rights.
>Libertarians winning """"elections""" in a oligarchy
does this mean Putin will have to switch to being the leader of the libertarian party after the current one suicides?
where can I read about them? are they just a meme party? i can't imagine any russians actually understanding libertarianism - I have russian relatives with whom i debate and they are all basically blatant commies pro huge state
links in russian/english are fine
come back and give proper info you faggit
what's your opinion on
>gay marriage
>3rd world immigration
Did Vera win?
That feel when no libertarian Russian gf to throw recreational nukes at garden intruders with..
why she look like scooby doo girl?
Great, even more Kazakh migrants for Russia. When you though you couldn't import all back into Russia that were deported by Stalin, but then you imported 3 times more than ever existed before.
Because it takes a while to grow the princess hair.
the most faggot areas in Russia with spoiled oligarch youth
As long as they keep to sensible immigration policies to preserve their racial homogeneity and avoid Jew-manipulated currency Russia would become enormously wealthy and powerful. A libertarian Russia would seriously become a superpower above USA or anyone else within a decade.
>A libertarian Russia would seriously become a
Unstable country and soon get another strongman dictator like always. Russia is not fit for freedom, their geography, demographics and customs are not a good fit for liberty
>geography, demographics and customs are not a good fir for liberty
what kind of geography promotes liberty?
Russia was traditionally a monarchistic society, god fearing and heavily class based - you still had serfs in the mid 19th century. How did it go about changing so radically to becoming a communist egalitarian meme state?
You don't need a predisposition for liberty - you need strong men to stand behind it and push it, that's all.
Strong men stood behind communism and pushed it, and for better or mostly for worse, communism dethroned monarchy.
>actually thinking commies dethroned anyone
Does the term "Provisional Government", or the name, "Kerensky", ring a bell?
>The first, Vera Kichanova, was elected in 2012 to the municipal council of the Yuzhnoye Tushino District of Moscow.
>Vera Kichanova
>Oxford Public Policy student. Intern at Zaha Hadid Architects. Formerly, elected councillor in Moscow & editor-in-chief with @AtlasNetwork in Kiev
An Ukraine/London fan. Basically wants Moscow to become like London.
Yes, if they can have a concerted effort for the dysfunctional idealism that is communism they can do much better with liberty.
I don't think liberty is possible among all people, just those peoples with a high enough IQ for it. Russia could do very well with liberty if the concepts were adopted by a critical mass. They may even do better than we Americans did once they understand how the checks and balances work.
What needs to happen to keep authoritarianism at bay are people who understand the "rules" of liberty and know when to exact justice. I admit that would be hard in Russia but I can't see why, if properly motivated, the Russians couldn't have spectacular success.
you mean the meme govt that lasted for like month, led by weak men with no resolve? Just further proves my point, commies just acted with more faith and courage in their beliefs than all others.
The ideals of liberty should be attractive to every man, there just wasn't anyone serious yet to fight for them in Russia.
A stoic cowboy with a big family, holding a gun protecting them - there can't be any better image promoting a set of ideals out there.
This trend has been for a while
sauce my man
Reminder that the libertarian party of russia is for gun rights and decentralization.
Good party.
If lolbert retards in America ran for house seats instead of the presidency like dumbasses they'd probably get somewhere
Harry Potter fan, check.
English is so cool, check.
Everything foreigner is cool, check.
Typical libertarian trend worshipper.
There is nothing cool about Russia though.
It's a 3rd world shithole.
You can't blame'em
Libertarianism = don't thread on my drugs, gene modification, war industry, organ sales, gay marriage, GMO and many more what can be turned into cash for me, lets remove all quality checks.
Russia's core is only a part of it's western territory. All the rest of their territory is more akin to colonies or imperial possessions, and Moscow's control there is less effective. Russia always expands to get buffers to protect its core from invasions (like mongolians, germans, napoleon, etc) since they have nl natural barriers protecting it (also why they expand South and east until rhey find them, the oceans and mountains) and access to warm-water ports to do commerce. A large part of russia is too cold to live in or use for agriculture or other forms of living, so much so that they have to keep some lakes from freezing some times of the year so they van still grow food and don't starve to death.
Moscow needs the rest of Russia to survive, so it bribes local leaders and peoples (some areas they effectively colonized, not others) to keep everything in order, with force if necessary. If Siberian subjects had more control over their natural resources and could charge more or sell them abroad, instead of sending large parts for Moscow's benefit, for ex, theyd be way better off, but the Muscovite core would suffer.
So the Moscow elites cant let people choose too much, and effectively use the rest of the country for their own benefit and safety. Too much freedom could eventually lead to the dissolution of Russia (with even more new states forming from it), or to competing local oligarchies extorting the central government or fighting for it's control. This is why they were always a centralized and authoritarian society, andnare likely to continue for a while.
>implying there's something cool about Germany
>implying libertarians know anything about Russia, Germany or anybody/anything else than trends and how to leech into their globalist rulers provided trends to extract money
Now take the US for contrast: large frontier to settle and appease new people, a lot of arable land and navigable water systems (the Mississipi being the best) and eventually access to two large coasts on two different oceans. Also away from Eurasia and most serious conflicts in human history, protected by two oceans, a large desert, forests and ice, and surrendered by weaker nations rhat pose no threat to it (compare this to Russia, surrounded by powers to its east and its West, and less so to it's South, during most of it's existence, in a rarsh land, with difficulty to access other markets and trade effectively internally and externally).
Or western europe with it's thriving commerce and mediterranean trading system
Based Russians. Wonderful news
Traditionalism + free market
>Basically wants Moscow to become like London.
She can already buy a burqa
They could do even better in local and state elections
>pls Gary Johnson fill me up with your seed, you are a foreigner and that's so cool
Libertarians in a nutshell.
Libertarian is a vague term nowadays, is it Russian code for liberals?
Let me give you dumbasses a lesson in liberty, since all you seem to know are anti-liberty talking points from socialists.
It is not about "removing all standards and regulations." It is about having private standards that function much better than government (ie "public") standards.
For a minarchist there are still the basic laws against force and fraud, and that covers most things. But what about something like food and drugs?
Well, in a free society food/drug companies can be held liable for knowingly jeopardizing public health. However, the government doesn't do much more than the obvious cases.
After that private certification companies, like consumer reports, do the rest. This is because governments are bureaucratic and inefficient. Their "experts" are easily bought off and their certifications tend to have low standards with no responsibility taken for error. Private companies can certify all sorts of products and risk being sued or sentenced for misrepresentation. Their brand is their standards, and so when they certify it tends to mean more. The reason we don't have more private certification is precisely because of the false sense of security provided by government "helping" us. (There is much more to say in favor of private cert. but no room here.)
>Игpa «Paзвaли CCCP пpaвильнo»
>The game "The USSR is Wrong"
>Because USSR is not England or anything foreigner, it's so cool when it crashes and i can sell myself to foreigner. Prostitutes are brave strong cool women when they prostitute to foreigners. Pls Gary Johnson or Hugh Hefner make me your wife.
And demographically, anglos have a long tradition of freedom, from their old pre-anglo-saxon invasion days to Magna Carta to parliament to habeas corpus to their old constitution and respect for property and so on, and even other euroa have a bit od that in part because they had a larger middle class and burgeoise, while russia has fucking nothing. They go straight from an absolute monarchy to a constitutional (but more authoritarian) monarchy that gets couped and revolutooned and substituted for communist country that turns into a presidential republic that quickly becomes Putinland.
They can't depend on their traditions, they have to build freer institutions now, with all the normal trial and error plus the difficulties above
I see some similar people in Poland so I guess it's a Slavic thing. Basically they are turbo westboos and believe that ultracapitalist US was the best thing ever. On one hand I support the platform, but every time they open their mouth to talk it's basically
>boy, I sure do hate being Russian, we should apologize for everything we have ever done and balkanize
>t. (((Maxim Goldenstein)))
Which is why people don't want to listen to them. It's really tiresome if you support the policy itself.
Libertarians are nothing else than liberals who want to own liberal means of production.
Not this time, it's democracy/freedom this time, because you know privatization isn't government so that makes it ok to change your society and meddling into your business, since user you don't own your own land, elites do.
Sincerely privatized libertarian elite.
it says on their logo
yeah but idealizing and worshipping the superficial aspects of the West (instead of the old,core values) is cancerous. Dumb cunts like her are more likely to go uuh immigration should be unrestriced than free speech should be protected. And personal liberty for them end at what drugs she should use and how many abortions can she have
It's also gets joined with a weird affection for the EU,which is insane since a lot of these faggots have beaurocrats and bureaucracy and people telling them what to do
Dont confuse (((liberals))) with russian liberal democratic party.
shes not russian.
A literal meme party. Still your best bet if you are anti-immigration. Sad!
picture based on this:
>he Hedgehog arrives at the campfire where bear cub is brewing tea. Bear (voiced by Vyacheslav Nevinniy) explains that he was calling for the hedgehog, worried that he was late. The two sit together drinking tea and the bear talks and the hedgehog thinks of the horse.
>Since January 2009 the main character (the Hedgehog) from the movie has a statue in the city center of the capital of Ukraine, Kiev.[9]
Hedgehog = Ukraine
Bear = Russia
Horse = Anglo elites
So hedgehog goes into the fog to chase a horse and comes back forever changed by the horse, basically hedgehog becomes an Anglo spy for dollar.
He hates commies, zhirinovsky is best.
That's right user fellow libertarian, if you don't have enough money then next.
>i am such a princess
Aren't they all the Kremlin party tho?
Kremlin is western installation. Russia lost power in 1917. (((they))) are still in power. LDPR wants to become free of (((them))) and paint kremlin white again. not commie red. redshields/rothschields.
Magna carte though was a meme document for about 400 years, only in the 17th century did the contents it carried come to hold actual significance in the minds of England's rulers
a prime example of why men are dumb for allowing women to represent them - they lack the ability to understand complex belief systems much less apply them equally and fairly with no emotion.
Life, liberty and property shouldn't be western inventions. If you would apply those principals and combine them with troika nationalism and don't anchor them alongside any other western invention it would take off in Russia
Its a long historical process behind anglo liberty, it started before it (arguably it was a restoration of some pre-invasion ideas) but indeed only ended (in its historical form at least) way later
well their current government is unable to properly maintain the roads anyway
they should take a step further and ebrace the ancap ways
>Игpa «Paзвaли CCCP пpaвильнo»
its translates like
>The game "Break USSR correctly"
>As I mentioned, it’s much less expensive to maintain existing roadways. To mill and resurface a 4-lane road, it costs an average of $1.25 million per mile. Then, if you want to expand said road from four lanes to six, you can expect to pay roughly $4 million.
Good luck paying that yourself, considering that price would be even 100 times higher in ancap society.
bantz slovenia - bantz -- i kind of regretted i did not post it under an ancap flag
they are one of the most entertaining ideologies in here
You should have that kind of money to pull road out of own pocket if you want to successfully date libertarian girls of Libertarian party of Russia. That's just for road.
>Highway 6 is the first Israeli Build-Operate-Transfer road constructed, carried out mainly by the private sector in return for a concession to collect tolls on the highway for a given number of years. It is also one of the largest infrastructure projects undertaken in Israel.
>In March 2006, Derech Eretz reported a profit of 89 million NIS for 2005, an increase of 56% from 2004, on income of 779 million NIS, an increase of 137% from 2004.
At the end of 2005:
about 500 000 registered subscribers (one subscriber can own multiple vehicles),
1.36 million individual users (increase from 1.1 million users),
21 million trips,
80% of trips are by subscribers,
Bill collection success rate was 97%.
Bbbbbutt - private individuals can't form companies in order to increase their purchasing power!
>Of the 11,000 kilometers of France's highways, 8,000 km are under private concession. 3,120 kilometers of Italy's highways (comprising 56% of the country's toll roads) are controlled by Autostrade Concessioni e Costruzioni Autostrade
>Muh roads
>Live in a corrupt shithole
>Still retarded enough to shitpost about elections that don't matter at all
So what if there are private donors? Government also hires private companies to build road owned by government. We had in Socialism private donors on street, we would put money into same reserve owned by us and then pull out money at will when we voted to need it. Collectivism is literally multiple private owners who control their money reserves. Libertarians want 1 guy to pay for everything around his area of living, including road and electric poles.
>literally had an election 2 months ago that spawned hundreds of Sup Forumsder threads
>their meme candidate barely got 2 seats
Keep it up and I'm moving to Russia.
This meme that libertatrians are against any collective needs to die.
Libertarians love collectives, of private citizens willingly cooperating with each other.
The problem is when you are forced into a collective and forced to pay into it.
>Be libertarians ruling Russia
>Ally America
>Pull all of Europe in with pressure from both sides
>Unipolar world forms under vast libertarian northern hemisphere alliance