The constant abuse of the word "literally" pains me so. Its bad enough when used incorrectly: "I literally flew out the door!" No, you don't have wings or a jet pack. Its even worse when it's used unnecessarily: "I was literally walking out the door!" Of course that is a literal statement! Was there any possibility that I might have mistakenly thought that you were figuratively walking out the door?? No! There was not figurative alternative to the language used. I post this on Sup Forums because the degradation of the English language is a massive component in the decay of western society. Reclaim your mother tongue. Speak with perfection. Thank you for indulging a neofite faggot.
Literally fed up
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah, it's a great thing English has never changed and has always been the same until now since it's creation by God and Jesus when they wrote the Constitution 6,000 years ago. I hope it stays that way forever, like it always has, which is why I can read Shakespeare and Beowulf with incredible ease.
Whenever my co-workers say it i say "The word 'literally' is literally adding no context to your sentence." It takes them a minute
No one cares David's Cross. Rember you said nigger and leftists laughed?
Why do you care so much? Literally....why do you care?
>degradation of the English language
This is literally the most autistic thing I have read today, and I was literally at an Autism Speaks rally.
The point of literally is just to exaggerate something. You have asperger's to be bothered by language changing. You already are using words your grandparents have never heard of. Think about how people talked 100 years ago, 200, etc
you are a bunch of gross prescriptivists
English is only as beautiful as it is for acquiring a greater vocabulary and being so diverse with so many meanings for words. People like you make immigrants more comfortable, you make me sick.
"Unironicaly" is annoying
Not entire sure why. Hurts my soul though.
Since v. Because v. As
Use because when you want to grab someone by the throat and understand your saying [effect] because [cause].
Use since when you want to add time reference into the sentence. Since thing happened, other thing happened more.
Just don't use as unless it's a basic statement and you won't slip people up since it's easy to confuse. You're a faggot, as we can see.
I veritably know what you mean
Im not opposed to the evolution of the English language. However, the word "literally" once served a very specific, useful, and unique role ie. Clarifying that a word or phrase was to be interpreted at face value and not as a simile or metaphore. Now that "literally" is meaningless there is no concise way to articulate this idea Cleary. Its a shame
Literally has literally always been used to mean metaphorically, this is literally nothing new.
That's how Google defines it. Merriam Webster (the actual English language) defines it in the way OP understands it. It's a brainwashing exercise. In case you don't believe me compare them.
Extra credit: look up "fascism" in both Merriam Webster and Google. Huge difference between them.
I'm btfo you aussie faggot. *neophyte. I bend the knee. Would a based burger with skills and work ethic be welcomed in your great land?
It's faggotd like you that ruin everything. English is meant to be specific, and directed.
I appreciate the evolution of language. However, certain word, once corrupted, lose all meaning. Perhaps you could suggest an alternative to "literally" because it once served a very useful function.
English changes, but has always changed for the better because the elite and well versed dictated those changes. Slang develops independently of this, but no one cares about slang until it becomes so perfect for a certain statement that it is incorporated.
But now we have
People are communicating in memes and the elite are choosing to stoop down to their level to sway and use their power rather than raise their standards. People are losing the ability to communicate with absolute clarity because they are incapable of identifying poor arguments and disagreements in definition.
I can not tell you shits how many times I've seen my friends and people on this board have the same viewpoint, but argue to no end because they couldn't into words.
Archive or screenshot please
this, basically
Next lesson is farther v. further.
Farther is a distance. He threw the ball farther.
Further is a progression. He took the lesson further.
Oy vey, when does it end?
As a meme degree holding English scholar the shit lefties pushed on me was "prescriptive vs. descriptive" meanings for words. Basically if people use a word incorrectly, oh well, that's now one of the definitions.
Loooots of other blue pills they make you swallow to pass. Ended up dropping my education major due to massive bullshit they try to cram in your head. I is an irrelevant measurement, all children are equal and other shit.
It's your own fault you're surrounded by inarticulate retards, everyone I talk to can formulate coherent and easily understandable arguments and hold gainful conversations, literally.
Literally has been used figuratively for quite some time as you can find examples of both Mark Twain and James Joyce using it that sense.
You were not you cheeky fuck
>Ended up dropping my education major due to massive bullshit they try to cram in your head.
Ah yes, John Dewey was our Lord and Savior and Jane Elliot is the Virgin Mary, have you asked for forgiveness for your privileges today?
A fine get my good man
Heh you're reminding me of psychology back in 2015. I didn't know before then that I'm already sexist and racist.
How thick-skulled do you havet to be? What?
You are reading out of an outdaded Merriam-webster or something retard. Also
>inb4 jews put it in!!!
Uh, how about seriously? It works in pretty much every situation. Either way you can say "in the literal meaning" or "sense" or whatever. Better than saying figuratively whenever I wanna exaggerate something or just using metaphors which come off as awkward sometimes.
Do you have any proof for the elites controlling language? If anything they did the exact fucking opposite. Queen Elizabeth didn't ban a single word Shakespeare wrote or conceived. 0/1700 chances for an "elite" to "dictate" how people speak? Lol? You are talking out of your ass.
>He invented over 1700 of our common words by changing nouns into verbs, changing verbs into adjectives, connecting words never before used together, adding prefixes and suffixes, and devising words wholly original.
You are autistic to think there is an "original" form of English. It progressed over time, I am glad you failed, retard. You didn't deserve your major.
You are one of the good ones. Keep them coming
Seriously" is perfect for emphasis. Does not serve the same function as "literally" though
Well I mean if you're not going to accept the truth behind why a word suddenly means it's own antonym then there's nothing I can do for you.
It's just a meme now. It'll pass.
Also present and past perfect tenses. Not enough people know them and I've been pulled over by police before that accused me of being intoxicated because I used proper grammar.
Today I want to drink. After I drink I can say that I drank. But I haven't drunk anything yet. Anyone who doesn't use these endings might as well be drunken fools.
Yeah when you're getting drunk with friends it doesn't matter, but there are times where you want to be perfectly specific - where every syllable counts. and for those times it's best to have your perfect tenses in check.
Why sacrifice the concise and immediate "literally" for the cumbersome "in the literal sense." its cleary a step in the wrong direction linguistically.
English is a shit language.
Make me an example where you couldn't
It has less to do with the popularity of literally as an exaggeration out of the blue but more to do with the fact that figuratively is cumbersome.
It's because it sounds better and can be said quicker than figuratively and provides more information than dropping figuratively altogether.. From context it is very easy to interpret when someone is using literally in the literal sense or figurative sense.
>That was the most embarassing thing ever.
>That was *literally* the most embarassing thing ever.
it adds emphasis in a concise way, shorter than seriously
>That was *figuratively* the most embarassing thing ever.
Find me an example where it's confusing to the reader and I'll give you a gold star for trying.
fuck off commie
I literally don't know what your problem is. Literally you should calm down, take a literal chill pil, ya literally wanker
>I post this on Sup Forums because the degradation of the English language is a massive component in the decay of western society. Reclaim your mother tongue. Speak with perfection.
I agree OP. Do you know why/how this happens? Because people use the EMOTIONAL ASSOCIATION of words rather than the technical/logical definition. The latter is the IDEA being conveyed, where the word means a precise thing, so it brings up a precise image or thought or feeling in the brain. Emotional association comes into play when dumb normie fucks only notice how each other react to certain words and then use the word for that reaction.
The word "literally" is a perfect example of this. Because people put emphasis on it when explaining something, it sounds like it makes the sentence more important and urgent. So people, wanting that feeling and being clueless and thoughtless to what the word means, pick up on that and use it for emphasis instead, destroyed what the word is supposed to convey.
This is a big deal because it's leading to more and more break downs of communication where you can't even use certain words how they were intended to be used because they've become emotional associated with something else. You lose words; you lose ideas. You have a smaller arsenal to communicate with and thus communicate only smaller things...
>I can not tell you shits how many times I've seen my friends and people on this board have the same viewpoint, but argue to no end because they couldn't into words.
This too. It leads to poor reading comprehension and Sup Forums is a great example of it. People will call you an idiot and then proceed to tell you their opinion is instead, which is just a reworded version of your opinion. So they're too stupid and can't read well enough to see they agree with the person, they're just EMOTIONAL RESPONDING TO THE EMOTIONS ASSOCIATED WITH THE WORD. And they're calling you dumb and you agree with them... what does that make them?
Much of what you write is indecipherable and unclear. Not surprising given that you have no respect or love for articulate Nd accurate language. I don't condemn you. It is my fervent hope that you will rise to the occasion and fight for good one day
>would of
>could of
>should of
this shit has been plaguing the internet for years...
This happens because you have this people in charge of your language.
literally fake and gay
I'm too tired for this, but you are wrong.
Also because people don't know or care what words mean, this is how you end up with a "politics board" with an absolute ass ton of content that has nothing to with politics.
I'm tired of this shit. It's not unreasonable to ask for some basic organization among my fellow humans. But nnooooo.... They just do whatever the fuck they want. I guess when they were kids they were just smashing the circle in the square hole with abandon and weren't thinking about it.
slide thread you're all literally retarded faggots
Ex: "wow that was seriously out of the blue!" if I had 2 boxes. One red one blue. And a cat unexpectedly leapt out of the blue box, I would say "that was literally out of the blue" and we would laugh and laugh because language can be delightful
I don't get it because I say "of" and get shit on Sup Forums and if I say "have" anywhere, I get shit...
I don't even know what's right or who's trolling anymore.
Given your standard of humor, you may be a literal leaf. In the proper use of the word
Sliding what? How come every genuine thread with something unique and new gets called a "slide thread" where the stale ass copy pasta bait threads get none of that?
how is this political discussion.
You'll enjoy this:
Maybe gay. Not fake
would've is literally short for would have.
Great work, you sure did prove him wrong.
thanks for ignoring everything retard, here's your spoon-full:
>"I literally flew out the door!" No, you don't have wings or a jet pack.
No shit. It was to add emphasis. At no point did anyone consider that but you, because you have aspegers and have trouble understanding that words aren't like puzzle pieces and they change and evolve.
>Its even worse when it's used unnecessarily: "I was literally walking out the door!" Of course that is a literal statement! Was there any possibility that I might have mistakenly thought that you were figuratively walking out the door?? No! There was not figurative alternative to the language used.
They weren't saying that so the other person could figure it out that they were going through the door, it's purpose in that usage is so that the other person understands they are annoyed or exasperated. Why else would there be an exclamation?
>I was walking out the door
>I was literally walking out the door!
each have a distinct purpose
Good job, you made an effort and gave up when it was too hard. It's the smart thing to do, come back after researching more into linguistics. It's a very interesting subject.
You're right. Its just that I feel at home on pol and wanted to relate to other autists. This is a square peg round hole thread
Ha thx
David Cross is a JEW
Fun fact, you historically uneducated faggot, it has literally been used as hyperbole since the early 20th century, and I of course mean that in the literal sense. The problem is that it's overused these days.
If everything is a slide, nothing is a slide.
I like your country. You guys are clever and your humor is dry.
kek, also I use "literally" double ironically. It only works because you get asspained.
>objects a point I didn't make
>asks for evidence for said point
>idiomatic accusation
I think you should consider to argue with one person at a time if that's your style.
I was specifically assigning writers (like CNN and Shakespeare) and dictionaries reign over a language. You disagree here? People who decide edits in the Oxford English or people who decide the syntax of a newspaper that reaches billions are not 'elites' of the language? Shakespeare was an elite and he arguably improved the language. Hawaii accepts a degraded use of it for equality. CNN has their own site celebrating and showing full articles in pidgin.
Using "literally" to emphasize a statement robs it of its actually usage. It once had a distinct and useful place in the language. Now it is thrown around for emphasis and has lost the capacity to serve its very unique and neccessary function
Interesting. I suppose its overuse is more troubling to me than its multiplicity of usages. Thx
>I post this on Sup Forums because the degradation of the English language is a massive component in the decay of western society.
That's what OP said himself and he's right. This is more politically related than "Chad vs virgin" threads or random "DEFEND THIS/APOLOGIZE/POLBTFO!" threads.
For instance language degradation leads to easy manipulation of the populace. People take words of context or shove words in people's mouths, that's how the media controls the masses. Words represent ideas.
Control the words, control the ideas,
control the ideas, control the mind,
control the mind, control the body
control the body, control the soul
control the soul and you control everything....
A specific political example would be the word "rape" and how feminists are constantly trying to call everything rape, since that invokes a more powerful emotional association and makes whatever they're fighting against seem more evil and urgent. She can say she was "raped" because someone looked at her and then people, assuming she means literal, actual rape will take action against the innocent on-looker thinking he was doing something he wasn't.
Without literal, specific, directed, objective language, everything turns into catering towards capricious emotional subjective whims. That's how your nations rot from the inside out; from the mind to the body, from the body to the soul... The soul of your nation.
>researching more into linguistics
It's a lot simpler than that.
Your perception is limited by your means of definition.
Well said you articulate bastard
Generation y and z can't make a point without saying "literally" or "honestly" because they are lying, back-stabbing pieces of garbage. Also, they don't read books, so their vocabulary and speech patterns stem from pop-culture and social media. I give the non-native English speakers a pass, but the rest of you are LITERAL cocksuckers, and I HONESTLY hope you all live miserable, painful lives and never accomplish any of your goals.
>t. millennial
This is the best thread right now, but people accuse it of slide. Disdain is all I feel.
People think anything introspective is a slide, paranoids and neurotics.
Thank Christ I'm not the only one noticing the overuse/misuse of that fucking word.
I hear, or read it and cringe because 9/10 it's some jackass moron trying to use the word as some "end all, be all" argumentative statement. Or some other type of fkn moron using it incorrectly to be funny.
News flash fuckers: When everyone is using it, it's no longer funny, edgey or original. You sound like a fucking tool or a fucking idiot.
Thats the best case scenarios when using that worn out word.
It's because written language has an extremely difficult time conveying sarcasm or context. You could use italics, bold, or other decorative font adjustments, but that's unavailable here.
Additionally, you have many people here who don't follow board/Sup Forums rules.
In summation, Sup Forums residents and their compatriates have literary and linguistic odds stacked against them.
Your entire argument hinges that there was an abject superiority to pre-modern English and that it had always been getting better until (recently) because there were arbitrary dictations on how it should be written. Because it was dictated from elites this helped the masses argue because (for some reason) "slang" didn't have to have definitions people could understand. If people don't understand how slang is incorporated into an argument then how could they use it in argument? Which doesn't even make fucking sense in the first place. I don't care how many times you saw your friends not understand words, it is a selectional bias because obviously you aren't going to read conversations between poor people talking shit to each other when they don't know what they are talking about from history. You are going to read manuscripts and arguments between scholars and well-read people.
Either way, you don't make any fucking sense right now
>english always changed for the better
>except until now because of slang which developed independently until (recently)
>except for when a slang term "became so perfect for a certain statement that it is incorporated"
which invalidates the whole point you are trying to make
Also btw pidgins will always sound like gibberish because it is usually the result from two wildly different cultures being introduced to each other in great quanitites in short periods of time. I doubt you speak a lick of Patois but it doesn't mean there isn't something that can't be articulated in the language.
read a book fuckass
except I already proved there is still an obvious distinction through context. You haven't proved how literally has been robbed of any definition, all you have stated is that people are somehow using it wrong.
>very unqiue
you can't use very for an absolute like unique
you don't even follow your own fucking rules
this is funny as fuck I love 13 year olds who feel cocky after they did good in English class
>Also, they don't read books, so their vocabulary and speech patterns stem from pop-culture and social media
This. You can just tell too. I'm not totting my own horn here but since and complimented me I'll take credit so I can point to where it came from -- reading books. Tons of books. Hell right now I'm just reading fiction, like older fiction and that STILL expands one's vocabulary and mind. Not just learning new words but learning how to use words you already know in a different way, to convey a whole new point.
Those older generations had nothing but books. They didn't have the technology of today that dumbs everything down by making it too easy. They only had their words to articulate their thoughts so they choose their words and structure their delivery a lot better and ideas weren't as muddled because of it.
Sup Forums itself is notoriously guilty of illiteracy. You can tell who reads political books and who gets their politics from youtube commentators. I don't want to sound snobby either. I think the written word and the process of reading just does something different cognitively than watching other's speak. Like you're making your mind have the same exact thoughts as the person since the words are being reproduced in your own head, in your voice. It connects deeper in the mind than hearing them said.
We need to encourage people to read more and read more ourselves.
maybe you should find something more consequential to be a faggot about
I appreciate you're wisdom. I did qualify an absolute. Will attempt to avoid that in the future. Your apparent aptitude with the English language makes it am the more baffling that you don't understand how "literally" ought to be used. It is not meant to emphasize a statement. It is used only when there is the possibility that a statement may be misunderstood in its figurative context. This problem happens rarely and having the perfect word to diffuse misunderstanding is useful
The first I heard it being overused was on MadTV
That was in the late 90s I think so I guess it had started a bit earlier if they were already parodying people who said it.
This is a hill I am prepared to die on faggot
I didn't mean this thread was off-topic, I'm talking about shit like this...
Just random-as-fuck threads that don't have anything to do with the boards topic. This thread is fine.
You should literally get off your high whores, you diamond dozen faggot
Don't suck your own dick too soon
>The word "literally" is a perfect example of this. Because people put emphasis on it when explaining something, it sounds like it makes the sentence more important and urgent. So people, wanting that feeling and being clueless and thoughtless to what the word means, pick up on that and use it for emphasis instead, destroyed what the word is supposed to convey.
But people still use literally in the original meaning and the new meaning. Everyone saying that it has been **destroyed!!!** has failed to provide one example where you can't receive the context to decide if someone is using it figuratively or literally. In fact, if the definition were destroyed and it were impossible to differentiate, then how could you be frustrated over the incorrect usage of it in the first place? I can't remember the last time someone had to ask me "did you mean that literally or figuratively?" which is the only case in which you would percieve it, when someone misunderstands you.
>This is a big deal because it's leading to more and more break downs of communication where you can't even use certain words how they were intended to be used because they've become emotional associated with something else. You lose words; you lose ideas. You have a smaller arsenal to communicate with and thus communicate only smaller things...
Can you give one fucking example? One of those "certain words"? Saying you noticed your friends fuck up on an internet board isn't evidence. Give me one example where a person speaking English was being limited by *a lack of concise vocabulary to explain their argument* and not just *being unable to explain their argument*.
Ah. I see
Kek nice
>Literally fed up
Guess OP eats his daily dick from the base.
>I can't remember the last time someone had to ask me "did you mean that literally or figuratively?" which is the only case in which you would percieve it, when someone misunderstands you.
I've had that happen several times actually. Where people said "literally" and it wasn't actually literally but someone else didn't realize they were using the word wrong and I end up getting in trouble for something that never happened. Mainly in work situations. Hyperbole is a big problem too. Normies over-exaggerate everything for dramatic effect.
>Can you give one fucking example? One of those "certain words"?
I did. Rape. Women saying there were "raped" when they weren't.
I've provided you with multiple examples illustrating how "literally" is used properly. Your main argument seem to be, "now it means something else so deal with it." You are entitled to change the language as you see fit, and I am entitled to resist change where I see fit. I don't have a big agenda against slang or linguistic evolution. I just cherish the niche word "literally" and its wonderful clarifying quality. Its a special word that is worth redeeming.
Was intentional misuse winkyface.jpeg
This thread is literally driving me to drink. It just pulled up in a cherry trans am and wants to deliver me to the nearest tavern.