How is saying "nigger" against someone who is most likely not African American racist?
How is saying "nigger" against someone who is most likely not African American racist?
Because words can hurt
- Leftists
>caring about e-celebs
Can everyone who gives a shit about this crack open a can of Zyklon-B and take a nice deep breath?
are you saying that because niggers don't own pcs own know how to go on the internet?
Because words are mean and scary and some are so mean and scary that they should be banned
Because words are literally, and I mean literally, violence.
Because the BBC told me so.
breaking news: autistic man says nigger in video game
How is not saying nigger oppressing you?
It's international news when someone says "nigger"!
>BBC News
This used to be the best news service in the world, bar none. What the fuck happened?
>makes racial slur
So pewdiepie created the word nigger? Wow very impressive.
Why can't the BBC write in proper English?
>not caring about n1 redpiller of genzyklon
Yo nigga this nigger just fuckin' said nigger racist ass cracker piece of shit white boy all crackers are racist pieces of shit fuck white people.
- black person (can't be racist)
How is saying nigger not saying a racial slur? The headline seems accurate. The goal isn't to deny something is racist but make it seem like not a big deal you retards. Racism is something everyone does and is simply a word that has as much power as we choose to give it. Denying it just makes us seem like cowards and divides us internally.
White people are by definition racist. The only way to END racism is to END white people.
That guy looks like Chris Hayes and Rachel Maddow had a baby through anal sex.
it's like calling a black guy white boy
it's used in a deragatory manner, insinuating that acting as a white person is acting in a negative manner that is detrimental to your own culture
When you read the history of Communist China, one of the excuses Mao used when he killed 100 million people was that he was just standing up to "rightists I don't agree with".
anyone have the clip of the video?
how do we know he said it?
i wonder if our friends knows there was a communist revolution in germany 1919
There is no gray area on this matter. That word, no matter who says it, is hurtful. What it has stood for all these years is as low as you can go.
While most of us have used the word for a variety of reasons, nothing justifies its usage by anyone. Yes, we are all guilty as charged. Guilty for picking and choosing when the word conveniently fits our needs. Guilty for frowning upon someone else for using it in front of the “wrong” people, only to use it ourselves when they leave the room. Guilty in encouraging our young people to use the word in lyrics and in so-called “art” without their understanding how demeaning the word is and the price people have paid over the years so that a race of people would not have to hear it said without punishment to those who say it.
The amount of times you and everyone else says the n-word proves the predictable, smart ass nature of this board. All of you try and impress each other with these funny racist comments, from someone who doesn't spend all their life online, it looks ridiculous.
Fuck this I'm off, don't wanna waste my life on "addictive and funny" Sup Forums.
it's all over twitter
you can tell it was very clearly a slip of the tongue unless you have a bad case of liberalism
Get a load of this nigger
Can't we convince people that saying "n-word" itself is racist
Like, start calling them nworders or something
I don't how Idubbbz can say 'nigger faggot' over 9000 times and come away unscathed. Meanwhile, Pewd says it once and there's a frenzy. Wtf kind of world is this?
The fact that this is news worthy whilst paki rape gangs go unreported is cringe worthy
>putting violent leftists in quotes
really activates my almonds
ill have to disagree with you
for example here in austria (or in middle europe for that matter) we dont have a history of slave owning (if you dont count the eastern european "free" workers). here the word "neger" which can be translated to "nigger" has nothing to do with an actual insult (according to history) because it was just the word used for black people. of course nowadays you cant say neger or ppl will think you are racist but the origin of the word has been almost forgotten and the bad associations with it come solely from america
That guy doesn't look jewish at all /s
It's not but "muh minorities"
is this on the pidgin BBC too
>someone makes classiat slur its acceptable
>someone makes a race slur unacceptable
It shows that only mongrelism allows the power of those in societies top, racial organization woyld disempower them.
Because it's a racial sour you tard. It's by definition racist. It's like calling someone a spic or a gook.
Idubbbz is a cryptojew or shabbos goy, I suspect he's the former and working or being directed by the same people who are directing H3H3
>BBC article
>not in Pidgin
whatever white nigger
For the Left... mere speech is violence, and violence is merely speech
Then you agree that every rap song should be censored and never use the word "nigger" again.
Great to hear.
So if I call a white person a beaner I'm being racist?
>An e celeb Saying a specific word warrants mainstream media headlines globally.
Is this really what the west has come to?
>e celeb
The guy is more famous than most "regular" celebrities. Far less has warranted MSM headlines throughout history, don't fucking pretend you're surprised by this.
>the more you censor or forbid the use of a word, the more powerful the word becomes.
hitler breathed. leftists should stop breathing or theyre literally hitler
screechy kikes and their virtue signal slaves kick up shit about this but do not care about actual Jewish destructions of society
People say nigger on youtube all the time though
Seeing all this outrage over a word makes me want to say nigger even more.
Stay gone, you flaming nigger faggot.
This is unironically true. Based kike. Keep going.
>NOV 10, 2016
The PewDiePie net worth sum of $90 million comes from his YouTube channel earnings minus estimated tax and expenses, plus investments.
PewDiePie’s net worth comes mostly from his stratospherically popular YouTube Channel. The star has earned an estimated $155 million since 2010. Since he’s in a 45% tax bracket, about half of that goes to PewDiePie’s net worth. Numbers are current as of 12/13/16.
tl;dr - Pew's a rich fuck. This would be an easy way to cash out and quit YouTube without looking like he's intentionally quitting YouTube.
Is this real?
Is this really a CNN headline right now?
my nigga
kill self please.
how is calling obama a monkey suddenly racist when leftist journalists called w bush a monkey all the time?
Well they both have 3 letters
I hope he learned from JonTron and others not to cuck. If you apologize and grovel they will only attack you more
Can we have national "Say Nigger" day? Take the power that the marxists have over everyone in an instant.
but it's funny and cool.
Based Hitler.
Same level of journalism
What happened to "Sticks and stones, may break my bones, but words will never hurt me"
Millennials had this drilled into their head in primary school. Now that same generation is getting offended at EVERYTHING.
Did he do this on purpose to coincide with 9/11?
Quit posting this, at least change up the copypasta and newtripcode if you're going to try to bait.
>Sup Forums loses a namefag
Did Sweden even have black slaves or African colonies? Who cares.
If they could understand simple concepts that are taught to children they wouldn't be leftists.
>I hope he learned from JonTron and others not to cuck. If you apologize and grovel they will only attack you more
He wont
He has had this going on for about 12 months now when the media realised he was a Trump supporter and had 54 million subs.
A lot of it is journalists, butthurt that he makes so much money playing vidya and shit posting.
the original dindus
Hitler was pro animal rights
>this is headlining news
nice """journalism"""
This very American thing 'I said nigger, bring up the podium, I'm sorry, I work at the bank, please don't fire me' doesn't have the same effect as it use to have unless you still represent the old media platforms. Pewdiepie or anyone else from the 'new media' pretty much create their own rules. Not to mention the people who follow Pewdiepie will say much more than nigger while playing and they won't give a fuck what some boomer think. Our most viewed exclusively Finnish let's player jokes about kikes, niggers and faggots all the time and only once the media tried to throw him under the bus until they realized that the boomers went 'literally who' and younger generations threatened the media.
You're untouchable if you burn all your bridges before they come after you.
They have to build a bridge to you.
no sweetie, he's white soooo...
>lives in Britain
He could literally be arrested
It should be news when this racist bigot spreads his hate to 50 million plus children. they don't need to think this kind of behavior is ok. hopefully he gets locked up.
He didn't say it on 9/11 and does this nigger look like he thinks before he thinks?
It's not a racial slur. Don't let the left dictate language. Fucking niggers.
what if the media talks about pewdiepie's racism all day instead of 9/11?
They cant do anything to Pewdiepie. He's rich so even if youtube banned him it wouldn't matter, and they wont ban him because they need his viewers. He's literally the biggest product on their site.
False equivalence faggot. Yet, maybe it's true. Maybe leftists shouldn't be doing the shit they're doing if it gives rise to ebil hitlers. This notion that the left is free to do whatever the fuck they want without equal opposition needs to fucking die. They think they can shit on whites without whites fighting back? Fuck the left.
Kek, smite these useless faggots.
I want to break this guy's glasses and push him down like a nerd in highschool.
either retard or liberal...
this guy is going to save the next generation singlehanded
He just said a curseword.
Move on
Using nigger as a slur implies that negroids are inferior and being black is demeaning,therefore it's racist.
Nigger nigger nigger nigger HAHAHAH eat shit cunt.
>This notion that the left is free to do whatever the fuck they want without equal opposition needs to fucking die.
the opposite of white genocide is...?
>tfw a cartoon frog triggers jews on the same level as holohoax deniers
best timeline
Please give me free money from liberal outrage too thanks
Yeah. It'd also be good if they stop promoting violence, misogyny and materialism.
Should he be lynched /pol?
The left pretending they're puritans who have never said anything they have regretted later while being angry or upset. What hypocrites.
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