cant find anything from him sense then
What has Richard Spencer been doing sense charlottesville?
Other urls found in this thread:
Controlled opposition served it's purpose. He's not needed anymore.
Probably just laying low until it blows over and hatching new plots.
He did do some post-charlottesville interviews but he's been quiet since then.
He's not controlled opposition, he is just tip toeing delicately around political correctness and nazi boogeyman to get white nationalism a thing again.
The optimal state of Richard Spencer is an account that leaks false alt right demonstrations to the media to provoke antifa violence when it suits whoever is paying Richard Spencer.
He's probably chilling out somewhere nice until
>hey I need a rally in Seattle
>K, I'll organise it and tell the real alt right it's fake
He did an episode of Fash the Nation a few weeks ago.
He has been tweeting. I didn't really think to look there since I don't use twitter.
No man, you see, Dickie Spencer made some jokes about homosexuality being white. He's controlled opposition and so is the CIAlt right!
He's been doing a ton of podcasts and is organizing his college tour, including the related law suits.
Do any of you actually follow alt right circles, or do you just make baseless assumptions and insinuations about them?
it's "since" you baka
Sup Forums thinks they are the end all be all of right wing politics on the internet
Only two people on this list aren't Jewish. One is Cuban, the other is Italian.
(((Richard Spencer)))
hes controlled opposition he said some stuff that wasn't gas de jews!!!!!!!
wat were you really trying to type
i do not actually please recommend me some podcast listening
>Do any of you actually follow alt right circles, or do you just make baseless assumptions and insinuations about them?
It's just that: they only pay attention to places like 4chinz and the general response.
The general public is retardedly stupid and can be relied upon to reproduce expected reaction.
Prove it.
When I look at articles on the comments look literally exactly like Sup Forums, and the content looks like better less paranoid versions of OPs on here
I genuinely don't think the alt-reich is controlled opposition, and that everyone who says it has a high chance of being a shill or got the information from one. I genuinely think its -the- most realistic thing to modern day white-ethno fascism that everyone on Sup Forums dreams about.
Distance yourselves from richard spencer and anyone like him.
Fucking attention whore
You're a fag. Plain and simple.
You are a fag.
Waiting for his next false flag mission.
Who the fuck is that Spectre guy?
This, I think Sup Forums assumes anything alt right must go through Sup Forums but actually most of the alt right operates outside Sup Forums.
Fash The Nation
Daily Shoah
Spencer has a youtube channel that's alright
Nationalist Review with Allsup and Fuentes isn't 'altright' but it's basically alt right.
Red Ice TV is alright.
He is talking to his Fed masters
Not to sound like 8gag, but a lot of the anti-fa discords, /leftypol/, and shareblue types see Spencer and other 'edgy' figures as perfect vectors to divide everyone on.
There are also a lot of genuinely new people who think just because it isn't on Sup Forums it isn't real or its false.
He's fighting to speak in Florida next month.
Nigga listen to The Daily Shoah
It's pretty funny
Enjoying that sweet sweet FBI salary.
He's probably busy planning the next operation with his CIA handlers.
Listening to Depeche Mode.
last I heard he's been suing university of Florida because they reneged on a contract to allow him to speak there
he was actually supposed to speak there today (9/11) top kek
I wish did more podcasts they're usually pretty patrician
enjoying all his political gains since Trump. laying low since Trump disavowed the Alt-Right
my two sense: sense then he's been sensing things.
What if we archive that
masturbating to interacial cuckold porn
Oh, he'll be back. (((They))) are not done with him yet.
Seriously Dicky is the Joker to their Batman, it's all a game. One has to have the other to exist.
Dick Spence looks like he's been MK Ultra'd until he thought he was a cucumber,
Literally everyone, even regular Sup Forums posters, are connected to whatever faction in the five eyes intelligence community
>hey molyneux, where's those sources coming from?
>you built WHAT for the government, cernovitch?
>Lauren, why are you telling people you live in Langley when you don't?
>Carl, is there a reason you knew to leave the country just before those charges?
>wait, is Milo actually a Jewish, Catholic homosexual?
>hey rage after the storm, how'd you get that ukip job?
>isn't it nice (((they))) let generation identity spend their trust fund money on a boat?
Then there are those tech workers who know why "interception" is a really scary word to see in a technical document. I still have nightmares.
Yeah, we are all involved in the deep state. I know there's a Marxist faction with similar connections to the mainstream media and other Marxist alt media, but ultimately we're all dirty.
It all comes down to how you feel about social engineering. It's not a war for your mind, not yet, it's a war for the tools to invade your mind. One side wants society to become mildly eugenic, the other wants complete control, including covertly sterilising undesirables and manipulating wages/standards.
Hi ShareBlue. What country have you been forced to outsource to now?
> sense
American education
just you sweetie
Sup Forums is mostly full of 15 year old libertarian and communist (not like there's much of a difference since they're both economic reductionists) faggots.
The nazi larping got too real for him so he went back to shit posting on Sup Forums.
>Sup Forums is one person
>dumb nongeoposter
opinion disregarded but it's true libertarians, ancaps and the like are as subversive as communism.
He is plotting with Dugin the brand new plan how to cuck American nationalism.
Is anyone else tired of both Spencer and the lies about him?
Rich is out there redpilling.
Can you all say the same?
Being a faggot and writing for a blog that no one reads.
Why do you think Spencer still has a verified Twitter?
Not necessarily because he is controlled opposition, but he is a useful clown for the media to portray white supremacists in the worst way possible.
We are flooded with shills. Most shills try to use wedge issues to create discord on any discussion.
The way to fight this is not to depend on conversation at all, but simply post what you want to post. A few hundred people may read your post. That's how we communicate. But don't get in the tarpit of debate with shills over wedge issues.
>doing a ton of podcasts
no one listens to alt right podcasts, even TRS gets a tenth of the viewership CTH does, and CTH is gay niche bullshit
He had many interviews you dumb shill
Thsi is one. you'l be seeing a lot more of based Spencer
The Daily Shoah has sucked since Enoch got doxed. FTN is ok but not great if you already follow alt right stuff since its just recap with commentary.
Lawsuits. Campus visits coming up, stay tuned!
I'll never get this meme.
FTN seems a little "4d chess" to me. They seem really white pilled and there is some good news, but if you aren't realistic you'll burn yourself out.
Fuck off CIA
Rather than discuss any of his ideas it's easier to photoshop his head looking silly.
They try to shop spencer to make him look subhuman
It's not working
This is a small part of their campaign:
Pretty sure it's just the modern banana posting or something to that effect.
I can't believe that this is Richard Spencer. I kept hearing about this guy and how good he is, but there's something wrong with his head here, seriously.
Why is it that shape? I just showed this to a friend, who is a doctor, and he said that's a sign of some form of mental deformation that when the head is that shape.
Anyone remember not knowing who this guy was when the media first started reporting on him?
No because I pay attention to shit. The "came out of nowhere" narrative is just saying that you are too dumb to follow anything without the MSM telling you about it.
>organize an "event"
>bring only white people
>make sure they all wear white to invoke the KKK to make the alt-right look as bad as possible
>make sure they all use torches and stand in an organized formation to look like the Wehrmacht to invoke the Nazis and KKK as much as possible and make the alt-right look like some kind of modern KKK
>burrow like a tick into various far right organizations claiming he's on their side
>soon enough you start throwing around weight and calling the shots
hmmm gee wiz I wonder what his angle is
That's horseshit and you know it.
You're right about the Shoah. Now that it's the main source of income for it's co-hosts they seem to need to play to their audience more and more. It was better when it was just some mad and funny ex libertarians who'd gotten red pilled about race. Enoch's not a bad public speaker but he's associated himself with some really dubious people in the past year.
Some of the other shows on the network are still okay but the alt right's high water mark was Trump's election. It's been a mix of false starts and disaster ever since.
He's not controlled opposition. He's a Duginist puppet. He's actually genuinely opposed to the Deep State, except he's (willingly or unwillingly) working for the Russians.
>Anyone remember not knowing who this guy was when the media first started reporting on him?
>Russians aren't Deep State
Learn what Deep State means nigger. Russia buys our Uranium for a reason.
Well, if I am to trust my sinces, I would say that he is working hard at promoting white nationalism.
>hard at promoting white nationalism.
He hates white nationalism. He has said the Alt-Right "is akin to Bolshivism"
see his tweets
Being a cuck racist who will never hold any political power
>coeditor of
I think Spencer's point here, and unfortunately he really only uses Twitter well when he's trolling, is an opposition to specific nation state nationalism. He came out against Brexit and essentially wants a European superstate that stretches from Lisbon to Vladivostok. The Bolshevik comments seem more about adapting the tactics of the Russian communists and founders of the Soviet Union than any real admiration for Bolshevism.
I think his thoughts on the former are extremely counterproductive, while the latter, well, Steve Bannon considers himself a Leninist in tactics. Also his take of the Ukrainian famine is likely wrong, but I attribute that to following his wife's, a Russian native, lead.
Sounds to me like he is endorsing something more aggressive than White Nationalism.
Not that I'm a big Spencer fan.
I don't know much about Richard Spencer and his politics desu, but I've noticed that his head is a weird shape. Like an egg shape. Is that only because of his weird fashy haircut or is it some kind of genetic/physical disorder?
It's everyone that falls for the alt right meme. Sure just look at James fields.