why is this loli so smug
Why is this loli so smug
Usually a loli will get smug because she wants the D
>Sup Forums - semi-ironic autistic fetish threads
She's smug because she's the best girl.
She's the best girl because she's smug.
post non-smug adult version while hugging knees
Translation when?
Why would we watch about anime or manga in /l/?
This one is smug precisely because she's had more D than you can possibly fathom.
Maybe she's smug because she realized the power of the puffy vulva she possesses.
There's no stopping her now.
She knows she'll get to read loli trains uncensored and you won't.
>mammary intercourse
Mammals that fuck
double wut
She knows your penis is hers to command.
What are mammals again? It is anything that has a spine? Or any warm-blooded?
Smugness is contagious, have you loli checked at the local clinic today.
this never got translated? I'm honestly surprised at this point
milk and live birth, not counting platypus...platypuses? platypi?
fuck off
Pi - Greek root
Pods - Roman root
Trains are the cutest.
Only reason I'm willing to read this is because of her pee scenes drives insane my urination fetish.
What in the world is the sauce for this? Sadpanda gives no results.
Whenever something like this, there's usually a rip of All Ages translation onto the ero version, or a patch to put the ero back into the All Ages version within the first month.
Loved the file name senpai, made my day.
it was in the fucking thread you retards
Das it mane.
Dis fucking family. Post the baby.
The piss drinking scene is the best, peeing tights is the best.
From the womb to the tomb
Get that ricotta, bada bing bada boom.
you try translating 80+ hours of esoteric paranormal VN
What's the name of this auto tag shit?
because you took a screenshot mid-blink
user please, you can use the CG viewer to give them any expression at any time, so you can make everyone smug in every shot.
>Expecting translation groups to finish anything ever
I'm still waiting for Nursery Rhyme.
smug thread?
Are you telling me that all those "smug" lolis are a set up?
Yes, they aren't like that in a normal play-through of the game
Just the best.
Wait, does the loli have a baby?
Nice. Better than that dumb /tg/ edit.
Because she is enjoying the moment of upcoming penetration from you user. You can clearly see how surrendered and open are her legs. The smug is inviting you to fill her with your hot juice.
Yes. And it's yours too. The reason they'reboth smug is they knew the MC went full lolicon and got a kid pregnant.
I keep seeing this VN get posted, but barely any smug screencaps from it. Where are the smug girls?
Because of her puffiness.
Also translation when?
Same for the new game about the train lolis.
>He hasn't smugged the cg gallery
Maybe someone asked him why he only draws girls with eyes half closed and he took it as some sort of insult and tried not to do that this time?
No one has ripped the cgs yet, which seems odd. Cura's art is hot af.
This girls voiced by illya right?
She knows.
I was going to translate it as a massive fuck you to some nigger who was all 'you can't translate it' but then I was hit with apathy and now I haven't translated anything in four months and am always sad
>water sex
Well, you couldn't translate in the end so he was right after all.
That loli is a youkai, so she's old enough to give birth.
Different words
If that little cunt broke my tea cups she'd be across the fucking room.
Prove it bitch.
Giving up on these little smugglers means you deserve sadness.
Who cares anyway, turns out the loli isn't smug after all. All this time I was decieved. Whatever cunt took the images that get posted everywhere all the time leading poor innocent anons into believing they're permasmug should be shot.
Same thing at the end of the day, really. If you didn't do it, you didn't really have it in you to do it.
The whore thinks that she has already won.
That's a cute excuse you got there, user.
Nigger please. Cura lives for smug lolis.
>Yes, they aren't like that in a normal play-through of the game
Wow, I never want to play this now
They need to ban this book
Tomoko is better than loli.
What would you do if your parents looked at your history and basically found only lolis.
2d and otherwise
It's about as translateable as Demonbane which is to say it's a pain in the ass that makes you want to murder someone.
>Living with parents
user, you have to be 18+ to post on this board.
Translating VNs can be an incredible pain in the arse. First you need to actually figure out how arcane Japanese low-budget game coding works (sometimes it can be simple, sometimes it can be completely custom formats with nested levels of archives) so you can rip/patch the translation. And then you still need to find someone with enough time and motivation to actually do the translation which is also a pain due to the sheer amount of text in such a long VN. And then there's still editing and other stuff which needs to be done.
That's a lot of effort for a random ero-vn.
I couldn't go on after she became that old.
smuge is best
Don't forget echidnas, they deserve love too.
is smug loli a new fetish?
I am getting old and can get on with the times
Because that artist is incapable of drawing varied facial expressions.
But seriously, is Monobeno ever getting translated?
It's not quite Muramasa or Dies Irae level but you're going to be old and gray before that happens.
Wanted to say.
Are lolis heresy?
Most lolis are chaos gods so they are indeed heresy.
>lolis are chaos gods
Because you worship them and then they wreck your life when they grow up?
Because they demand blood!
>and otherwise
Shit nigger, what the fuck are you doing?!
>That's a lot of effort for a random ero-vn.
>random ero-vn
I'm pretty sure this is a fairly desirable VN.
There are a lot more desirable VNs though. And next to the risks of normal TLs this one also has legal risks depending on the country you're in.
This is retarded as fuck.
Delete this